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Posts posted by CWMcMurray

  1. When I wanted to look for a new place I would normally find a Tuk Tuk who worked in the general area that I wanted to live. I would then offer him a few hundred baht to run me around the area for a few hours looking for a place.

    Just to be sure there were no problems, I would always tell him I want to look at many different places and that he should expect to be running me around for at least 3-4 hours or so.

    This worked for me and helped me to find some really good deals...

  2. I need to file my taxes here in Thailand and looking at the forms, I believe that I must file jointly with my wife. The question is.... is it possible to file separately or if not, then how do we account for her income.

    My wife has an unregistered sole proprietorship, so how do we do this? Just as an fyi we are not talking about huge sums of money... total revenue is less than what would be required to be forced to register for VAT.

    Her parents previously had a registered sole proprietorship and I remember the processing being fairly simple...

    They went into the local Ampur and told the person sitting at the desk the type of business and how much their average revenue was per day or month.

    The person behind the desk would then tell them how much to pay and they simply went up to the desk and paid accordingly.

    But looking at my tax forms it specifically asks if my wife is working and her income and her Tax ID number...

    Any input anyone may have would be appreciated, thanks.

  3. I need to file my taxes here in Thailand and looking at the forms, I believe that I must file jointly with my wife. The question is.... is it possible to file separately or if not, then how do we account for her income.

    My wife has an unregistered sole proprietorship, so how do we do this? Just as an fyi we are not talking about huge sums of money... total revenue is less than what would be required to be forced to register for VAT.

    Her parents previously had a registered sole proprietorship and I remember the processing being fairly simple...

    They went into the local Ampur and told the person sittling at the desk the type of business and how much their average revenue was per day or month.

    The person behind the desk would then tell them how much to pay and they simply went up to the desk and paid accordingly.

    But looking at my tax forms it specifically asks if my wife is working and her income and her Tax ID number...

    Any input anyone may have would be appreciated, thanks.

  4. I will be purchasing quite a bit of furniture shortly and have been looking around at some of the Furniture chains and was hoping to get a little feed back from folks...

    Is there really much difference in terms of quality between the major chain stores or is it just a difference in cost? From looking around, it all seems to be about the same ???

    I would be willing to pay upto SB prices but not much more than that. (but if quality is the same then I don;t want to waste money)

    1. SB Furiniture - Seems to be the highest priced in the group (is it really worth the extra cost???)

    2. Index Living Mall - Next highest priced

    3. Koncept - Priced in the middle

    4. Winner - Lowest price (in my opinion, some of the items here do look a little less sturdy)

    Would appreciate any comments you may have or alternatives to the chains if you have them (in BKK, close to the new airport)

  5. Well it looks like this will be my final post on this thread.....

    Just got the call today and SCIB approved a 30 yr mortgage for 85%, we will meet at the land department to close on Friday.

    'dvdlock' - Interest rates for SCIB are as follows

    first yr = 1.75 %

    second yr = 5.00%

    then...= MLR - 1 % (current MLR = 6.25%)

    Value of the home was 3.5 mil, so ...

    first yr = THB 10,700 / mo

    second yr = THB 16,000 / mo

    then [estimate]...= THB 16,500 / mo (based upon MLR = 6.25%)

  6. I though that the tax rate for " company profit" was 30% while income taxes can be significantly less (would need to make 1 mil per yr before reaching 30% tax bracket).

    Wouldn't that mean it would make more sense to pay yourself a salary for daily living expenses (that can be written off as a salary expense) and to put any big ticket assests in your company's name to decrease you corporate taxes?

  7. Sorry to disagree with you as I have also handled personal effects shipments into Thailand and while a single entry 90 day retirement visa does not qualify for duty privileges, a 1 yr OA visa does... you may want to check with Thai customs again...

    Around 6 month ago, we had a personal effects shipment for a German guy with a 1 yr OA visa shipping his goods to Thailand via Airfreight and we were able to clear under "personal effects". This was not using any "under the table" method, this was signed off by Thai customs.

    That being said, I will readily admit that I do not have as much experience in this area as you (only been working in this field in Thailand for the last 3 & half years). This was the first personal effects shipment I had handled under retirement OA visa (all previous cases were for Thai national or Foreigner with WP), but it went through without any problems...

  8. Just an example of how the WTO system works...

    Thailand exports a lot of shrimp to the US... the US believed the cost of Thai shrimp was to low and they were "dumping" in the US market.

    The WTO allows for additional import duties to be implemented in the case of "Dumping", there for the US increased duty amount to prevent the "Dumping"....

    Thailand lodged a complaint with the WTO stating that the additional duties were unfair as they were not Dumping... then both parties argue their case in the WTO (witch could take years), but while the case id being held, the US can continue to charge duties.

    In most cases both parties will come to an agreement prior to finishing the process and appeals process in the WTO, but the legal costs of any challenge are high and it can take years to go through the process .

    Given that and the fact that any company that has deep enough pockets to fight this can probably quailfy for BOI or other provledges that are just as good for them... therefore I rather doubt that this will ever be litigated and may stay in effect until either the US or Thailand decide to cancel the treaty.

    Also, I doubt that ewither the US or Thailand are really interested in spending the time needed in order to officially cancel the treaty... so I would guess that this may stay on the books and continue to be used even though it is in direct contradiction to WTO reguklations.

  9. The Amity Treaty violates WTO regulations and AFAIK cannot be used for setting up companies anymore.

    While this is technically true, I was under the impression that it is still on the books and has not been challenged in either the WTO or in Thailand in the courts.

    From my understanding, that means that it can still be used until it is challenged in the courts and formally found to be in violation of the WTO regulations. Similar to any other violation (duties, subsidies or other unfair trade practices) of the WTO agreement, the agrieved party must log a complaint with the WTO and it must go through the entire system.

    I do not believe that any party has lodged a complaint with the WTO, therefore this means that it can still be used for the time being even though both treaties seem to be in contradiction of each other.

  10. I agree with the Britmaveric and think you should pay off your debt.... but if you decide not to, I would advise at least declaring Bankruptcy and tie up all of the loose ends. this will at least ensure you dont burn any bridges in a major way.

    You may be on a credit black list for a period of time (7 yrs in the US), but you would then still have the option to return back to the EU at a later date.

    If the EU banks are not sharing information now, they will be shortly... I am sure there are a lot of folks having similar ideas as the OP and the Banks will surely start.

  11. Exhibition: Thai Franchise & SME Expo 2010 (FSE 2010), 4th Edition

    Class: Trade Show

    Date: February 18-21, 2010

    Venue: MCC Hall, The Mall Shopping Center (Bangkapi)

    In conjunction with: Thailand Coffee, Tea & Drinks 2010 (3rd Edition)

    Thailand Bakery & Ice Cream 2009 (3rd Edition)

    Space: 4,000 sqm.

    No. of Exhibitors: 120 firms (200 Booths)

    Show Profile: 4th edition of Thailand’s best and largest domestic franchise, SMEs, coffee, tea, drinks, bakery, and ice cream event.

    Target Visitors: 30,000 (combined with Thailand Coffee, Tea & Drinks 2010 and Thailand Bakery & Ice Cream 2010)

    Activities: Seminars / Workshops / Competitions

  12. Yes, now that the ASEAN - China FTA is in effect there are alot off items that have very low or no import duty if coming in from China....

    Rule of thumb... only work with suppliers in China that can provide "Form E" otherwise your prices are unlikely to be competative (as your competition in Thailand is likely using suppliers who can provide form E and becuase of this will be able to offer lower prices in the market than you if you don't)

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