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  1. Billd766, I think all the MG’s were all on display in Robinsons last weekend and one caught my eye as being very nice but alas my wife bought a new Honda last year.
  2. I’m a regular out patient at Kamphaeng Phet government hospital and I go to the evening sessions, 390 baht for doctors fee plus medication costs, occasionally X-ray and blood tests needed, on every occasion I pay Thai price. How do I know, I told my wife about dual pricing so first time she asked cashier and was told I’m paying Thai price. Not content with that she wandered around making conversation with others and asked what they were paying and on every occasion it was the same for me as for them.
  3. Yesterday was a first at lest it was for me. Wife and extended family decided to visit a nearby flower garden attached to a farm just outside Kamphaeng Phet. I have very limited walking ability and car park to entrance was beyond my ability so out comes the wheelchair and wifey pushes me to the entrance, the place was very busy but our turn to get in it was just 50b each which you can part exchange for discount on various things inside. To my great surprise my wife tells me that as I’m in a wheelchair there is no charge for me to get in. Excellent treatment in my opinion even more so me being a falang.
  4. Becauseeven the government hospitals in Thailand 'double charge' foreigners and treatment for something serious could get prohibitively expensive. I’ve spent time in the icu and general ward plus outpatients on a 3 month basis at our government hospital and have always paid the standard charge. And no my wife is not a government employee and she has asked both when paying my bills at the hospital if I’m paying falang price and told no and she has even asked fellow patients what they get charged and i’m paying the same as other Thai patients.
  5. Earlier this morning I was sitting peacefully watching a movie on my iPad on my terrace at the front of our house. Across the road a man was using an electric lawnmower to cut down what is more like scrub rather than a lawn and judging by the sounds the blades were hitting a lot of stones against the inside casing on the machine. Then there was an almighty bang as something hit the glass door immediately behind my head, there was a definite mark on the glass but no damage and studying the stone it was about the size of a cherry, irregular shaped with some sharp edges and a definite point in one part of it. Looking at the impact on the glass it was at my head height and had it hit me it would most certainly have caused an injury, perhaps a severe one and had missed me by only an inch or so. So, had it caused damage or injury to me would the user be liable for repairs or my medical costs etc or is simply a case of tough luck?
  6. Currently johng its set at 27° on a cool automatic setting with ion cleaning set to on. Works very efficiently but this constant and sometimes very dry throat and lips is becoming a nuisance, I always have a bottle of water bedside and take a few mouthfuls each time i wake but my wife more so since she recovered from COVID now many months ago really suffers a lot worse than I do.
  7. A short time ago I posted in general chat about mixing air conditioning with humidifiers. I now find or indeed cannot find the post at all since placed in diy division so how will anyone else. It could just have easily been placed in health division where the issue also has similarities but has absolutely nothing to do with DIY. Seems a waste of my time in posting it.
  8. Seems a contradiction to use both together judging by the amount of water our air conditioner places outside every morning but I wake up a couple of times a night for a toilet visit with a dry throat and lips. My wife suffers even more so than I do. Before anyone suggests the obvious air conditioning does greatly improve my breathing issues. So, anyone have experiences of using both together and was it successful plus any advice on models and make etc.
  9. My wife’s teenage niece who lives with us went on one for the day yesterday and had a great day returning home safe and sound. Out on a half day trip as we speak now. Why on earth ban them.
  10. One of my falang food suppliers was recently promoting Beef Jerky, apart from knowing the name I know nothing about the product but a trip to Google soon enlightened me and I placed an order for some. So Saturday my wife is getting my dinner and asks me how to prepare it, I replied with it’s already to eat, she asks are you sure, anyway she emptied the bag onto my plate alongside my usual veggies. Well the flavour according to my taste buds was excellent but it was also like chewing wood. I was like a cow chewing the cud trying to soften the jerky enough to make it safe to swallow with each strip taking many minutes of chewing to soften. If it wasn’t for the great flavour I’d have spat it out and ditched the lot. So, is it supposed to be like that, anyone have any ways that you can rehydrate the stuff to make it more easily edible?
  11. If appears to me that a great many of you are very busy making excuses for the lazy and couldn’t care less morons who abuse these parking facilities without any morals at all. In the past 12 months or so since I became one of the unfortunate who genuinely need these areas our Big C have by far the worst offenders with no supervision of these reserved areas at all and are frequently in use by the fit and able (stop trying to make excuses for these lazy good for nothings) whereas as Robinsons and Makro are well controlled and the staff are always thanked by me for doing so.
  12. Earlier today my Thai wife received a phone call regarding a facebook order she was waiting for. However the caller then asked her for her name, then for our house number and could she pay by bank transfer. At this point my wife shouted a few obscenities down the phone and then hung up. We presume it was a spam call and just coincided with her expecting a facebook delivery.
  13. I had the same experience on Monday, message from Wise at 10am saying we paid out your THB. Checked just after 2pm and not there as was the case with a few checks later on. I went onto tracking my transfer and then timed at 2:20pm a message saying transfer successfully sent to your bank. It arrived at 2pm on Tuesday and like many others I’ve never had it happen like this before either.
  14. Then why nobody’s friend are there so many long trailers with the boats placed them on the roadside down by the river.
  15. What a ridiculous person you are, now go back to playing with your self.
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