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Posts posted by track61

  1. ..."PEOPLE, Reality check, alcohol is a depressant"...

    Not quite, Tequila and Brandy are stimulants, and high quality of either are delicious, especially when chased by some of that awful depressing amber or brown liguid.

  2. Does anyone out there have ASN and if so, did you see with your own eyes the coverage they provided for the NFL Sunday and Monday night games??? Were they live or taped? Did they show both Sunday night games? Thank you.

  3. After many shots I finally got logged onto my UBC site and it looks to me like ASN consists of many sports channels (same as last year with 2 new ones) and comes with gold and platinum levels, but only TrueSport 2 comes with the silver level, but when dealing with UBC one never knows. If they still subscribe to that crap ESPN China affiliate we won't get Sunday or Monday night games. Can't believe the cheap Stabards won't pay for ESPN International. Wonder if a email campaign would work to get them to change it?

    Gold Listing:

    * ASN

    * TrueSport 1

    * TrueSport 2

    * TrueSport 3

    * TrueSport 4

    * TrueSport 5

    * ESPN

    * Star Sports

    * TrueSport Extra 1

    * TrueSport Extra 2

    I'm curious ! I have UBC Gold and have had it for 2 years+. How do you get ASN ?

    I don't.


    I figure what the listing is saying is that all of the channels listed below "ASN" (All Sports Network, I think) come with your package. I guess the ASN handle is just a new promotional tag. I have had the Gold pkg. for 2 years as well and have always gotten all of those listed except the 2 "extra" channels. The listing on the UBC web site does not explain what the "extra" ones are.

    Guys, ASN is a separate network, just as ESPN is. It is provided with the PLATINUM and the SILVER packages; but NOT with the GOLD package. I don't have any idea why they have it on the cheaper SILVER package, and not on the GOLD package; but that's how it is.

    None of the programming from the other channels that 'track61' listed is on ASN, and vice-versa. ASN is strictly North American (mostly American) sports programming.

    Whatever network ASN is, the list of Truesport channels shown above under the notation "ASN" was cut and pasted from the UBC website in what is included in the Gold Package and Platinum Package. Go to what is included in the Silver Package the only channel highlited is TrueSport 2. What is in which seems pretty clear to me. As I said I have had gold for more than two years and have always had TS 1 thru Star. TrueSports Extra1 & 2 are now airing promo's for all kinds of sports. UBC had an update about two weeks ago and that is probably when these 2 channels were added as I had to reset my favorites the next day. The ASN network may include hundreds of channels but UBC is airing these 9 as "ASN" and they are in the gold and plat. pkgs with only 2 in the silver one. If this is not the case then the advert on their website is well screwed up, even for Thailand.

    The real issue for me is that UBC still won't pay for ESPN Int'l which airs all the regular ESPN stuff(Mon. nite FB) and many events from other channels(like ABC Sun nite FB, NCAA's (last year while INTL's aired games starting with round 1, our ESPN showed replays of the Big 10 cheerleading championships), real MLB not just the Yankees). UBC CHOOSES to buy ESPN China which shows no NFL, college BB, only the Yankee network, (even no premier league football which ESPN does Intl does) and mostly crap. To me this is absolute BS when I am paying almost 1600 baht/mo for service. I would be interested in knowing what percentage of gold and plat. level subscribers are farang. Anyone have an idea how we can find this out? This number MAY effect how UBC reacted to receiving a bunch of email bitching about it.

  4. After many shots I finally got logged onto my UBC site and it looks to me like ASN consists of many sports channels (same as last year with 2 new ones) and comes with gold and platinum levels, but only TrueSport 2 comes with the silver level, but when dealing with UBC one never knows. If they still subscribe to that crap ESPN China affiliate we won't get Sunday or Monday night games. Can't believe the cheap Stabards won't pay for ESPN International. Wonder if a email campaign would work to get them to change it?

    Gold Listing:

    * ASN

    * TrueSport 1

    * TrueSport 2

    * TrueSport 3

    * TrueSport 4

    * TrueSport 5

    * ESPN

    * Star Sports

    * TrueSport Extra 1

    * TrueSport Extra 2

    I'm curious ! I have UBC Gold and have had it for 2 years+. How do you get ASN ?

    I don't.


    I figure what the listing is saying is that all of the channels listed below "ASN" (All Sports Network, I think) come with your package. I guess the ASN handle is just a new promotional tag. I have had the Gold pkg. for 2 years as well and have always gotten all of those listed except the 2 "extra" channels. The listing on the UBC web site does not explain what the "extra" ones are.

  5. After many shots I finally got logged onto my UBC site and it looks to me like ASN consists of many sports channels (same as last year with 2 new ones) and comes with gold and platinum levels, but only TrueSport 2 comes with the silver level, but when dealing with UBC one never knows. If they still subscribe to that crap ESPN China affiliate we won't get Sunday or Monday night games. Can't believe the cheap Stabards won't pay for ESPN International. Wonder if a email campaign would work to get them to change it?

    Gold Listing:

    * ASN

    * TrueSport 1

    * TrueSport 2

    * TrueSport 3

    * TrueSport 4

    * TrueSport 5

    * ESPN

    * Star Sports

    * TrueSport Extra 1

    * TrueSport Extra 2

  6. not shown in many places because its rubbish

    Is there some rule that requires at least one richard cranium like this to reply to any thread about anything American?

    My question is what level of UBC must you have in order to get ASN. I have gold and it is currently scrambled.

  7. About 15 years ago I had a second herniated disc that pinched a nerve bundle running down my spine. I was working in Saudi and it had been hurting severely for several months. When I finally got here I went to Bumrungrad for the frist 15 days or so "they" tried to correct it with physio-therapy. I was in great pain this entire time and no progress made. Finally a head Neuro-surgery guy examined me, ordered a MRI with a dye added and then showed my the image of the herniation. It was large and he said there was no way to fix it without cutting. 2 days later he performed a surgery that took over 11 hours because of the previous cutting had to be done through a lot of scar tissue. When I woke up the first thing I noticed was that my leg didn't hurt for the first time in 6 months.

    I think the Dr's name was Dr. Dhanit (long thai last name but went by Dha-neat) and I'm pretty sure he was head of neurosurgery at that time. He was great and the care in the hospital was outstanding. I ended up in there for over 30 days and the bill was about 350 thousand baht, about 20% of what it was in the States. He may be retired now but I doubt it. He did go to Rayong to open the Bumrungrad unit down there and I don't know if he stayed or not but I would sure recommend him and Bumrungrad if they have to cut. Good luck, I know what you are going thru.

  8. Long ago around 3 in the afternoon I was in the Meeting Place in Nong Khai filling out the paperwork to make a visa run into Laos the next day. In strolls this Ozzie who had just finished walking along the river from Chang Khan to Nong Khai. Told how he had slept and eaten in Wats along the way because they were free. Said he was 50 something and had been in country about 3 months staying mostly in Wats. I bought him a beer while we waited for the bar owner to come back from the shops and he asked me many questions including how much my wife cost. When I allowed how she wasn't for sale he started asking about costs of other stuff. When the owner came back he said he really wanted to stay in a room with pillows and sheets on the bed, maybe a warm shower and some of the finer things in life, but sadly, even though the owner discounted a room from 100B to 50 the guy said it was too expensive and boogied. I would have probably paid for the room but I was so surprised he was gone before I could gather my senses.

    Early the next morning I stopped by an ATM on my way to the bridge and there he was sleeping on the walk by the bank. I put a couple hundred baht in his shirt pocket and I went on my way without him waking. Ofter wondered what became of him. I don't consider it a very bright thing to do but sure takes brass nuts to go on such a venture.

  9. This is yet another thread that makes me wonder if i was raised in a vacuum. Somehow I grew up and didn't give all my money to or marry a whore on the 2nd, or any other, date. I paid my taxes, I saved some bucks, I supported my kids thru college even after a divorce and even gave my ex-wife extra help until she remarried. I built my parents a house in the country-side and moved them from the ghetto as soon as I could afford it. I supplemented their income until they died. I still help my own kids when they need it and now that I am married to a Thai I help her family when required. Since I live in the area and share their efforts to earn income I can see what is required but even if I didn't I would not figure it odd to help them if they needed it and I could afford it. I guess it is just how I was raised.

    I am dumbfounded by some of the stuff I read here and often wonder just what some of these posters did/do back in their original world. Obviously many didn't learn much and many must have not done much that is very rewarding. Just my opinion but there are some......., never mind.

  10. I would carry it even further and have a real electrician check the entire house. I had ground rods installed on my showers, washer, fridge, and water pump as well as the breaker box. Showers, pump and air cons are on their own circuits as well. It's only my guess but I would be willing to bet the majority of homes built by thais have little or no grounding. Not the ideal deal.

  11. While working in Saudi once, about 10 of us sitting around sipping sid one evening and this very subject came up. All of us but one were married to falang women. An electrician in the group offers, "hel_l, I don't send my old lady anything. She don't drink and already has a pussy, so why does she need money?" He was probably joking but his comment offers a little respite from tiresome threads about how much support one gives his ...whatever?

  12. I've got mangoes coming out my ears this year. We have done just about everything thais can think of to use them (my mother in law has been making maun mung kohn (?) for weeks now. I suddenly remembered that when I used to frequent Mexican seafood joints in the states mango salsa was a very common side with many dishes, especially fish. I found some pretty interesting recipes on the net and since we eat fish from our pond often I plan on trying some of these. I have had great success with tomato salsa using local ingredients and was just wondering if anyone out there has made mango salsa and if so how it turned out.

  13. Geez, we can sure find nit picking <deleted> to bitch about, huh? At least they have whistles not automatic weapons. hel_l, I was whistling in a nice little tune in a nice little bar in Kazakstan while back and 3 guys wanted to kick my arse because of it. Maybe it was a bad choice of tunes, like "Stairway to Heaven". Turned out it was something with local ghosts ?????, anyway, I stopped. Lighten up a little bit man, stop wenging and wear some ear prot. or something.

  14. Clear is not tom yum, or yom either, it's Po Tak. Add coconut milk and it becomes tom kha. I know, it's nitpicking but I am bored, AND sober on Monday night. All of the them are wonderful.

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