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Posts posted by midasthailand

  1. I am in Thailand on a non-imm B visa and WP due to a skilled job with medical lasers but have often wondered of ways of staying in Thailand should my company decide that I was no longer needed in Thailand.

    I could not see myself working for a Thai company and certainly not as an English teacher so that would probably limit me to becoming a bar/restaurant/shop owner.

    Now I've often wondered how is it possible to have a visa and WP as a bar owner, so I was wondering if anybody could enlighten me as to what type of visa one would get to run a bar and how could you obtain a WP to it as I see it any Thai person could run a bar so I would have thought it would have been on the list of careers that falangs don't need to do ?

    Hopefully somebody will be able to enlighten me, TIA.

    Good question, well asked Paul. I too would like to know the answer to that question. Perhaps Pattayapete may have an answer, since he is in the process of opening a "beer garden" at the start of walking street in Pattaya. Hopefully some well informed TV member will illuminate us with a comprehensive answer.

  2. Standard tip is 200bht even the Thais I have played with have tipped that, I tip 200-500 depending on caddie I have had some girls that have worked on the courses for 15 years, so for some on here to say that they are not skilled is a load of horse do do. After 2 holes these caddies know how long I hit a ball are are picking out the correct iron for me and there reads on putts can be amazing. The Thais in my opinion tip what they can afford they are buddhist afterall and there beliefs I think play a large role in the way they tip, kindness breeds kindness.

    Finally a post not dripping with emotion/sarcasm. The OP only wanted to know a cheap course to play in Bangkok and his post generated 4 pages of childlike argument about caddies wages and who tips the most. At the end of the day golf in Thailand is one of the more pleasant experiences here, I agree with Nick, the caddies are very adept at judging what club should be used and can read the greens better than myself. What a great life if we don't weaken!

  3. I can get away with no sunscreen here in Thailand, but no chance of that in NZ

    Not a good idea to go without here or Nz.

    Correct. People with dark skins get skin cancers, too.

    The hole in the ozone layer does seem to intensify the intensity Downunder. Highest rate of melanoma in the world. (Not helped by the very fair skin of many non-native forebears).

    Slip, slop, slap and ... oh ! what's the 4th one ?? Been away too long.

    Slip on a shirt, slop on some sunscreen, slap on a hat and ... sunglasses ? stay out of the sun at the most damaging times of day ?

    I arrived back in Australia after a five month visit to Thailand and withing four days I had a noticeable white patch where my watch had protected my wrist! I am now nursing a sunburned back after spending 2 hours painting the front steps of my house! The sun definitely is harsher here than in Thailand. I thought Scotland had the highest rate for skin cancers? Something to do with the fairness of the scottish skin?

  4. I am an ex Royal Australian Naval Officer retired after 37 years service, I speak, read and write Thai and am keen to manage a bar in Thailand (can't afford to buy one). During my naval career I regularly had a second job in the hospitality industry ranging from barman, doorman up to Supervisor of Corporate reserve at the Sydney football stadium and bar manager of a naval mess. I was attached to the Australian Embassy, Bangkok from 1996-1998. I have been in Thailand since October 2007 and have been teaching English, although I enjoy the work, it is hardly what one would call well paid and I would prefer to be involved with the service industry. If anyone is looking for an honest, reliable and experienced farang to manage a bar in Thailand then I am your man!

  5. Has any one been out tonight? Is the smoking ban being enforced anywhere. for me pint and a fag go hand in hand!

    I got quite a shock when going for my usual fried chicken with a couple of beers last night at On-Nut Square, (which is outside by the way) when told by the staff that I could not have an ashtray as smoking was not allowed. To smoke I needed to go over next to the shrine (15 feet from my seat). Needless to say I had only one beer and left. The staff wanted to know why I didn't have my usual 3 or 4 and I told them it was because I could not sit at my table watching the soccer and smoke so I may as well go home and watch it while I smoked. What a pain in the proverbial. I bet it does not get implemented in Nana, Cowboy or Patpong!

  6. Hey Dropkick, my bolthole is actually in On-Nut, Suk 77, If your selection of Avatar is a window to how you think of yourself, I'm not suprised by your responses to this thread. :o

    My apologies,I should not rise to the bait. I must constantly remind myself "If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all"

    With respect, having 'nice things to say' doesnt really help this guy does it. Your post only serves to perpetuate what Briggsy said . . it encourages him to procrastinate and wallow in self-pity. It's telling he only really replies to those posts (like yours) which offer little except easy to articulate pleasantries about how lovely his gf is, how unlucky he's been, and how life can only get better.

    Blah blah bloody blah.

    So you're a lovely guy, and i'm a jerk. Tell us something we didnt already know.

    Meanwhile, back in the real world, his irresponsibility has created yet another life which he can't afford to keep and here he is worrying that the daughter's mother is trying to scam him (at the same time as exhorting to us how he can only see beauty in her soul).

    <deleted>, which is it man? Is she a good woman or is she a cheating whore? Only you can decide and it's no point asking us - a bunch of indifferent cyber entities - to look at some sickly sweet youtube video to decide for you. You've said over and over again that she is a lovely girl, so why the hel_l are you baulking about send a piss poor 1,500 quid to her?

    Grow a backbone and be a man.

    So Bendix, it would appear that you and I are giving Dan the same advice, send the girl the money! I knew you would come round to my way of thinking, I am not such a lovely guy and you are not such a jerk after all. By the way Neernam the date I joined TV has no relationship to how long I have lived in Thailand, Only how long I have owned a laptop.

  7. Not fair, think_too_mutt.

    Dishing out meaningless platitudes and 'there there, it will be oks" is much much more helpful than suggesting people face up to their responsibilities. As midastouch said, he knows a lot about Thai culture (from his bolthole in Sydney). He has every right to post assinine bullshit disguised as meaningful advice.

    Get a grip.

    Hey Dropkick, my bolthole is actually in On-Nut, Suk 77, If your selection of Avatar is a window to how you think of yourself, I'm not suprised by your responses to this thread. :o

    My apologies,I should not rise to the bait. I must constantly remind myself "If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all"

  8. Well Dan, as usual your post has attracted the full spectrum of responses, from the supportive and sympathetic to the insulting and derogatory. I am not an expert on Thai/Farang relationships but I do have a good knowledge of Thai culture. Having read all the thread and seen your you tube video, I feel very sorry for your plight. I do not believe your girl is trying to scam you, there are many people here who have had their views on Thai's tainted by their own experiences and they are the first ones to put you and your Thai girlfriend down - IGNORE THEM! Their opinions are worthless and in the long run provide no useful advice to someone in your situation.

    I have known many Thai girls from many walks of life and one thing they all have in common is their loyalty to and love for family, some of them, particularly the first born, assume responsibility for the entire family's well being. They see it as their duty to provide for the rest of the family. I know one girl who has built a house in Si Sa Ket for her family and is now planning to pay for her sisters daughters education in an international school, this despite the fact that she is not very well off herself.

    Your girlfriend exudes openness and good character in the video and your daughter is beatiful. If there is any way for you to provide the 100 k, then as an act of trust and good faith you should provide it. Forget the doom and gloom merchants who say it will set a precedent and you will become the family ATM. At the end of the day it is not much money (probably less than half of what your initial holiday to Thailand with your family cost) and it will show her that you genuinely care about her and your daughter.

    With respect to your first wife, don't feel too bad, it happened to me too, although not with one of my friends, I also had a marriage of 18 years and lost everything except the love and respect of my children. I imagine your children from the first marriage range in age from 12 up? They are not stupid, they will recognize that you are not to blame for the break-up. It is important that you do not bad mouth your ex to them, even if she tries to poison them against you. In the situation you find yourself in an eye for an eye is not an appropriate motto.

    I wish you every success in your endeavours to get back on your feet, I think you have found a good Thai woman regardless of what form of employment she had before you met her. By the way, many Thai women visit Pattaya for reasons other than prostitution!

    Good Luck Dan. :o

    With respect to the payment of 100 k If as others predict you are thought of as the ATM you can always say no if they ask for more.

  9. ok boys and girls..... 4 is my favorite number...so you can keep this one going until I come back to join you all :D

    Venue: Soi 8 Bar

    Date: every Saturday

    Who: Mrtoad (permanent fixture) :o

    add your names for respective week below :D

    meantime...Ill be raising my glass to the Gooners and each of you from Sydney's waterfront bar(s) :D

    I'm curious, I've never had a face to face with any TV members so I'd like to go this Saturday, but isn't there more than one bar on Soi 8? If so which bar and what time? Look forward to meeting you all on Sat night. Do they have the six nations?


  10. Hi

    This year I will stay in Thailand for 2 months, next year maybe longer. I would like to have an account there and Im prepared to transfer some money to it.

    So if I show my passport will it work or do I need to give them more information?


    All you need is your passport and an address in Thailand, I opened an account at Kasikorn in 25 minutes with 2,000 Baht. Of course it helps if you are fluent in Thai and polite.

  11. A good book, well worth the read for both male and female. I always recommend this book to first timers in Thailand and especially to those that become lulled into a false sense of superiority by the attentions of a pretty Thai bargirl. Even if it wasn't based on a true story, I can assure you that it happens more often than is reported, a lot of victims (for want of a better word) are too ashamed to admit that they have been duped out of large sums of money by a girl from Isaan with a primary school education. Unfortunately there will always be those among us men who cannot help but think with their little brain instead of the one in their head, consequently Mr. Leather's book will always be relevant.

    As to the "strip clubs", very few clubs actually have strippers per se, they go on stage with whatever costume is the theme for their bar and wear that costume throughout their stay on the stage. I too find them boring after a time, but us guys have to meet somewhere.

  12. Some years ago I was playing golf in Hua Hin with the American Embassy Golf Association and as usual I managed to slice my ball off to the right rough, as I walked through the rough to where my ball was, I felt a sharp pain in my right ankle, I looked down in time to see a small bright green snake slithering away. Needless to say I thought I had been bitten by the worlds deadliest snake, I told my caddy I had been bitten by a snake, he said, "what colour" I said "green" to which he casually replied "Mai Me Pit" (not poisonous). Although doubtful I continued to play and finished the round without dying, in fact I played a lot better after the encounter with the snake, keeping the ball on the fairway for most of the round. Later in the clubhouse my son, who was playing in another group, told me of his groups' encounter with a large cobra, they just left their balls where they lay and took a drop. That is my experience with snakes in Thailand.

  13. I am currently teaching Kindergarten in a fantastic bilingual school. No complaints at all, absolutely love it, the kids, the facilities, the staff etc. However I have just been offered a job in my dream location. The hours are better, similar pay and I don't have to be in school when not teaching. I also get full Thai holidays - at present I get about half plus a week at Christmas. The problem is that it would be teaching in a government high school - 13-16yos. I have never had experience with this age group, but I have been reliably informed that they are an absolute nightmare, to put it mildly. Now I don't think that I am a walkover, and I would relish a challenge, but would I just be making my life unneccesarily stressful by taking this job? Is there anybody out there who actually enjoys teaching this age group? Are government schools so appalling? Are they as bad as everyone says? Is it that rare to find as good a job as I have?

    All help and advice gratefully received!

    I currently teach English to M1, M2 and M3 children in a government school near Don Muang. I find the little darlings a challenge, no doubt about that, but I always leave the school feeling as though I have accomplished something, no matter how small. The school itself has 4,700 students and there are five foreign teachers in the English Program (EP) the facilities are excellent, the classrooms are air conditioned and the grounds of the school are beautiful and the Thai teaching staff are quite friendly. Hope this helps your decision easier.

  14. I've been in a pizzeria called Pizza lumpini @ Lumpini ville sukhumvit 77 is one of the best home made pizza & pasta dishes in Bangkok. They have a website also complete with infos and menu. Price are very reasonable especially comparing to the quality delivered.

    I know that I have posted before in this forum but somehow it doesn't seem to be here anywhere? Anyway with regard to Pizza Lumpini, I would have to agree with Lipp. I live in the complex (lumpini view) and eat at the restaurant quite often. The place is run by Armando and Domenica a couple of really nice Italian guys. The pizzas are very good but what really makes the restaurant stand out is the excellent a la carte menu of authentic Italian dishes. Prices are very reasonable, your hosts are pleasant and often will give you glasses of Limincello for free after you have paid your cheque. They are also quite good musicians in their own right and if they are in the mood the place takes on a real party atmosphere. When they are not playing their guitars the music played on the stereo is always excellent.

    Give it a try if you are out that way!!

  15. [Firstly I'll go on record as a non-degree holder, I do however have 5 tertiary qualifications which amount to about four years of 5 days a week, 6 hours a day in the classroom and heavy homework loads. I also spent several postings in the military as an instructor of electronics theory. Reading the above posts has provided me with some amusement (and I thank you for that). My youngest son has a double degree in Law and International studies which he managed to complete with first class honours in 4 years and he would be the first to tell you that they were hardly arduous years, with some weeks requiring attendance at only a handful of lectures.

    My point is that a "degree" holder may not always be better educated than a non-degree holder. I think I have made it clear in previous posts on TV that my motivation for coming to Thailand was not to earn "pennies" but to try and help Thai children have a better understanding of the English language. I have now arrived in Bangkok and am actively seeking employment, not having a degree is proving to be a problem but I'm sure I will get a job sooner or later. Many of you suggested I should go up country to teach and if I were single I would be there in a heartbeat, but my wife likes her creature comforts and it was enough of a stretch to get her to agree to come in the first place.

    Sorry I digress, at the end of the day I believe if a person is motivated to do a good job for the children and has sufficient academic qualifications then they should be allowed to teach. This thread as I see it is about what constitutes "sufficient academic qualifications?" and therein lies the rub, who ### knows? :o

  16. the original owner has sold the place , he now has one in pattaya just off walking st ( V20 ) and one is nearly completed in Phuket.

    Didnt know that, whats the name of the place mate??

    In patters go down walking st from beach road , around 50m / 100m on your left theres a small aussie beer bar on the corner of a soi ( forget the name) nice agogo at the end though :o turn into the soi and look up to your left .

    In Phuket soi tiger i beleive just off bangla , due to open early nov i think

    btw have met the owner breifly and seemed a decent bloke to be fair.

    P.s the name is V 2 0

    Name of the Aussie bar is the Roo bar, used to be the Jan bar but the Thai owner remarried and his new wife objected to the name, the bar is run by Bob and Roundy and they have had the bar for 15 years, which must be close to a record in Pattaya for Farangs. The Ice bar in Phuket opens on 25 November. The one in Pattaya is pretty flash and they know how to charge, but th hostesses are beautiful so I guess it could be worth it. By the way the hostesses are not for rent!!

  17. Hello again!

    Thanks for taking the time to reply to my inquiry, and the information contained therein. I think you're probably right about teaching Physics as opposed to teaching English. BTW, I was verbally offered 40K per. month by the Thai school Administrator for teaching Physics at M1-M6 levels. Does this figure sound right to you?


    G'day, I have not yet arrived in Thailand and am yet to teach there so am not in a position to offer advice as to what would be a reasonable salary for a person teaching Physics to M1-M6 students. ThB 40,000 seems a little low to me but I'm sure PeaceBlondie or Ijustwannateach would be able to give you a more reliable answer if they were inclined.

    Good luck

  18. Badbanker,

    firstly thank you for your OP, very informative and I'm sure quite useful to any TV members that are in the overstay situation. I would like to commend you for your charitable nature, you are clearly a prince among men for helping those less fortunate than yourself.

    If there were more expats like you in Thailand perhaps the Immigration department wouldn't feel the need to make it harder for us to come to the LOS.

    Anyway, that's my Zacs worth, good on you mate.

  19. I will be arriving in Thailand this week and thoght that a good place to network might be the various Chambers of Commerce. I know that there is an Australian / Thai Chamber of Commerce, ditto USA, but I do not know what are the pre-requisites for being allowed to join these organizations.

    Could anybody point me in the right direction? :o

    You should just go to their respective web sites and find out. Register for all their mail lists. There are social functions for many that are open to anyone. AMCHAM has a Young Professoinals event each month. They all have calendars at their web sites.

    UK: http://www.bccthai.com

    US: www.amchamthailand.com

    Duh, I feel like Homer Simpson, why didn't I think of that. Thank you.

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