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Posts posted by eefoo

  1. I plan on dedicating a good time in england over the next 3 years to learn the language of thailand as its somewhere I plan to spend a lot of my time

    What did you find helped you best when you started?

    Having access to native Thai speakers helped best. I started learning outside Thailand, but there were about 30 Thai labourers working at the same place as me. I would wander off and sit with them for a while each day armed with a dictionary, pencil and paper and try out the latest things I had learnt on my Linguaphone course. Used to annoy their (non-Thai) foreman like mad!

  2. Or will it just distract me

    Sorry I dont know the correct name for the characters thai's use in writing but I guess it would help if i knew them just think it will mean it takes me longer to learn

    And If i should is there any correlation between characters in thai and english?

    Personally I found it a lot easier to learn once I had decided to learn the Thai script as well. It makes looking words up in a dictionary so much easier. There are so many different forms of transliteration that you can never get to the pronounciation of a word with them, much less get the tone right. The added bonus as well is that your vocabluary increases so much faster if you can read - you see words everywhere on signs and notices and adverts. (Plus, you don't walk in to the wrong toilet!!)

    If you are serious about wanting to learn Thai, I'd say it is at least a definite advantage to be able to read it; probably even essential.

    Edit to add: There is no correlation between Thai script characters and Roman letters

  3. Greetings! :-)

    I spoke with someone today and would like to follow up with an email to her. I know how to say her name....but I forgot to ask how to spell it. :-(

    Her name is pronounced...."Hannah". Well, that's how it sounds from a Western perspective.

    I'm sure the Thai spelling is quite different. Can you help me with your best guess how I might spell the Thai version of "Hannah" in English? Sorry if that sounds confusing. What I'd like is an English spelling....but spelled the way she would probably write her name. I doubt it would be exactly the same as, "Hannah".

    Make sense?



    Sorry - not quite with you here. Are you asking how to spell 'Hannah' in English or not? I have never met a Thai girl called 'Hannah' so I can't help with either a Thai spelling or an English one. Not sure what you're after with this question. Just Email her and ask her what her name is in English.

  4. That's an interesting link to vegemite history from baz. It actually says that it was "invented" in 1922 in Melbourne (using the same ingredients as marmite) to - and I quote,

    "In 1928 Vegemite was renamed and registered as Parwill in an attempt to boost its sales and to attract customers of the rival spread Marmite (an English yeast spread that dominated the Australian market since 1910)."

    Ozzies were eating marmite for 18 years!

  5. That would be this one then, assuming sutnyod is correct.

    Central สาขา เซ็นทรัลเวิลด์ (เวลด์เทรดเซ็นเตอร์เดิม)

    แผนกของเล่น ถ.ราชดำริ แขวง/เขตปทุมวัน กรุงเทพ

    0-2100-9999 # 608

    Central branch Central World (World Trade Centre formerly)

    Toy section, Rachadamri Road, Patumwan district, Bangkok

  6. The top 24 are all in various locations in Bangkok. The ones below that (notice a small banner separating the list) are in 'other provinces'. If you give me a rough area you're after I'll try and narrow it down by reading the list again - but beware, I don't know Bkk too well!

  7. Unfortunately I can only see placemarkers for the pictures on WISteve's posts (#51 and #60). The pictures will not come through, although all other pictures on this thread are fine. Anyone got any ideas please?

    Everyone else has a "sweet spirit" that follows us around, and protects us and let's us see stuff on this webnet thing. I actually have two of them... You might not have one.

    Can I borrow one of yours for a while then please, to see if it works. You don't use them both at the same time do you?

  8. Could someone please advise where the Apex Buffet is located, in general terms?

    And I would be curious to know if the listed places are air conditioned or not air conditioned, to try to get an idea if there is any corrolation between NON air conditioned places and the 3 meter from the toilet rule.

    In "general terms" I would guess that the best way of describing the location of the Apex buffet is "in the Apex hotel"

  9. Nothing really spooky here - there is a flourescent light on the ceiling just out of view. You can see the glow from it at the top of the picture about a third of the way from the top right hand corner.The streak of light is a reflection of that from the window on the back wall, note the bottom left of the streak and the first bend at the top right is a long oblongy shape. What has happened here is that the shutter has remained open for some reason during the shot - either by camera selection or due to a shutter fault. The camera has moved during this period producing the streak from the reflected light and the multiple images from everything at the back of the room which are illuminated dimly by the flourescent light (i.e. fridge, buddha shelf on the wall & photographs). At the end of the shot the flash has fired giving the main image. Everything between the camera and the flourescent light (Buddha table, statues, blue shirt) has been illuminated only by the camera flash and so appears as only one image.

    That's my take on it anyway - hope it's of use. I'm more wondering what the actual subject of the picture was meant to be though - the backs of two statues or a fridge? :o

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