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Posts posted by CWMcMurray

  1. Or does the G stand for "Generation"? and just mean that this is the third "Generation" of hardware (i.e. wires, atenas, servers all all the other equipment that make the internet possible).

    And does it just mean if you use this "Third generation" of hardware, all of the internet and cell phones conented through this network will authomatically work faster?

    If this is the case, do I have to do anything or when true become 3G will my interent just be faster without me having to do anything on my end???

  2. Still unclear on what 3G is? From the above discussions it sounds like it is wireless interen???

    For example, I use True and it comes in through my phone line, can this be 3G or does it need to be wireless to be 3G.

    Or am I completely srewed up and it has nothing at all to do with wireless or phone lines and is just refering to the speed. For example my current internet package with true is 1 mb, so this means it is 1G??? if my internet speed is 3 mb does that means it is 3G???

  3. I say go for it....

    It sounds like you are not planning a long stay, but just a short adventure. It also sounds like perfect timing, your kids are still too young to go to school and you have savings to support you.

    Will your husband find work as a low paid teacher, most certainly... You mentioned that you can still continue your job, so depending upon how much you are able to make, you may not need top eat into your savings.

    If you need to spend some of your savings, you appear willing to do so, so I can not find any problem.

    Again, I say go for it now... once your kids are old enough to go into school you will not have this opportunity again until after they graduate.

  4. residing outside of Thailand is a valid reason not to register for the draft. This is within the regulations and not wrong in any way.

    If the kids ever come back to Thailand to live then they will need to register for draft once they come back to the country. If over 30 yrs old when they finally return, they will still need to register, but will not be drafted.

    If the kids live in the US, I really can not see any upside to bringing them back to Thailand just for the sole purpose of registering for the draft...

    P.S. You may also want to contact Samran... As per earlier posts I have seen from him, he is Thai / Australian and went through the whole process of registering for the draft once he moved back to Thailand. From his posts, I believe he came back after he was over 30 and did not face any problems...PM him, I am sure he would be willing to give you the low down...

  5. If you are already in Thailand and you have an apartment that you stay in then you should go to the local immigration office and apply for a 1 yr extension based upon living with your Thai wife.

    You can find many posts advising all the docs required if you do a quick search.

    Despite what others have said, it appears you and your wife really ARE residents of Thailand (live here 8 mo/yr). So you would not be breaking any laws or regualtions in either letter or in spirit if you were to get a 1 yr extension of stay.

    I am not sure the same can be said of Italian law (claiming to be a resident, but only living there for 4 mo/yr), but that is not related to your situation in Thailand.

    I have no idea how the Italian government monitors your wife's residency, but I do not think that the type of visa that her husband uses when in Thailand will have any effect (i.e. I don't you would be able to argue, no look I really am a resident.. see my husband uses a tourist visa when we live in Thailand 8 mo/yr)

    So go get your 1 yr extension and be sure to get a re-entry permit before you head back to Italy. In future years just make sure that you are in Thailand when your extension is due to be renewed.

  6. I agree with others that have advised you to request a 1yr multiple entry O visa for the purpose of visiting friends.

    Unfortunately, the more complex a situation is the less likely that the Thai consulate is to help you for fear of doing something wrong...

    They like things that are simple and "normal" when faced with a special situation the most common reply will be "can not".

  7. As Soutpeel's post, the contract should have a cuase to advise applicable law.

    Please find an example below:

    11. Applicable Law and Settlement of Disputes

    Thai Law shall be applicable for all transactions & operations under this Contract.

    Any dispute (including claims for set-off and counterclaims) arising out of, relating to, or in any way connected with, the existence, validity, effect, interpretation, termination or performance of, or the legal relationships established by, this Contract (or any provision hereof) which cannot be settled amicably within a reasonable amount of time, shall in case of failure be finally resolved under the Rules of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) of Paris by one arbitrator. Such arbitrator shall be skilled in the legal and business aspects of the subject matter of this Contract. He shall be chosen by agreement between the Parties. The place of arbitration shall be Singapore (or elsewhere) as agreed between the parties and the language of the arbitration shall be English. The arbitrator shall apply the laws of the United Kingdom to the dispute under arbitration finally.

    The above notwithstanding, this paragraph may not apply to any claim or dispute where either Party’s insurers are involved. In such circumstances the options to either arbitrate or resolve through the courts under the laws and corresponding jurisdiction governing this Contract may be at such insurer’s discretion.

  8. Half the poor inside prisons have confessed to a crime they did not or not commit on their own

    and that statements based on fact is it ? You'll find miscarriages of justice all over the world but half ? I think not ! Some would argue thailands system is better than many because here at least the burden of proof is not so great that large numbers of guilty simply get away with it - the most common miscarriage of justice we see in the west. Shot me down for speaking the truth if you will.

    I believe it is a difference in philosophy...

    In the west: It is better that 100 guilty men go free than one innocent man be imprisoned for a crime he did not commit

    In Thailand: It is better to imprison one innocent man than to let 100 guilty men go free

    Which do you think is better???

  9. Thanks for the info...

    I do have a full kitchen with oven, but as tonititan mentioned, I am not sure Mom is going to want to do the whole Thanksgiving dinner on her vacation.

    I have done Mexican Buffet quite few times at Bourbon Street over the years, but did not know they did Thanksgiving as well...

  10. Have been in Thailand for 5 years, but have never done the Thanksgiving thing (yes I am American).

    This year my Mom will be visiting and think she would enjoying doing a tradditional Thanksgiving Diner, but not sure of where to go, so I am looking for Ideas...

    My wife and I along with our 2 kids (2 yrs & 2 mo), the in-laws, wife's younger brother and my Mom.

    Looking forward to your advice...

  11. It may not have anything to do with your bill... may just be a technical problem.

    This hapened to me before... I was told to pull out the card from the box and wait a minute and then put it back in...

    That did not solve the problen, so I was then told to turn of the box and unplug it and let it sit for about 30 seconds. Then plug it back in and turn it on.

    The system re-booted and then worked fine...

    Happened again about a year later... did the same things and nothing helped... so they sent out a tech the following day...

    Once the tech came, he needed to replace the box and has been working fine now for over a year.

  12. In some cases the advice given by the gandmother is odd and makes no sense, but is not actually harmful.

    In that case my wife and I will discuss it and she understands that it is not really necessary, but since it is usually harmless we will both normally just let it go.

    i.e. if you put a hat on the baby is it needed , no... but will it harm the baby, also no...

    Now if it is ever anything that could be harmful then you need you may need to be a bit more forcful. With our first child after giving a vaccine to our baby the doctor mentioned that the baby might have a slight fever the following day and if this happens not to worry. Just give the baby flu medication and all shouldbe ok within a day.

    The grandmother wanted to race out and buy a bunch of medications and give to our baby, just in case... obviouslyt in this case we had to put our foot down and say, NO... If the baby gets sick, then we can give medication, but if not then no medication....

  13. I work for a Thai company and paid vacation is 10 days per year + national holidays

    They also have profit sharing, which is based upon the company's performance and employee performance (given as a multiple of mo salary)

    The profit sharing is given to all employees at the same time annually (Chinese New Year). If an employee has not worked a full year, they will need to wait until the following year before they are eligible for profit sharing.

  14. There is no way to say to a certainty, but if they do catch it and decide that the goods are undervalued then customs will assign their own value to the goods which could be significantly higher...

    if you are talking about the difference of 100 GPB on the invoice value then the difference is not going to be that great

    100 * 10% = 10

    110 * 7% = 7.70

    Total difference = GBP 17.70

    If you are buying for 150 GBP, it is going to cost you more in freight and taxes than the value of the goods... but if you can not find anything here in Thailand that you like then it may be worth it.

    One thing to watch out for is going to be the freight costs... surfboards are not terribly heavy, but the can be long. Make sure you find out the DIMs prior to buying them as this is likely to be volumetric cargo.

    So if sent by one of the courier companies you could be looking at quite a high rate.

    Also rates for Air freight out of the UK to Thailand are very reasonable right now, so even a shipment of 35-40kg is likely to be less by air freight than DHL/UPS/FedEx

  15. Without knowing more about the product, I can not confirm the duty percentage, but I can confirm that whether or not the product is for export only or not it is still subject to import duty if required.

    In fact many of the manufacturers who are located in the Industrial estates or are BOI & BIZ 19 companies are all primarily export orientated (they need these special privileges to avoid import duty for raw materials for finished goods that will be exported).

    Depending upon the size of your company and the amount of goods that you plan to import you may want to look into one of the types of tax privileges listed above...

  16. From my undersatnding you will not be able to get an ED Visa for doing an internship.

    Unless the internship is for a required internship for a Thai university you are attending where you will be getting credit and a grade for the internship... it is not considered an internship for work and visa purposes.

    In you case, I believe they just consider it "working" and all of the visa and Work Permit regualtions will the same for you as for any other person working in Thailand.

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