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Everything posted by tmd5855
That is a maidens aunt tea party to what happened in Cristobal, Panama, New Years Eve, 1982. When local boat skippers came into the redlight, waterfront drinking dens saying we all need to get on the boats and head back to the ships before midnight (At anchor in the canal) something happened and 3+ bars/brothels emptied, windows smashed, bottles thrown, stabbings, kidnappings and one boat set adrift and its skipper thrown in the water. Being in our twenties we could run faster than the older guys who were robbed without a happy ending. LK Metro GoGo bar brawl pales away to what goes on in waterfront bars.
autographed things -do you have any?
tmd5855 replied to Prubangboy's topic in ASEAN NOW Community Pub
Did a favour for a mate while working in South Korea, he has a mate, the ex World Boxing champion Dave 'Boy' McAuley. To say thanks got him to sign my name on a card depicting him fighting wishing me all the best and a signed pair of gloves, have them here in Issan. Also have a Chelsea football signed by all the first team, along with a large picture of the Chelsea squad all signed again by the players. This when the silver bearded (conman/crook) were in charge (Before bought by the Russian) came into my possession at a charity raffle type function. We were all pissed and bidding with no idea what for, I made another bid thinking some fool would top mine, never happened. Handed my goods in a Chelsea club shop plastic bag, bag went awol. Mate who does E-Bay laughs at how much I paid chortling how it will be 3023 before I get my money back. Given a bottle of 'Lanson' Champagne in 1997 with a BP label celebrating the Foinhaven Field development, stored upright in a display cabinet here in Issan. No idea if worth anything Worked on the Stadive in 1995 during the proposed sinking of the Brent Spar. Shell gave all directly involved a T-Shirt printed on the Front "Only a drop in the Ocean" and 1995 etc, etc on the back. Never worn and never seen another will never sell. No idea if worth anything Piper Bravo, the replacement for "Piper Alpha" when first produced oil some of us were given paperweights with a "Drop" of oil encased giving the date etc. Still in it's little box, will never get rid off since knew a guy who worked on Piper Alpha. Ships Bell from the Balder Hammerfest 1991, cough, cough is hanging near my fish pond Bulk Carrier Star Ming, the stern flag tucked away in the battery locker left the ship when I left in Bangkok in 1983? Had loads more memorabilia, but, my ex has no idea what happened to an old Pendulum clock from a BR waiting room I repaired, navigation lights and anchor lights plus ship models. Women do, do a scorched earth policy on a guys things, told me for 22 years that leaving would make her happy, it did until she found the money supply had left so all my possessions went to that "Don't ask me, it's your stuff" place. Apologies for derailing the thread. -
Being a biker myself (Even at 68) near paranoid on checking my mirror in the wife's car when turning left into a garage, side street or just parking. Indicator flashing away well before the turn, try to be as far left as possible, but, have had old grannies and pimply youths still coming up alongside whom I let pass before turning. A simple safety awareness program could be done at schools with posters extolling the virtue of "Being Smart" not stupid.
Following the collapse of the "Signed" Oslo Accords an old saying were tagged onto Yasser Arafat. "He never missed the opportunity to miss an opportunity" Taking Saddams side when he invaded Kuwait meant all Palestinians were expelled reducing Kuwait's pre Gulf War population figure by 18%. Jordan kicked out Arafat and the PLO creating "Black September".
Twin Teenagers Surrender After Shooting Another Person to Death in Bangkok
tmd5855 replied to webfact's topic in Bangkok News
Like yourself I were against the death penalty when younger, miscarriage of justice being the main reason since being found innocent later counts for nothing since nothing can bring you back. But, in such cases like this caught holding the gun, killing is senseless, a son and brother gone because you cannot control yourself??? An eye for an eye seems to be justice to me. -
That is what 99.9% of Israel haters cannot see. When Rabin/Clinton/Arafat signed the Oslo Accords the PLO got most of what they wanted. Arafat seeing what could follow {losing support) started the 'child' infidata to derail what he signed/agreed to. Rabin for his troubles were assassinated by a right wing Jew for selling out part of the biblical homeland. Ariel Sharon a "Hawk" no friend of the 'Arabs' used the army to remove all jews and settlers from Gaza in many cases by 'Force' same happened in a number of places in the West Bank. But, Gaza were 'Jew Free' end of 2005. 2006 in Gaza elections Hamas won the popular vote in the 'Legislature', Gaza became self governing, Hamas and Fatah fought a brief and brutal civil war which Hamas won then expelled Fatah supporters from Gaza. Hamas became self ruling banning further elections and publishing their "Charter" which called for the "Eradication of the jews and the State of Israel. USA cut of funding to Gaza diverting it to PLA of Abbas in the West Bank. Hamas were declared to be a terrorist organisation at the UN. The EU declared it to be a terrorist organisation October 7th proved beyond a shadow of doubt they are a terrorist organisation. I await ridicule and "whataboutery"
Spent 2012-14 working in South Korea, one evening went to help a person who had not noticed a kerb, and fell hitting his head, told my driver to stop and went to his aid. He were disoriented more than hurt, showed alarm at seeing me holding him and started shouting, got up and walked quickly away. Later in the office mentioned this and a local Korean said that what I had done were not common in Korea, in fact they had tried passing a "Good Samaritan" law that you needed to help someone who were hurt/had an accident. It failed to get passed, so that shows you the attitude of one Asian country.
What's your opinion on this? Jordan Peterson on IQ
tmd5855 replied to GammaGlobulin's topic in ASEAN NOW Community Pub
You mean the "Scots" do you not?? TV, Telephone, Penicillin, Tarmacadam road surface, Expansion Steam engine, United States Navy, Mammal cloning, Refrigerator, MRI scanner, ATM, Disposable contact lenses, Pneumatic tyre, Vacuum Flask, amongst others the most important being Clan tartan and whisky. All said to alleviate the "I am smarter than you posters" Me...... with tongue firmly pressed into ones cheek. Forgot to add Rabbie Burns, f -
What's your opinion on this? Jordan Peterson on IQ
tmd5855 replied to GammaGlobulin's topic in ASEAN NOW Community Pub
Jordan Peterson videos are interesting to watch and they do make you think. There is another video on YouTube where folk talk about America and her involvement in Vietnam? The ever increasing need for soldiers to fill the ranks brought about the recruitment of low IQ males that had great difficulty learning simple tasks, performing these tasks repeatedly still failed to have the task carried out on command. Not just ordinary soldiers, the need for officers were just as acute which led to the bar being lowered and many males suitable to be a private, but, had completed high school got in. If not for the NCO's sergeants et al the American armed (ground) forces would have failed more often in completing operations. Having an all volunteer army where individuals are tested (IQ) before getting set loose on killing equipment is now recognised as the only way to have a competent defense/offensive force. Have met many highly intelligent folk (Masters/PHD) that lack basic commonsense, some cannot handle a screwdriver, spanner nor capable of putting a 'nut' in a monkeys mouth, yet interesting to listen to on their subject field, though in an emergency they would panic with headless chickens leading the way. As a earlier poster wrote, too high an IQ can be a disadvantage. -
Senator Porntip asked to leave restaurant in Iceland
tmd5855 replied to webfact's topic in Thailand News
Were she not told to leave by the fashion police! Being in the company of loud and abusive hair, wearing stolen clothes from a charity shop and displaying yellow teeth?? That photo of her displays a lack of having a 'good side' -
2006 to 2009 where in a relationship that I thought would succeed. Marriage came up and so did 'Sinsod' and the cost of the marriage ceremony?? Told GF/wife-to-be that the marriage would only be a 50/50 Thai/Farang so if I were expected to do Thai, then she and family could do Farang. When explained that I pay Sinsod and her Papa pay for wedding brought looks that could kill, my suggestion that the 'Sinsod' be shown and then used to pay wedding so double big face for Papa brought shakes of the head. I had already renovated the house by fitting wiring and fixed plumbing, repaired engine for the long handlebar tractor but, I could smell a rat. We parted ways after that, easy for me to do since working offshore Asia, only living Thailand for tax reasons, were really hurt about the ending, but, would not be held to ransom. In 2015 met a woman who had clothing stalls in the Mall in Korat, we started a relationship, met her family who all had their own homes, cars etc, her dad said "Take care my Granddaughter" she were only 9, next spring she goes university, 'Sinsod' were never mentioned when we married 2017. Sometimes you play or fold your cards.
Thaksin: Former Thai PM's prison sentence reduced to a year
tmd5855 replied to Social Media's topic in Thailand News
Thinking the same thing, to throw his supporters under the bus while joining coalition parties of coup leaders means "We represent those who vote and support us" will be hard to say with a straight face. Round peg, square hole!! Can only benefit MFP in the long run -
The English Football Association declared him an "Unfit and proper" person to run/own a football team. Makes me smile when people who have done time for selling drugs, cold shouldered by the "City of London", bankrupts and wife beaters are passed as fit and proper. The UK government did not get involved so hope English ex-pats are not in any crosshairs.
If my memory serves me correctly he were about to address the UN when told of the coup. Also advised on his return he would be arrested on charges made up by the Jaunta, no country in the World would arrest him. Would you return to a place where your incarceration is 100% guaranteed on charges no other country seen fit to have you arrested. I am no fan of Thaksin, just a fan of due process, you do know this Jaunta has given themselves a blanket immunity to any wrongdoing past, present.
Has been absent (Banished) from Thailand since ???? Will that count as time served in lieu? Been given a green light that it is now okay to come back, the deal has been done because someone wanted it done.
Business men know how to make money/profit. (Whether legal or not) Generals know how to spend money/loss. As you said if IQ tests were mandatory for ministerial office a lot of our so called "Better's" would be working in the carpark. This applies worldwide, not only here. My wife is anti-Thaksin, yet anti-Jaunta since they did wrong and spend not make money, she sure squares the circle in a Thai way what is best for Thailand and it is not the army.
Assistant Thai Police Commissioner discusses Thaksin's Return to Thailand
tmd5855 replied to webfact's topic in Thailand News
When Thaksin bought a top English team (Think Manchester City) in a big show of publicity the then elected British government refused to have him arrested. Why?? Purely on the grounds that an elected politician had been deposed/removed in an illegal military coup no if's no but's. No elected politician in a democracy would put his name to any order that delivered a politician to a Military Jaunta on charges that arose after their takeover. For their own reasons the English FA declared that Thaksin were not a fit and proper person to run a football club under their auspices, quite amazing on the bankrupt, convicted druggies and wifebeaters that are considered fit. Thaksin sold up. Satarical magazine 'Private Eye' did a comparison between Thaksin and the Red Bull heir 'Crimes'. Guess for who a bona fide arrest request where never made by the Jaunta, to the UK government?? Allowed one answer -
Scottish man becomes latest victim of Thailand’s perilous roads
tmd5855 replied to snoop1130's topic in Krabi News
Many people have seen me avoiding problems, yet, I seen them all about to develop. Once seen a large pothole on the outside lane of Korat to Chaiyaphum, road colour were grey then black, moved to avoid and slowed seconds later a pickup dropped it's front and rear wheel in the hole, looking in the mirrors seen he stopped. Doing a lot of reading and bike riding keeps (me) mentally aware or fools me into thinking it does. Also, having a great/happy retirement with a good woman in a lovely home with 9 dogs........ Want to enjoy it for many years. Also, only do riding in dry weather had enough of falls due to Scotlands tropical climate. -
Scottish man becomes latest victim of Thailand’s perilous roads
tmd5855 replied to snoop1130's topic in Krabi News
One thing I do is keep up or go slightly faster than surrounding traffic while my foward scan also takes in my two mirrors, when stopping at lights on busy two lane roads I tend to stop about 100yards back, lights go green, within seconds back in front. For bends unless I can see straight ahead no traffic or trees I enjoy, cannot see around corbners then keep left for the morons overtaking on a bend. But, you are correct, you can protect yourself from fools, it is the idiots that spring an unexpected surprise e.g. farmer and sidecar oblivious to life and universe just pulls out from rice field onto the road, I had already moved to the right expecting him not to stop, the unexpected were his dog that I hit, its head snapped the foot peg, gear change bracket and 2 of my toes. Poor dog were killed instantly. If on a small bike I would have been off, big bike and foot absorbed it all -
Scottish man becomes latest victim of Thailand’s perilous roads
tmd5855 replied to snoop1130's topic in Krabi News
You can make it a death wish. I am 68, lived here 19 years and always rode bikes, present bike bike is a modified, single seat, Ninja 650 that can do 160kph (on the speedo) in 4th gear before clicking into 5th.. But, the secret to survive is scan ahead continuously and expect the car drivers to have had a frontal lobotomy and the dark glasses Somsak is wearing on his 125cc are welding goggles. PS raced production class bikes in my twenties, that were in 1977-79. Can supply photo of present bike -
I removed the rear seat from my bike and replaced with a plastic cowling making my Ninja650 a single seat bike. Went for check, tax and insurance and I had changed the bikes colour from black to green and black, (can show a photo if wanted) they tested the bike and insured it, but the book had to be sent to Korat to have the bike colour changed. So yes, it can cause problems, if one of the testers did not have a CBR650R nearby I were F*$#@D, he and my wife fixed it.
Met a few Iranians before the Shah were deposed, Yes I am old. They all studied at Leith Nautical College in Edinburgh and stayed in hotels along Royal Terrace. At that time Bars in Scotland were closed on a Sunday, only hotel bars open and packed. The Iranians happily served alcohol and pork scratchings. Being in the Merchant Navy myself from 1977 we all talked and I soon found out they were Arayans, that Persians were certainly not Arabs. They knocked back pints of 80 Shillings and McEwans export like Gobi desert survivors, some went back to Iran when the Shah fell since they had lost contact with family, they then dropped of the radar, remaining guys started applying to other UK shipping companies to complete their Cadetship since their courses had been fully paid up. Found the Iranians a lot better than Saudis when I went to Damman in KSA for a couple of years.
You are correct there about hypocrites, seen examples of that on a Saturday night and and Sunday mornings. One Muslim spent time working with lived in the UK, so over a very expensive beer or two in a Norwegian airport told me. "You Christians should not worship anything/anyone but God yet you worship money and Pussy" "Nor have a <deleted> since "You must not spill your seed on the ground" or fornicate with woman before wedlock", Seemed to me he knew more about the bible than I did, he were educated in America. Had his own views on why Islam seemingly stuck in the past and divided between Sunni and Shia, mentioned that Christianity had it's reformation and Europe had it's period of 'Enlightment', but, Europe had interfered too much for free thinking in the Muslim world???????. Quite a remarkable guy, the Indonesians who were University educated in Australia/America/Europe were interesting guys to talk about dodgy subjects.