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Posts posted by november222

  1. Nick who runs the Guitarman at the bottom of Loi Kroh (the Th. Charoen Prathet end) has band most nights and is more than happy to allow people to play either as a set or jam with the others. He has some instuments available if you aren't keen to drag your guitar down there. Guitarman is a bar with food and a PIZZA OVEN outside which does a good instore and take away trade.


    I played at Guitar Man regularly for a long time, back in the days before Nick bought the place. But I heard from another long-time performer there that Nick had recently had a run-in with Immigration over foreigners playing there & so the jams were off for now. Like I say, this is a second-hand report from a few weeks ago & if anyone has more up-to-date or verifiable info, I'll accept that. I, for one though, wouldn't encourage anyone to go there for a jam right now.

    nicky here from guitarman....let me try to clarify the situation best i can...we did have abit of a run - in with immigration about 8 weeks ago....one of the problems we had that night was one of the officers present was the guy who arrested gian-carlo last time this same problem arose...maybe had a point to prove ! we have since spoken to immigration and they have told us that it is ok for farang to get up and jam 2/3 numbers....what they dont want to see is farang bands playing full sets...fair comment.......they have advised us to get a thai house band or involve more thai musicians.....we still have a jam everynight from as early as anyone wants to get up, to 10.30 then we have a band on until midnight everynight ....we have the fantastic boy blues band (tooks nephew)on sunday to wednesday....then various chiang mai bands on the other nights ....this saturday we have the ska rangers...who are just fantastic.....with FREE 'chili and rice'......so dont be afraid to come and jam.....guitarman

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