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Everything posted by tmd5855

  1. Many of the Muslims I worked with (Arab/Iranian/Indonesian) loved bacon butties and alcohol, saying when they married they would settle and be pious
  2. Watched 3 Conspiracy Theorists walk into my bar, this were not a co-incidence.
  3. It is when gratitude and excitement evolves into entitlement
  4. You are not in the health care business with a bedside manner like that??
  5. The god Janus would have a hard time keeping an eye on these "Charlatans". Could well be a circus, but, it is trapeze swinging clowns without laughter only scorn and derision. Do not get me commenting on their bad sides?
  6. Wife and I do rescue, mostly dogs that are given to us. One time a max of 11 now 9 at present since many of the dogs are released to us from vets to free up space, owners many times have never paid the bills, so we collect them and bring them home. Many are not long for this world. From a blind brain damaged and crippled survivor of a car accident to a 13 year old Sable from the Thai army only used for breeding. Dogs do become family members on a deeply loved basis. Have known of instances back in the UK where a culprit responsible for the death of a family pet that did nothing wrong suffers a loss, Karma at its best. The average person does not like cruelty and If we can make an animals last days free of anxiety and pain then we will do.
  7. Just remember that Oliver Cromwell were dead when tried for treason by Charles II for cutting his Daddies head off (Charles I). Dug up, tried, found guilty and hung in chains. Plenty time left.....
  8. If the party that holds all but, one seat in Bangkok, has the largest number of seats of any party cannot rule by taking it's rightful/democratic place?? Then it blows Pheu Thai and its argument that the majority winning party, voted for by the people should rule.
  9. Arrived Thailand 2004 to use as a base whilst working in Asia and avoiding UK tax, slowly but surely started to like the place and an Issan GF from Si Khio 2007-09 had me out there in the sticks. 2012 aged 57 decided to plan retirement, bought some land via a company and built a house near 2 other farangs, they are all gone now and I am the only farang in the area. Retired 2015 and met a woman who is now my wife. I eat 99% only Thai food, only speak Thai to my 9 dogs, know enough Thai to make police smile when stopped on my bikes for speeding. There are no bars nearby and the area is all quiet by 8pm. Have many books to read and a garden/fishpond to tend to. Positively love the place for everything I need is around me, never been tired of Issan.
  10. So it were (100%) his own fault, he brought it all upon himself and the police officers are blameless, squeaky clean individuals.
  11. My ex wife (English) said same, but, my 9 dogs find me sane and amusing. ????
  12. Live near Bamnet Narong in Chaiyaphum province, nearest biggest town is over into Korat Province at Nong Krad. I ride up to Chaiyaphum city to meet some ex-pats in the No'1 Bar and Korat where I stay the night and have a few beers in the 'Monkey Bar'. No longer hit the beer like my past in Pattaya, quietened down.
  13. Came to Asia working Indonesia/Malaysian waters Oil&Gas in 2004. Decided to work the UK tax system so spent majority of leave in Thailand, bought land via a company and built a house in 2010, 2015 aged 60 retired with my bigish bikes, started to do dog rescue, tried to grow different fruits in my garden and breed Koi. 2017 married a Korat girl who left the City to be with me. Exchange rates and Covid resulted in me being the only Farang left for many, many miles. Now 68, love heading to Chaiyaphum or Korat on my bikes at speeds way too high for commonsense. Amongst our dogs are 6 German Shepherds, 2 of those were rescue, we had blind, brain damaged from road accidents we take care off. Whenever old friends drive from Pattaya to my corrugated roof blockhouse they are the ones shot away after 2 nights, the village all shutdown by 8.00pm is alien. I am as happy as a sand boy, enjoying my twilight years amongst big, 4 legged mutts, no visitors just my Thai family. Who are these strange folk
  14. You are so correct, more than likely a Mother and Father are in tears now. My youngest son passed 30-Dec-2016, aged 27, bewilderment and numbness hits you. Requiescat in Pace
  15. Somehow a "Little Wacko" conjures up images of a rodent type creature scurrying around the kill of an apex predator, to quote your own words!!
  16. Does your empathy extend to your fellow human or it is what it is, zero?
  17. Started living Thailand for tax reasons whilst working offshore in Asia aged 49 in 2004, in 2010 made a retirement plan, in 2015 aged 59 retired debt free so when the yearly lease on my Pattaya villa came up for renewal moved lock and stock to my Issan home. Met/introduced to a clothes shop owner in the Mall in Korat 2015, we got on that well in November 2017 we married. Have a Thai company that purchased some land where I built a retirement home to my wants and needs in 2011. Every year accounts drawn up, tax paid to government. Have a koi carp pond, 1 car, 3 motorbikes one of which my Ninja 650 still brings smiles to this 67 year old, have 10 dogs running around the walled perimeter, 5 are German Shepherds (2 rescued) and 5 Thai dogs, all rescued, some dogs have disabilities owing to have been run over before coming here, one GSD were a sniffer dog for the Thai army and lost a rear paw down South in a trap. The GSD's are loving and affectionate, but, if never introduced to you/them they revert to type, do not try and climb over the walls to steal as two drunken lads found out a few years back, the local police were excellent in their handling of the matter in that, 100% blame for their painful injuries were their own fault and Karma were at work. Enjoy my garden, reading books, love the solitude of being the only farang in the village/area. Doing DIY around the house, making and modifying things in my workshop attempting to install solar powered pumps to complement my solar lighting. Taking the lemons from the trees and bottling the juice for consumption every morning, eat the mangoes as they come. Watching TV via a box that all Issan households have?? Enjoying my twilight years with a great woman whose family has never created any issues and provide overnight accommodation if I ever visit Korat alone. Have virtually stopped drinking beer, but, a local mum & pop shop down the Soi has chilled, big bottles of Leo at 60baht. Today going out on a 180km round trip using the Ninja 650 to see an elderly friend who needs cheering up, will have two beers at the local Soi shop on my return before they close for the day at 7:30pm. If you have hobbies, interests and like solitude then village life in Thailand can be great. No longer take blood pressure tablets........ Why!! No longer have a Farang wife who created so much stress it made me ill
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