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Posts posted by november222

  1. With all these gripping tales of rain during the rainy season, I wonder what we have to look forward to in 3-4 weeks time when the rain stops.

    "It's sunny in Saraphi"?

    I can't wait. :)

    I'm going to 'work' and after that I may well pop in to Guitar Man to see Nicky's now famous renditions of Sex Pistols songs. You've got to see 'God save the queen' to believe it.

    the "no riff raff" enforcer goes to see a band that plays riff raff :D


    sorry, no rocky horror songs,but it has been pointed out that i do look abit like richard o'brien :D


  2. No. Kevin asked to be taken off, because he has been forbidden from even mentioning his restaurant on Thai Visa any more. Some posters feel that his stories are a form of "free advertising" and resent him posting here.

    Personally, I enjoyed his stories and could care less if he is paying to advertise. They were all about his daily life , so not bringing up his business puts a real crimp in his style. I hope that he will stick around anyway.

    it's very sad that people have been complaining about kevins posts, always found them very entertaining, maybe we should have a new thread, kevin hunt for super moderator? anybody for that one ? :)

  3. Isn't it sad that the Thai authorities (a reflection of Thais generally) won't allow westeners to have some harmless fun playing music publicly. They'd much prefer westeners to follow their mind-set sterotype and spend their time and money on beer and bar girls.

    Even, the odd jam at certain bars is only possible sometimes. Even then, musicians are looking over their shoulder scared shi*less the the cops will raid the place to extort money or slap them in gaol.

    Getting paid for playing is absolutely out of the question. Getting a work permit for playing is basically impossible although Phillipinos get around it somehow.

    So, wstern musicias are reduced to playing in some studio or at private parties for "free", however, as any musician will tell you , playing in public and getting the vibes is what it's all about.

    The Thai authorities are trying to protect jobs they say, but maybe there was no job available in the first place, and if the westeners are not getting paid, really what's the harm?

    The cops seem to take this part of their job with gusto . They seem to enjoy depriving people having some small enjoyment that does not hurt anyone and may make some happy (including the audience both Thai and other).

    I recently spoke to a young Thai guy who is studying in Australia proudly telling me that he plays in a band around his local area in Sydney. It's good to see that Australians are so kind hearted and generous to allow him to have fun and enjoy himself with his friends and not be so heartless and mean spirited to stop him from doing so by the constant threat of falling foul of the law.

    On this issue...Thailand your pathetic and really mean!

    in our bar we have had problems in the past with the law regarding farangs getting up and jamming,i think this was more to do with the last owners attitude towards the police,and loud music being played into the wee small hours.immigation have told us anybody is aloud to jump up on a jam,start a jam,come and play a set,as long as they don't get payed,and as long as we employ some thai musicians,which we do. since then we have had no problems with this, so if anybody wants to start a band,play solo,or jump up for a jam, pm me, and i'll tell you where you can do this for free, heres a taster for all you guitarists of our new backline :)



  4. And the point is?

    (pot, black , casting stones, high horses.. etc)

    Typical KHunt remark :)

    are you calling him "khunt" 'cos he did one over you, i see how you did that, you took the k off kevin and attached it to hunt,put them together and it sounds like a vulgarism referring to the female genatalia,this is why my friend from hang dong tommy watt wont come on this forum :D

  5. All this excitement about English style fish and chips, ooh, and it makes me wonder. What have the Pomms ever achieved gastronomically except indigestion?

    Want decent and delicious fish fillet, not hard, just whip your missus into action. Here is a simple recipe: But some Dory fillets at Rimping, batter in a light Japanese style batter, add bread crumbs and fry. End result a very light and tasty fillet. Or try some recipes for a nice light Aussie beer batter, Google Doyles in Sydney for their excellent recipe, better with Whiting fillet but OK with Dory as well.

    Hope that sorts out some of you troglodytes and brings some enlightenment.

    By the way, this is not a critique of Piggys in any way, I haven't eaten there yet.

    sorry, but a bit of an ignorent comment,if you did some research you will find that some mighty fine cuisine gets turned out of the hard working kitchens of england.looks like you've come on here to show your superiority,not very constructive to the thread. havn't eaten there yet ? so why try and deceive us with your stories of "light aussie beer batter" as if australia had invented fish and chips, in 1860 the first fish and chip shop was opened in london. Of course there are good chippies in australia,but do you you really need to turn this thing into england v australia, you'll be mentioning the ashes next, :) is this what all this is about ? ? i have always felt that the fish in rimping isn't of the freshest, they always have cloudy eyes which is a sure sign,sitting around dead for too long.plenty of good live local fish about, perfect for deep frying in your favourite batter :D

  6. Tentative date for the premiere is end of September at Guitarman - there are rumours of a free buffet on the night too.

    Following that there'll be a screening at Bird's Nest cafe in the Old City, and then at Thursday's music-movie-night at Rain Dogs in Bangkok.

    All are welcome to come along and support local independent artists, or to come along and support free beer and corporate sponsorship, should we choose to take that route.


    (Thanks to HTWoodson for embedding the clip.)

  7. I do my best to avoid giving business to these already well set farang. Frequent Thai places and help support the people of the country you're staying in.

    I agree whole-heartedly. If I'm in England I would never ever go to a Thai restaurant run by Thais or a Chinese restaurant run by Chinese. I espescially avoid the chinese Chippies (Fish n Chip shop) in Liverpool. Okay, I know that means I have to go to Chester to find an English owned chippie, but it is well worth the 100 mile round trip to be true to my principles. :) Right on, brother.

    the one opposite the countess off chester, is run by italians i think , and is bloomin' good ! :D

  8. .....A gifted musician able to play a wide range of instruments including washboard and accordion,

    Is he as good as Liverpool's most famous musician?

    Derek Guyler (AKA Corky the policeman)

    Liverpool's famous washboard player. A living legend.

    Has anyone seen the American guy (Greg) in town playing the Washtub Bass? He's got to be seen to be believed. He plays at Riva and Guitarman. He has a good story about explaining to Thai Customs why he was importing half a dozen iron washtubs.

    hooray and helmets off to 'corky'

  9. I haven't seen him but would sure like to.

    KevinHunt, do you know when and where Greg the American will be performing next?


    best thread on TV now!! thanks for all these entertainment tips. not to turn this into a burger rant but when you go to these places what food do you order? dining with music is good for the soul. please any tips now for the menu?

    i read here on TV the burgers are great at guitarman and i have tried to make it there now it is a must go. any other recommendations for the other live music places?

    I'll be there on Friday at about 9pm. I'll try to get Greg along. 'Corky' now lives in Brisbane so he may not be able to make it. Bring your own Washboard or Washtub but leave your washing at home, please.

    Guitarman or The Riva??

    "craig" will be playing his tub with chiang mai legend "aussie john' at guitarman tonight and saturday evening also :)

  10. Does anybody know whether the Boy Bues Band posts their playing schedule on-line? Along the same lines, is there any way to know when Guitarman has a special guest playing? I know they have the little flyers from time to time but I always forget the special dates and miss the bands.

    I also want to put in a good word for The Chai Blues House. They need to get more people to show up though. The place next door can be packed while Chai's is pretty much empty. Seems crazy to me when the music is so good.

    'Boy' plays at a few different places but I don't know of a schedule for his band specifically. I do know he plays at 10.30pm Tues and 9.00pm on Friday at guitarman. He also plays at The Brasserie, and I think The Garden on walking St on Sundays.

    Search 'Boy Blues Band Chiang Mai' and 'Guitarman Chiang Mai' on Youtube to see him play if you haven't seen him. For those that don't know it - he is the nephew of Took at Brasserie.

    I'm looking forward to Eddie Baytos on the 14th at Guitarman. He plays Zydeco style music, which I like but never thought I'd hear in Chiang Mai. A real good entertainer too. Guitarman has a page on Myspace and Chai Blues has his own web-site.

    me 2 kevin,check Eddie Baytos out on youtube

    boy blues band are supporting eddie baytos on the 14th http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h8SF0tdUqwo can't believe he's coming back,he raised the roof last year. Eddie Baytos is a versatile dancer and musician who has worked with a varied and impressive roster of performers, most recently performing on Annie Lennox's new CD with Producer, Glen Ballard. Because of his unique choreographic abilities in teaching non-musicians to mimic the energy and movements of veteran players, Eddie has carved out a niche for himself in a desperately needed field. Directors and audiences alike have marveled at the skillful way in which Eddie has taught actors inexperienced in the handling of instruments to portray artists convincingly.

    A gifted musician able to play a wide range of instruments including washboard and accordion, Eddie has staged video performances and live tours for a variety of artists including the Eurythmics, ZZ Top, Uma Thurman, Jenna Elfman, Jim Belushi, Dan Aykroyd, John Goodman, Maria Conchita Alonso, Annie Lennox, Weird Al Yankovic, and many others. His commercial credits include staging and music in national spots for Volkswagen, Coca-Cola, Sprite, Dr. Pepper, Coors, Budweiser, Chevy, Ford, and a number of industrials. Eddie has also contributed to the scores for film features such as Runaway Jury, Thirteen, and Rugrats, as well as composing the score for an independent documentary on the history of "B" movies entitled Mau Mau Sex Sex.

    In Eddie's long and storied musical career he has performed both live and in the recording studio with such artists as Jerry Lee Lewis, George Jones, Bruce Springsteen, Cesar Rosas of Los Lobos, John Fogerty, R.L. Burnside, Muddy Waters, Big Joe Turner, Percy Mayfield, Lee Dorsey, Johnny Adams, Ernie K-Doe, and Zig and Leo of The Meters. Eddie has even tap-danced on record with the famed Fayard Nicholas of the Nicholas Brothers.

  11. thanks a lot for the advise! Guitarman Bar sounds promising and the prospects of not meeting any yanks ...oooops...forgot I'm a mod now :):D

    so who is in for some armbending on Saturday night?

    will pop along tonight/tomorrow and see what is on at the guitarman and stick it on here

    i'm led to believe a great night of rock'n'roll is to be had on saturday night at guitarman,live music starts at 8 bells with tum rasta,followed at 9 by the fantastic boy blues band, 10 o'clock see's aussie john hit the stage with some classic rock'n'roll,and to finish the evening off richie castro's big saturday jam....see you there ! :D

  12. You are right about the bumps, but Melbourne pizza is reputed to be right up there with New York pizza. I think that you might know a thing or two! :)

    Melbourne has a huge population of Italians and Greeks plus every other nationality you can name. They brought their food and culture to Australia and blessed us poor stock of Britain who thought good food was two lamb chops with three veg and potato. Yes they do make great pizza - mainly in the thicker Chicago style. Sydney seems to have more of the thinner crust New York styles. Maybe regional or may just be taste preference.

    Is Nicky still at Guitarman? Last I spoke with him he was heading back overseas to take over a restaurant.

    Thanks for the reply


    hey cb, still in chiang mai,still rockin' still knocking out pizzas,,,,,,still alive ! hope all well and good with you. :D

  13. Calling any evertonians in chiang mai, i was wondering if there is a bar where you will be watching the final,it would be great to be all cheering on together.coyb :)

  14. I don't know who is crazier. The bloke, the girl, the Thaivisa admin who thought this was exciting enough to send an email or the coppers who seem set waste their time with these oddballs. Or me, first for clicking the link and then for posting in the thread.

    Probably the guy.

    After all, he's Belgian.

    :D this belgian can be crazy,but he surly speaks at least 5 languages and he's english is probably

    better understandable than 99% off the english ,wich can only mumble some slang !

    :D:D:):D:D:D and that's the truth !

    "fool,of thyself speak well,fool,do not flatter" :D

  15. I think this "drug issue" pointedly shows that many TV posters are elderly and suffer from the conditioning they received earlier in their lives.

    Society has moved on, and certainly, as far as marijuana is concerned, no longer considers it to be a serious problem.

    As noted earlier in the thread, marijuana has been used in this part of the world for centuries. Another poster noted several examples of users who lead productive lives. Common sense tells that, with the millions of pot smokers in the world, if it were a problem, we would be inundated with the proof that it is a dangerous drug. We are not. Empirical evidence. The basis of scientific knowledge.

    Many of these posters would be jostling for the front row to watch the Saudis behead their "law-breakers".

    This is your brain. :D

    This is your brain corrupted by propaganda. :o

    Any questions? :D

    well said, so much ignorance posted,

    check out mr marks
  16. Let's start a new free the water thread and wear blue shirts. We can drive to Thapae Gate during Songkran and drink alcohol.

    not for kevin , he's a red , a liverpool supporter that is, but i like the idea of him wearing the royal blue of everton :o

  17. I, ve fond most COOKS , well thats what they are, tend to be full of themselves. Especially since the advent of the TV chefs. You get them now thinking they are Gordon Ramsey. After spending a grand in a place and then being told to turn down your phone would P*&s me right off. I would call someone I knew and tell the very loudly about the lousy, expensive meal I'd just had. :D
    I couldnt agree more, i watched parts of some tv programmes in the uk where these arrogant rude @ssholes were obviously playing to the cameras and being complete tossers, no wonder kids are like they are when adults behave this way, as you say glorified cooks,having tantrums and showing off, ! :o

    the world problems solved in one, tv chefs, thats why our "kids" are like the way they are, well thought out

  18. IMHO The Pub serves the best Sunday Roast in town.

    They don't even charge for extra roast potatoes if you ask for them !!

    I have been there many times and never had any problems with the management.

    Ahh... but do they provide free water?

    ask kevin hunt, oh sorry you can't ! ! bring back kevin hunt,the best comedy on thai visa, a sad loss, r.i.p

  19. AH I may be missing something here

    Yes you are. The Pub is not a cheap, no thrills, boring, girlie, no profit, shithole on Loi Khroh Road filled with losers. It is an establishment that has been running in Chiang Mai since the 1970's.

    Have a look here to see what the place is.

    hope you're not envolving all bars on loi kroh road ! ! (wink wink)

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