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  1. well, I guess your correct but it's accepted where as drug people are not .... just saying. cheers.
  2. and what about the head of the GLO, how much does he get .... those cars and houses cost money to maintain.
  3. they should hang him .... send a message to other call center scammers.
  4. oh dear Georgealbert, this guy is a thief and needs to be caught. I hope the cops get off their lazy ars_s and catch this guy. He'll soon get what he deserves.
  5. the cops were probably in on the whole thing. don't trust anyone in lieland thailand.
  6. absolutely agree 100% .... I like clean good dogs, I hate diseased soi dogs, they are pests.
  7. take two soi dogs in ...... hmmmm what could possibly go wrong !! what did you expect ? you want them to be perfect for you !!!
  8. steven100

    Bangkok parks

    do they have a bar ?
  9. silly me, here's me thinking that all the kids on bikes do as they please and the cops do nothing. And I was thinking how most Thai's would scam you out of that lottery win in a heartbeat .... especially the honest gf.
  10. steven100

    Bangkok parks

    and I found this very beautiful bar and spent 5 happy hours yesterday. No charge for entry and the trash was in the rubbish bin.
  11. oh dear Georgealbert, this is really sad and tragic news, I can't say anything as it's so distressing. Jail for 20 years wouldn't be enough punishment for this, hanging maybe ... rip kids, very sad.
  12. I'm not an alcoholic, I can have a rest from beer for a week if I need. I drink with friends and I drink to be social which is accepted anywhere. I am not a drug user as you are. Which obviously you chose wrong from right. Drug users are low lifes, and looked down upon in any society as warranted. I don't like drug dealers, users, or any drug people. Ignore for you .... good bye druggie ....
  13. haha ... you must be a drug user .... enough said ...
  14. so the laughing emoticon is obviously a drug taker
  15. 7 pages of garbage answering to a troll. Just shows how many on AN have lost it. Just shows how much social media controls them everyday. Pathetic.

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