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Posts posted by eefoo

  1. Adj.1.miffed - aroused to impatience or anger; "made an irritated gesture"; "feeling nettled from the constant teasing"; "peeved about being left out"; "felt really pissed at her snootiness"; "riled no end by his lies"; "roiled by the delay" annoyed, irritated, nettled, peeved, pissed, pissed off, riled, roiled, stung, steameddispleased - not pleased; experiencing or manifesting displeasure

    Just a quick google on the word 'miffed'. You didn't actually mean it to be construed like this , did you?

  2. Then there was the Thai mechanic. He didn't have much money but he liked to have a drink now and then. Didn't have enough money for Beer Chang (or even that terrible brew Beer Archer) but he had a few bottles of brake fluid handy.

    Being the adventurous type, he poured himself a plastic cup of brake fluid - with ice. Drank it down --- ahhhh!!! Great stuff, he thought to himself. Soon, he was drinking a litre of brake fluid a day.

    His workmates were shocked. That stuff will kill you, they warmed him.

    No way, she said. I can stop anytime.

    That's even funnier than the joke !!!

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