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Everything posted by tmd5855

  1. Whatever they are promoting I will buy. Lovely looking eye candy. Maria Ozawa where a Japanese AV girl who appeared in FHM around 2000 period. Cracker even now.
  2. If you think Kuwaitis are bad, try Saudis, spent 18 months offshore from Dammam attempting to get these guys up to speed on equipment. Maintenance??? Get manufacturer, Breakdown ?? Get manufacturer. Safety procedures.......... forget it. Safety officer were Egyptian and called names, Safety guy said his ancestors had mapped the heavens these camel (cannot print) are ????????. 29th Dec, 2014 stepped out a chopper saying I will never come here again, kept my promise.
  3. He walked passed his colleague and put himself in front of the car. She turned the wheel away from him and moved. The officer already had his gun out where the policy of pulling your weapon is a last resort action. Again and again when the public do not comply you die, the police are judge and jury. She were killed because she tried driving away while suspected of stealing some booze?? Stealing booze gets you the death penalty?? Let her go, the car appears to be a Lexus, get the plate and arrest her at home.
  4. Couple an hour from me, the husband cut himself badly taken to village hospital who discovered he had no health cover. Needed blood transfusion and special medicine, proof of funds could not be done before he passed, being a heavy smoker and spirit drinker did not help. He dropped off the radar and rumours started, friends were blanked, info scarce what they think happened were!!!! Hospital released the body to wife, put in the back of a pick-up and taken up to the wifes village where on temple grounds a pyre were made and cremation carried out, all the ashes put in the local river. Guy had no friends in attendance since it where done over a couple of days. Now that story maybe B/S though having seen rules not being adhered too for non-Buddhists who knows. Would be very cheap though.
  5. Cannot argue with those reasons on why they have cracked down and closed some Mosques.
  6. Bought land here in Thailand via the Thai company route in 2011. Built a house 2012 and name of book has no house owner space is blank. Stopped work 2014. Met girl 2015, married 2017. Still together 9 years later. You want my house/home you need buy the company that owns the land.
  7. My ex in the UK always said she could get better than me with a snap of her fingers. 1985-2007 My Thai wife says she feels so lucky to have met me. 2015 to present From 1977 always worked overseas and had a fondness for Asia, my UK ex loved the lifestyle she had when I where overseas hating me disrupting her routine when on leave. Became a tax exile after 2007, built a home via a Thai company 2011, met the future wife same year I retired in 2015, when my son came out for the wedding he remarked: "Great to see you smile Dad, not seen you like that in years" That is what makes my Thai wife so special, her caring attitude which makes me feel needed.
  8. My youngest son took soft drugs at an early age, by the time he where 27and took his own life he were a paranoid schizophrenic. Drugs do damage to a brain and seeing your son change in front of your eyes is heartbreaking. Padlocks on bedroom doors even jail did not stop him, drugs abundant in jail. Maybe a mental illness makes folk take drugs, but it is damage to the brain/awareness/thinking processes that become broken creating behavioral problems, it is a cop out to say they are ill and like a cold they will be back healthy in a day or two.
  9. What most likely would happen is similar to James II when they put his daughters husband on the throne (Prince William) and brought in the act of settlement barring any Catholics or English aristocrats with a better blood claim but technically illegitimate being born out of wedlock to the throne. So clean pair of hands Princess Anne and King Timothy Laurence!!! Royalty needs safe hands and Andy is definitely not pristine goods (What else is in the cupboard) Royalty do whatever is needed to survive even killing their own.... They did it once and got away with it calling it the "Glorious Revolution"
  10. Worked all over Asia when in the Merchant Navy, later in the Oil&Gas industry in Indonesia from 2004 spending 50% of my leave in Thailand to avoid paying UK income tax. By 2007 ex wife wanted to keep all except me so I had to make plans for my future in 2008 aged 53. Ozzy guy I worked with had a house and Thai wife out in the sticks where many the time with barfine in hand would visit. Liked the place so much used a severance package to buy land (Via Thai company) and built a house in 2012. Dec 2014 quit the industry aged 59 after meeting a lady. She came to Pattaya until lease on my villa expired mid 2015 moving 100% to my house in the sticks. Girlfriend became my wife November 2017, being a city girl had a harder time than myself settling out in the sticks, but, Korat were an hour drive away. Started dog rescue.. (Have a large walled place) taking in sick, crippled road accident victims and abandoned GSD's during the Covid period. New wife okay with me having dogs, big bikes, koi carp and crazy ideas on what I like grow in the garden. Happy as a pig in <deleted> in the village, want a beer, many, many wooden shacks/shops along the Soi, I buy children ice cream and Soi dogs 'Pork scratching's' while enjoying a frozen bottle of Leo. Laugh and joke with the local guys who think my big bike is cool. One thing though is I can understand 90% of village spoken Thai, in return I speak Thai poorly in a non tonal way and hope they understand me, after knowing me for years they can get my drift. Ex Ozzy friend and his wife have split up, and it were a Farang who cheated me out of a near million baht, no Thai has ever done the same to me or my wife. When my son died one family with family in Bangkok, near the airport had me staying there taking me the airport for an early departure flight. Another family whose members returned after 5 years working in Canada invited us to a "Welcome Home" party at their house, wife pointed out certain people were missing/not invited whereas I were. Village politics can be fun. Used to visit Pattaya every 3 months to see old friends, then Covid stopped all visits, now get there once a year to meet a good friend from the UK. Now 69 and 10 years of living in a rice growing village has grown on me, can recognise harmless snakes, throw scorpions over the wall, pick up dead lizards that our pack of dogs kill... PS one time had 6 Alsatians/GSD's now sadly only 4, but, as perimeter guards they keep thieves out, no bike, no tools ever stolen. Being in a ship or Rigs cabin for 38+ years means a condo is unsuitable, 38+ years spent on water means I only want see fields around me, maybe ponds where I can fish are okay. Village life is not for everyone......... Me!! I love being with my wife 24/7, having 37-45kg Alsatians following you everywhere which makes my wife feel so safe, love going out alone on my bike for 2/3 hours using GPS to get home. Read books never had time for before, stripping down bike engines and fitting different bits, I love my own company with loved wife and dogs. Apologies for the ramblings, but, this is one guy who turns 70 next year and is at peace with himself in a rural habitat.
  11. Seen what you did there 555 5555 555 one goes with the other??
  12. Is this the rights of a few outweigh the rights of many?? All I know is that your relationship with god is from your soul/consciousness to your Supreme Being!! Now if your God should be allowed into school then what if I were a 'Satanist' and wanted "Lucifer" in a room somewhere, realise that is stretching it, but, give an inch why not a mile. Places of learning should be secular, religion is for in your home or your appointed 'House of God' My 30 pieces of silver.....
  13. Just takes 1 call and you are in the Sh!t I have a frozen and reduced OAP being 'contracted out' since 2021. Been straight and above board, best way, no surprises.
  14. While we are on the subject of "Returns"!! Can I put up my ex back in the UK, bit ruff, bit lined, more cellulite than a hippo
  15. Being an engineer myself it is easy to spot what is wrong with him if he is as described an engineer....... He has a large Whitworth bolt through his neck to a Metric nut.
  16. Ten years ago met a lady now my wife. To marry I went out with all immediate family for a meal, asked her Dad if I could marry her, said 'Yes' but, you need take care my granddaughter who were aged 8. 10 years later daughter is at university in Bangkok, never gave her mother or myself a sleepless night. Meeting a woman from a good family helps, her family have bent over backwards to include me in all functions and 'No' I am not expected to pay. Wife only has sisters and they all have good jobs. Want a good Thai wife.......... Check out her family
  17. Brakes, you forgot brakes............
  18. Well said, well put. Two of Solzhenitsyn books should be in the curriculum 'One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich & Gulag Archipelago" showing mans inhumanity to man
  19. Well said, well put. Two of Solzhenitsyn books should be in the curriculum 'One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich & Gulag Archipelago" showing mans inhumanity to man
  20. I am a young 68 and avoid like the plague old guys bars. Vests, dirty toenails and nasal hair (inside and out) are not my scene....... Plus forest eyebrows and comments like "It's like nothing like back home" Tongue in cheek......
  21. Good to see prompt action on such a serious matter. Just imagine if it were a trivial matter to some??? Nothing would happen for 20 odd years.......... Or am I missing something. Please.................. my comment is washed and dripping in sarcasm
  22. Something 'Non-Bikers' should recognise is not the top speed of these so called big bikes, it is their acceleration that creates the problem, I am knocking on the door of 69 yrs old and still love the thrill of riding my bike, Kawasaki give it a figure of 3.54 secs 0-60mph or 100kph some 1litre bikes are even quicker some supercars are not that quick of the mark. It is the ability to go from traffic light to traffic light that is the thrill to some guys forgetting it is not a drag strip. Retired and living full time in Chaiyaphum since 2014 not a month goes by without a funeral for a schoolboy or teenager. Why on earth is their no posters of bike accidents and a school policy of helmets that their pupils do not use on entering and leaving school grounds which is the school authority fiefdom. Sad, so bloody sad......
  23. This period excuse or reason gets confirmed or debunked depending on the 'subject'?? My ex told me she were the same 24/7 whether having/not having a period, but ask them if in front of a female judge for causing a car accident would it matter if the female Judge were in the middle of her period or not!! You can guess her answer.... My ex gave wild unpredictable Harridans a bad name, starting 15 days before her period and 25 years after. I kid you not....
  24. Or lack of hair, sometimes dyed.
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