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Posts posted by erobando

  1. Israel calls itself the democratic and westernized country in the middle east. Any country that aspires to be like that just cannot kill foreign civilians or scientists. Also, in the case Iran is developing nuclear weapons they are in their right to do so. What a double standards that US, Israel, etc can have this kind of shit but Iran cannot.

    Wrong. They are not "in their right to do so". Iran is the only one of these countries that signed a treaty that they WOULD NOT develop nuclear weapons and they are lying about doing so and therefore need to be stopped. There are no double standards - just some enablers trying to spin it that way.


    The Israeli secret police has every right to judge whether or not Iran's nuclear program is for civilian or military purposes.

    And they even have a greater right to then execute scientists who they believe are involved in such program.


    Is that not terrorism???

    Is that not murder sanctioned by government???

    I agree. My post was sarcastic.

    But many posts on this board, including the one I replied to, seem to view everything Iran does as "bad," and everything Israel does is "good."

  2. Much like somebody with huge comprehension issues you fail to grasp, in my very clear post, that the Iranian government and citizens of Iran are two different things as Hezbollah is yet a third..

    Right, this was a case of peace-loving, innocent Iranian citizens w/ no connection to the Iranian government merely building and collecting bombs as a lil' personal hobby, like a coin collection. And that C4 explosive--it had no connection w/ the Iranian government, not at all. He manufactured that himself or purchased it on the black market from funds saved from selling kababs.

    And yes, I missed any news reports of 3 passports found in the apartment or that any currency was found in the apartment. I did read that both Iranian and American (maybe working for the USA?) currency was found on the blown up guys pants along with his passport. Another man was caught at the airport attempting to leave the country but I guess he must have had another passport with him since you say his was at the house. The final unidentified man is on the run, I guess it is just taking time for officials to translate his name and copy his photo from his passport in order to provide these details to the public.

    You missed all that, yes, but no matter. smile.png Now the trouble for you is, no offical Iranian government ID was found nor official direct orders from an Iranian government official to carry out some bombings. And there is a reason that they won't be found. What reason could that possibly be? Think hard on this. Or maybe you just enjoy being perverse.

    Nisa never claimed that the people involved in this incident are peace-loving.

    But having an Iranian passport does not mean that they are acting upon orders of the Iranian government. It only means that they are Iranian nationals.

    Last year some American dude was arrested in Pattaya on pedaphilia charges. Does that mean that the US government was covertly sponsoring the molestation of Thai children?

  3. Israel calls itself the democratic and westernized country in the middle east. Any country that aspires to be like that just cannot kill foreign civilians or scientists. Also, in the case Iran is developing nuclear weapons they are in their right to do so. What a double standards that US, Israel, etc can have this kind of shit but Iran cannot.

    Wrong. They are not "in their right to do so". Iran is the only one of these countries that signed a treaty that they WOULD NOT develop nuclear weapons and they are lying about doing so and therefore need to be stopped. There are no double standards - just some enablers trying to spin it that way.


    The Israeli secret police has every right to judge whether or not Iran's nuclear program is for civilian or military purposes.

    And they even have a greater right to then execute scientists who they believe are involved in such program.

  4. I don't think anyone has to worry about Thialand moving closer to China versus the US.

    Thaiiland, like any other country, does what it is sees is in it's own best interests.

    Thailand has solid relations with China but, due to geography, China is more of a regional threat so they will always have more common interests with the US.

    In the past, Thailand has certainly worked with China when they had common interests, such as supporting/protecting the Khmer Rouge against the Hun Sen government. But, of course, the US and its allies were happy with that, too.

    But in contemporary times, there is more cooperation with other ASEAN members, Thailand and Vietnam have good relations and are not fighting for regional supremecy.

    The US will work to encourage balance in the region will view ASEAN members as allies.

  5. I wonder if they ever considered that a demonstration would just put the warning back in the news again??

    I was thinking the same thing. Sometimes it's best to let a storm blow over.

    Likely true. None of the people I've talked to in the US even know about this incident/story.

    Eventually it will play out one way or another, the warning regarding Bangkok will be lifted and most people will be none the wiser.

    If the protest generates press, more people (including future potential tourists) will become aware of it.

  6. Some people obviously have a higher opinion of Mossad than I do.

    Whether or not the guy is concocting a story, the fact remains Mossad are a law unto themselves and the Israelis a menace to any kind of sustained Middle East peace, that exacerbated by American politicians perceived need to court the Jewish Americans' vote - and money.

    Could Mossad be any more of a barrier to peace than Hezbollah's denial of Israel's right to exist?

    At the end od WWII there were many changes to national boundaries that most of those affected have learned to live with and got on with their lives. Germany was split, peacefully reunited and prospered. Japan lost all its territorial gains, learned to trade for what it needs, and prospered. One group has wasted 60 years, caused the deaths of thousands, very little has changed, and many are still living in refugee camps.

    Except in the case of Hezbollah, the beef with Israel is not directly about the results of WW2 but about the events and results of the Lebanese Civil War. The Israeli occupation of southern Lebanon had nothing to do with WW2, neither did the motives of the protagonists of the Lebanese Civil War.

    Whether or not Hezbollah's military wing is needed to defend Lebanon from Israel is a real and contemporary debate within Lebanon, as is whether or not Syria's influence in Lebabon is beneficial.

    In any event, we don't know what the truth is here or whether not this guy is guilty.

    Planted evidence is certainly not impossible.

    Maybe not directly by Mossad but the Thai police aren't above fabricating crimes. I'm sure something like this would demand a much higher payout than the normal 3,000 Baht they get for petty crimes.

    Or maybe there was no payout and the Thai police just wanted a show arrest to show that everything here is "fine."

    Hopefully if this guy goes to court, the trial is fair.

  7. All the attacks listed there are 18 years ago or older and during Israel's occupation of southern Lebanon.

    The US and French were also involved in the civil war and, of course, French-made laws favoring Christians were a root cause of the confict.

    For Hezbollah their perspective goes back to the Christian Crusades in the Holy Land 1,000 years ago.The last 20 years are just a foot note in their time line of anger.

    Hezbollah is part of coalation government that includes Christian, Druze and secular parties.

    Lebanon is too multi-ethnic/religious for them to use anger/hatred as the basis of their actions... they would never be able to get anything done or maintain their share of power.

    Their military wing has support from a sizeable portion of non-Islamic groups simply because the Lebanese military isn't strong enough to defend the country.

    I think Hezbollah is more practical than you give them credit for.

    Ideologically, they share much with Revolutionary Iran but in practice they're more inclusive.

    And they're not a fringe group... they are a part of the mainstream Lebanese political system so they have a lot to lose.

    That's why the reported planned attacks seems unlike them.

    • Like 1
  8. A reasonable comment by Abhisit. Thailand should not allow the US to guide them, for sure. But the US embassy should not allow Thailand to guide how to communicate with US citizens either!

    It Thailand, the USA doesn't own this place. and when the authorities or the Gov't and the opposition tell the US your panik alarms are uncalled for and not needed it is time to accept is because you are just guests here. Its not the time to insist that you know everything better and the Thais must be stupid when they are not listen to you.

    Use your brains. The US and whatever country for that matter has every right to issue warnings to their own citizens. This Thai government HAS shown themselves to be incompentant so the US has every right to take whatever steps to protect their own citizens.

    The US has the right to issue a warning, sure.

    Not sure why this Thai government has been shown themselves to be incompetent, tho. Please explain that one.

    Also, you must remember that the police and military are separate political entities than the elected Thai government. None of those groups would want foreign terrorist attacks here.

  9. Lets also remember than the 13th here was the 12th in other parts of the world. No clue who is doing the reporting and what TZ's things are being reported in. One would think since the events are all occuring in Thailand that they would be using gmt+7 as a standard but who really knows what is being done with all the different conflicting stories floating around.

    The US Embassy warning was issued on Friday afternoon. Any arrest made after that would have been the 13th in Israel, Europe or the east coast of the US.

  10. All the attacks listed there are 18 years ago or older and during Israel's occupation of southern Lebanon.

    The US and French were also involved in the civil war and, of course, French-made laws favoring Christians were a root cause of the confict.

    Just curious, considering the confession of the captured Hezbollah person that Israeli innocent civilian targets were the goal in Thailand, since you have taken it upon yourself to be a defender of Hezbollah, whether you agree with their attitude about Israel:
    From the inception of Hezbollah to the present,[9][44] the elimination of the State of Israel has been one of Hezbollah's primary goals. Some translations of Hezbollah's 1985 Arabic-language manifesto state that "our struggle will end only when this entity [israel] is obliterated".[9] According to Hezbollah's Deputy-General, Na'im Qasim, the struggle against Israel is a core belief of Hezbollah and the central rationale of Hezbollah's existence.[45]

    LOL, so because I bring up facts about Hezbollah and the Lebanese Civil War it means I support the "elimination of the State of Isreal?"

    No, I don't support the elimination of any state or violence at all.

    But lumping together all organizations and groups labled as "terrorists" and failing to look at the motivation behind what some group did or does perpetuates ignorance and support for neo-imperialist wars.

    Did the guy confess that innocent Israeli civilians in Thailand were a target? I thought the Thai government said that he confessed to storing and planning to traffic materials to be used elsewhere?

    And I thought Hezbollah has denied that the guy is in Hezbollah?

    • Like 1
  11. What? You're telling me that there have been some bombings on Khao San and elsewhere in Bangkok? I don't think so.

    I can imagine what your posts would sound like if the terrorists do manage to carry out the kinds of attacks they were planning. I get it now. You're a Hezbollah apologist/supporter. That's your right. Come out, come out!

    What? People are criticizing the Thai government for their handling of this "incident."

    Why would the Thai government need to alert the population of an ongoing investigation? They seem to have things under control and there has been no violence. There are probably dozens of similar arrests made every year in Thailand and other countries around the globe but they don't get publicized.

    Nothing happened here... no problems, no property damage, no deaths.

    People seem to be under that impression that the Thai authorities only work on things on which ThaiVisa posters are aware.

    So what you are saying is that you being a TV poster have no idea if you are accurate in your statement, “There are probably dozens of similar arrests made every year in Thailand and other countries around the globe but they don't get publicized.”

    I would agree with that.

    No, I don't know. But I'm willing to bet that there are more than 24 worldwide arrests related to terrorism that the TV posters don't know anything about.

    I lived in the New York City in the early 2000's. I didn't expect that the US government made every ongoig terrorism investigation public and I don't think Thailand should be expected to, either.

    • Like 1
  12. If you don't see the fertiliser as evidence then you're even stupider then your posts.

    Yes you're supposed to hunt terrorists quietly. Unfortunately, the Thai government didn't even want to anything about this. Notice that they only caught the suspect and then found the materials AFTER they were pressured into it because the US issued the warning. Duhhhh.

    No, the Thai government presented the suspect to the media after the US Embassy warnings... that's much different than not doing anything before the US Embassy warning.

    Pretty sure he was arrested at the airport trying to leave and that was after the US warning... also, other suspects managed to get away. Hardly proof in favor of the statement that the Thais were actively watching them and had it all under control.

    So within 2 hours after the Embassy warning, the guy tried to leave the country and Thailand caught him? Yet, before that they did nothing?

    Thailand doesn't want a terrorist attack on its soil. Why would they do nothing until the US demands? There haven't been any major terrorist incidents in Bangkok in decades so they must be doing something right.

  13. Terrorists like this?

    Like this

    Are people in denial or completely ignorant of Hezbollah's past operations?

    Hezbollah has killed more US nationals than Israelis. Hundreds of US nationals have been murdered by Hezbollah. As such, they pose a threat to US nationals.

    Hezbollah has kidnapped more Europeans than Israelis. Hezbollah has repeatedly threatened and murdered EU nationals, and been responsible for hijackings. As such, they pose a threat to EU nationals. The western authorities did the right thing by sounding an alarm.Here's a quick recap for those that think Hezbollah is harmless;

    · July 19, 1982: Hezbollah kidnaps the president of the American University in Beirut, Davis S. Dodge, This was the start of Hezbollah's kidnap and ransom operations with 30+ Westerners kidnapped and held for ransom.

    · April 18, 1983: Hezbollah attacks the U.S. embassy in Beirut with a car bomb, killing 63 people, 17 of whom were American citizens.

    · Oct. 23, 1983: Hezbollah attacks attacks U.S. Marine barracks with a truck bomb, killing 241 American military personnel stationed in Beirut as part of a peace-keeping force. A separate attack against the French military compound in Beirut kills 58.

    · Sept. 20, 1984: Hezbollah attacks the U.S. embassy annex in Beirut with a car bomb, killing 2 Americans and 22 others.

    · March 16, 1984: William F. Buckley, a CIA operative working at the U.S. embassy in Beirut, is kidnapped and later murdered.

    · April 12, 1984: Hezbollah attacks a restaurant near the U.S. Air Force Base in Torrejon, Spain. The bombing kills eighteen U.S. servicemen and injures 83 people.

    · Dec. 4, 1984: Hezbollah terrorists hijack a Kuwait Airlines plane. Four passengers are murdered, including two Americans.

    · June 14, 1985: Hezbollah terrorists hijack TWA flight 847. The hijackers severely beat Passenger Robert Stethem, a U.S. Navy diver, before killing him and dumping his body onto the tarmac at the Beirut airport. Other passengers are held as hostages before being released on June 30.

    · Feb. 17, 1988: THezbollah kidnaps Col. William Higgins, a U.S. Marine serving with a United Nations truce monitoring group in Lebanon, and later murders him.

    · March 17, 1992: With the help of Iranian intelligence, Hezbollah bombs the Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires, killing 29 and injuring over 200.

    · July 18, 1994: Hezbollah bombs the Jewish community center in Buenos Aires–again with Iranian help–killing 86 and injuring over 200.

    · Nov., 2002: Acting on tip offs from US and British intelligence, Canadian authorities prevent an attempted terrorist attack. Canada then lists Hezbollah as a terrorist organization in Dec. 2002..

    · June 5, 2003: Following evidence of potential Hezbollah terror cells in Australia, Australia lists Hezbollah's "military wing" as a terrorist organization.

    · Sept. 2, 2004: United Nations Security Council Resolution 1559 calls for "the disbanding and disarmament of all Lebanese and non-Lebanese militias," a reference to Hezbollah. Hezbollah and Iran refuse to acknowledge the UN concerns.

    · December 2004: Both the United States and France ban Hezbollah's satellite television network, Al Manar. A U.S. State Department spokesman notes the channel "preaches violence and hatred."

    · March 10, 2005: The European Parliament overwhelmingly passes a resolution stating: "Parliament considers that clear evidence exists of terrorist activities by Hezbollah. The (EU) Council should take all necessary steps to curtail them."

    · Aug. 11, 2006: The United Nations Security Council unanimously adopts Resolution 1701, which calls for a cessation of hostilities, the deployment of Lebanese and U.N. forces into southern Lebanon, and the disarmament of armed groups in Lebanon.

    Note that I have not mentioned any of the multiple attacks on Israel. This is all the international activity. I offer that the position adopted by the USA and its allies acted to keep the world and US nationals alot safer. Anyone that argues that Hezbollah does not present a threat to the security of many westerners is a clueless idiot. The facts speak for themselves. Maybe some of you don't care if the US embassy or the some of the multiple medical and cultural support facilities are attacked. I do. Lose some of those people and you'll see it reflected in a major cost to the economy.

    All the attacks listed there are 18 years ago or older and during Israel's occupation of southern Lebanon.

    The US and French were also involved in the civil war and, of course, French-made laws favoring Christians were a root cause of the confict.

    • Like 1
  14. ...

    how do you tell who is an israeli and who isn't? WHAT A CROCK!

    Are you serious? For real?


    Keep in mind terrorists like this are quite happy to kill Jews in general, Americans in general, and westerners in general plus collateral damage which in the case of an attack in Thailand would of course include Thai people.

    Terrorists like this?

    When was the last time Hezbollah made a mass-scale terrorist attack involving multiple locations and targeting random tourists and/or nationalities not involved in the Lebanese Civil War?

  15. If you don't see the fertiliser as evidence then you're even stupider then your posts.

    Yes you're supposed to hunt terrorists quietly. Unfortunately, the Thai government didn't even want to anything about this. Notice that they only caught the suspect and then found the materials AFTER they were pressured into it because the US issued the warning. Duhhhh.

    No, the Thai government presented the suspect to the media after the US Embassy warnings... that's much different than not doing anything before the US Embassy warning.

  16. Don't be so hard on the Thais, they haven't really had to deal with this type of terror situation before. The events are overwhelming to those with no experience. It is easy for some westerners to criticize, but the UK has had 2 generations raised in the midst of terror,1st with the IRA and then with events like the Pan Am bombing and the the subway bombs. Most Englishmen/women know what to do. Same for France, Spain etc. The US has lived with this since 9/11. In Thailand, terror attacks have been nicely isolated in the deep south and have not touched anyone outside the region. Now that the realpolitik of foreign terrorists is here, they just don't know what to do. Think back to 9/11 in the USA, the Americans, while not has flustered, spent alot of time thrashing about and in that case they had a real terror attack on their hands. Up until then it was just nutters like Tim McVeigh or the Branch Davidians. The same situation holds for the Thais. Yes they had the Bangkok protests, but they were dealing with local problems and no one was threatening foreigners. Not making excuses, but this is going to be a learning curve and the authorities are basically special ed kids being asked to do university level homework.

    They have had communist insurgents, southern separatists, numerous bombs in BKK, and their own version of the Red Brigade. how much experience do they need?

    The communist insurgents were anouther era, the southern separatists are not of interest and the BKK bombs were their own political battles.

  17. What? You're telling me that there have been some bombings on Khao San and elsewhere in Bangkok? I don't think so.

    I can imagine what your posts would sound like if the terrorists do manage to carry out the kinds of attacks they were planning. I get it now. You're a Hezbollah apologist/supporter. That's your right. Come out, come out!

    What? People are criticizing the Thai government for their handling of this "incident."

    Why would the Thai government need to alert the population of an ongoing investigation? They seem to have things under control and there has been no violence. There are probably dozens of similar arrests made every year in Thailand and other countries around the globe but they don't get publicized.

    Nothing happened here... no problems, no property damage, no deaths.

    People seem to be under that impression that the Thai authorities only work on things on which ThaiVisa posters are aware.

    • Like 1
  18. Rest what case? That the warning was OK... yeah, I already agreed with you. I probably shouldn't have replied to your post since I thought your term "anti-American" related to views on foreign policy... but for you "anit-American" meant grievances toward the US Embassy, which I don't have.

    However, you're wrong to think that the Thais did nothing until the US warning. They just didn't do anything publicly. Not sure why you think that nothing occurs unless you know about it.

    I still don't get the complaining to the embassy part LOL... why would anyone complain to the US Embassy for a terrorist action in another country by a group from another country. I guess you and I think differently... I don't look for scapegoats whenever something goes wrong.

    there was a bomb


    Chemicals that might be used to make a bomb is not the same as a bomb. Nothing happened.

    I live pretty close to Mahachai yet I haven't heard any explosions...

    the prep said they were

    Hizballah planned Mumbai-style attack on Habad Bangkok, Khao San restaurants


    What? You're telling me that there have been some bombings on Khao San and elsewhere in Bangkok? I don't think so.

  19. I don't understand your point. The Thai authorities found the chemicals and there was no explosion. Everything is fine, no harm, no foul.

    There was no need for the Thai government to go public about this... The only thing it changes for us is that there would be less posts on this forum.

    Oh so catching a terrorist with the bomb materials right on our doorstep is considered no harm, no foul! Wow aren't we blase about about such things?

    Why shouldn't they have gone public? The public already knows about the threat.

    No, of course the public knows now. But if the US Embassy never released its warning this would be a non-issue. Just another arrest that we know nothing about.

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