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Posts posted by midasthailand

  1. Now if this had been a farang guy, everybody would have said something like that he was a victim, a poor bastard, whatever. Now it is a Thai woman and some of you........ :o:D

    I wouldn't have said he was a victim, I would say he would be very weak, with no self respect... I do feel sorry for some people taking their lives when serious things happen.. but for farangs to jump out of windows cause some prostitute has left them... come on! Thats lame, a real sad excuse of an individual

    Suicide- A permanent solution to a temporary problem. I am afraid I can not sympathise with people that think in such short term ways. There is always another chance to smile or laugh in life no matter how bad things seem. Jesus, why throw yourself off a building because your BG left you or you are out of funds, just go home to your country of origin with your tail between your legs and tell all and sundry what a terrible place Thailand is because you could not control your small brain, then save your pennies and come back and do it all over again. :D

  2. Presumably you have a fixed line? If so, from which provider?

    It is often possible to get DSL service from an ISP which is different from the fixed line provider. So for example, if you have a fixed line from either True or TOT you may be able to get DSL service from CSLoxInfo, provided they have deployed DSL equipment in your serving exchange.

    You can check availability here --> http://www.adsl.csloxinfo.com/index_e.html , simply enter your fixed line telephone number.

    ////EDIT: I deleted the duplicate of this post.

    Hi there,

    thanks you for posting the link to CSLoxinfo, I punched in my number and unfortunately the answer was that I am not capable of receiving ADSL on that number. I filled in my details and they will check for me again but I don't expect I will be able to get it.

  3. Went to Central Bang Na branch of True today to have high speed Internet connected to my new digs, only to be told on presentation of my home phone number that the port was full, therefore I couldn't have ADSL2. Then I asked about WiFi and was told no can do. I then jumped on one of their computers and googled "Internet in Thailand" and found Inet, so now for 329 Baht I have one month of dial up. dam_n I thought I would have no problems getting high speed Internet, boy was I wrong.

    They couldn't even let me book the next opening on the port so god knows when I will be able to get what I need. Oh well! TIT

    BTW If anyone knows a method whereby I can get high speed Internet at home feel free to post here or PM me. Cheers

  4. Ahhh Wongs place, now that brings back some memories. Wong was a lovely bloke that ranone of the most laid back bars in Thailand with one of the best collections of music videos anywhere, unfortunately he was taken from us several years ago by the Big C at an early age. I believe his brother runs the place now? In the mid-late 90's there were no staff just Wong downstairs and an unseen cook upstairs, you helped yourself to beers from the fridge and when it was time to leave Wong would tally up the empties to arrive at the bill, made for some interesting nights when he got on the piss with all of us from the Aussie Embassy. After having said all that, if more than 15 people roll up it will be crowded!!

    There is a new Ice bar opening next to HSBC bank near the Dusit Thani, opposite Lumpini, I believe it will open on Fri 22, live band, flavoured vodka shots anybody. It's being opened by the same guy that has ice bars in Pattaya and Phuket.

    As for the get together in Bangkok, I have started several threads on TV asking about a TV get together along the same lines as they had recently in Phuket, where there is tucker thrown on and some free grog, usually involving the sponsors with a notebook at the front door requiring login to verify membership, none of the threads ever elicited a response from the Mods so one can guess from that, that they are not inclined to arrange one in Bangkok.

    Give me a time and a date and I will be there for sure! I am loath to suggest anywhere and as I live out in Bang Na will have to travel wherever it is. I will monitor this thread for a definitive time and venue.

    Cheers all and look forward to meeting some of you face to face.

  5. The Downunder sports bistro (recently re-named Bradmans sports bistro) on Suk soi 23 Has something like 14 big screen TV's with quite a few of them showing the olympics with coverage coming from South African TV on Supersports or Australia network. The bar is girl free except for the bar staff and has an excellent menu plus large variety of local and foreign beers. As long as you can put up with the mainly Aussie/Kiwi/Brit clientelle you shouls enjoy it. :o

  6. I arrived in Bangkok on July 27 and have 30 day on arrival status. I have been offered employment by an Australian/Thai partnership and would like to change my status to 90 day non-immigrant. I read in the pinned section that it was possible to do this "in country" in certain circumstances (note 3) and would appreciate it if one of the learned members could confirm whether or not this is possible?

    Much obliged,


  7. thank you both for taking the time to respond, since you both seem to be saying much the same thing I guess in the absence of further replies I'll go with your advice. I already have AIS 1,2 go and always use that Sim card when in country. I believe the owner of the apartment I have looked at has agreed to assist with connection to the net and arranging cable, so I should be sweet.

  8. Well, I have taken the dive and accepted a position with a new Australian/Thai partnership company and will be here for at least a year. That being the case I would appreciate any advice as to the best cable TV to go with, the most reliable Internet service provider and a decent reliable mobile phone. I will be living off Sri Nakharin road in Bang Na area if that is any help. Appreciate any advice.


  9. if thais assume a farang is rich he does not care or if they assume he is attractive he does not care its only when they assume something negative that he gets mad.

    i think many farang here want the locals to worship them like Kurtz in Apocalypse Now.

    Thai Visa posters seem to be fixated on how Thais think of Farangs? Why do you care? Thai people are not that different to farangs they all have different perceptions, to the street beggar we all look rich. :o

  10. That the only reason we come to Thailand is to have sex with bargirls.

    That we all have a good enough knowledge of English to be able to teach it! (just look at some of the "English" responses to this thread and you will know that this is definitely a misconception).

    That we are wealthy.

    That we couldn't be walking along the street to get from A to B, we must only be there to buy something from their stall.

    That we do not like spicy food.

    That we couldn't possibly speak Thai.

    In fact, some farangs come to Thailand because they like the climate, food, lifestyle, people, geographic location and the culture! A side benifit to Thailand is that it also has a great nightlife and beautiful women. Good thread Teacup!

  11. I agree marshbags , it doesn't make any sense , but most associate intelligence with IQ

    and college degrees . In fact it does help one to form his development , not that I personal think

    it all depends on it , the opposite .

    But at least for my suggestion some who do depend on the mentioned above could be proved wrong

    as you state ( in a way ) that if life's wisdom is lacking , the importance of common sense ,

    to at least to be able to have a debate after some results , cause many do miss one or both , to have a balance in

    perspective and understanding ( arrogance or neglect ). Huh?????

    Could be the reason why there are not so many balanced intelligent discussions , the reason the mod

    who started this thread wondered about .

    But you could consider my post as drivel , it probably is .

    I totally agree with your last sentence! :o

  12. guy input.

    unless you want to emasculate the poor fellow best to let him make THE MOVE first. by all means encourage him.

    How does that emasculate him? His masculinity comes from within, it is just a fact of his existence, so there is nothing that he needs to do to "maintain" it or risk having it taken away that easily.

    But his masculinity is expressed outwards, particularly in the way he interacts with his female.

    ladies flirt, guys make THE MOVE.

    if the role is reversed it is the beginning of what usually ends up as an unsatisfy relationship. inthe statistic mentioned by girlx backs this up.

    Although not something that happens to me too often these days, I can say with some authority that I never felt "emasculated" if the woman made the first move, quite the contrary, I felt very flattered and wanted. Unfortunately in relationships there is no one size fits all method, what works well for you with one guy could blow up in your face with the next. But the chase is half the fun so go for it.

  13. A sandwich short of a picnic.

    There's a village somewhere missing it's idiot

    Not the sharpest tool in the shed.

    A few cards short of a full deck.

    There's a few sheep missing in the top paddock.

    The elevator doesn't go to the top floor

    I would also really appreciate it if those of you that speak Thai could come up with some Thai equivalent sayings along the same lines, or does that require me to start a thread in the Thai language forum?

    Hopefully this thread will get a better reception than a poll about your partner picking their nose. :o

    mai dtem baht ...Not the full quid (or Baht in this case)

    kon sahm salueng....Not sure what salueng is? a person with three?

    If you are clever enough to include Thai, please translate for those unable to. Thanks

    or course in english we also have the

    one can short of a 6 pack

    all cans present but missing the little plastic thing to hold them together

  14. Todd Daniels, in his response to the thread started by Peace Blondie requesting more intelligent postings, inspired me to start this thread when he used the "not the sharpest knife in the drawer" example.

    Do you know any to describe somebody that is not quite the full package?

    I'll kick it off with a few:

    A sandwich short of a picnic.

    There's a village somewhere missing it's idiot

    Not the sharpest tool in the shed.

    A few cards short of a full deck.

    There's a few sheep missing in the top paddock.

    The elevator doesn't go to the top floor

    I would also really appreciate it if those of you that speak Thai could come up with some Thai equivalent sayings along the same lines, or does that require me to start a thread in the Thai language forum?

    Hopefully this thread will get a better reception than a poll about your partner picking their nose. :o

  15. I must have missed the poll on partner nose picking, dam_n, if the OP of that poll is still taking answers, put me down for a resounding NO. :D

    Since we are talking about complaints, I have one or two, I went to the change a word thread the other day and someone had changed two words.... Now that is not on and I am no longer playing in that thread! :o

    There seems to be a cadre of newbies that joined in June/July that are competing with each other to start the lamest thread/worst poll subject. Surely you moderators can keep an eye on this sort of disruptive behaviour and protect us loyal and long suffering TV users from these sort of shenanigans? I mean, really, these people are making an average ten posts a day, why don't they get a life? :D

  16. Tigs... Finally a well balanced and factually based response. I spent 36 years in the Royal Australian Navy and rose through the ranks to Lieutenant Commander. I spent three years at the Australian Embassy in Bangkok and on many occasions accompanied members of the Australian Special Air Services Regiment as a liaison whilst they were conducting training exercises with Thai "special forces" these exercises involved such things as Entebbe style hostage rescue scenarios through to establishing FOP's in hostile territory. The Aussie soldiers were more than impressed with the discipline, weaponry, skillsets and attitude of Thai SF. I later went on to spend five months with the Thai Army battalion in East Timor as the liaison officer between the Thais and INTERFET HQ and all of the Thai military in ET were from Lop Buri... Very fit and very professional. Thailand has SF in the Army, Marines and the Navy, they are well thought of in international SF circles and have trained with the best of the best from USA, Australia, Indonesia and Singapore to my knowledge. I woud not be suprised to learn that they have also conducted training with Chinese SF personnel as well.

    As to who the military personnel were in the photos, I think Justback has answered that question very well.

    Elkangorito, unless you were part of team 1, it would seem that you are just another ex military expat walking around alluding to secret missions that you cannot talk about, sad really. You are though, quite correct with respect to publication of pictures of SF personnel, Apart from those already KIA, you will never see the face of any SAS (Australian) in any media.

    Cheers and Beers All. :o

  17. Ray, I am sorry to see nobody responded to your post, I would have thought there would be one golfer that would have a round. Can I suggest Natural Park Ram Indra, out near Safari world, Fashion Island. It's a great course designed by Jack Nicklaus. I hope the next time you are looking for a golfing partner you get a better response!

    Have a good round. :o

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