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Everything posted by steven100

  1. Taco bell and Sunrise tacos are both insults to real Mexican food. Coyote's use to be so so' but heard the portions are small now, the only real Mexican food is Charlie Browns off Sukhumvit ..... imo
  2. So who's coming this week ? is it the Russians .. ? the Indians, the British ?? geeeze ......... I'M CONFUSED .... it's hard to keep up ....
  3. geeeze ...... well done ! no one thought of that one yet.
  4. family members and visitors might take offence to having video cameras in rooms ...... I know i would. kinky
  5. how old are you, I would haze a guess your under 45yrs old. Anyway, the reason I ask is because you have to understand the long long friendly & supportive relationship Australia has had with America, the Japanese bombed Darwin ports in 1942 ... WW2 "On 19 February 1942 Darwin itself was bombed. Japanese fighters and bombers attacked the port and shipping in the harbour twice during the day, killing 252 Allied service personnel and civilians. On 3 March Broome, in Western Australia, was strafed. In succeeding months air attacks were made on many towns in northern Australia including Wyndham, Port Hedland and Derby in Western Australia, Darwin and Katherine in the Northern Territory, Townsville and Mossman in Queensland, and Horn Island in the Torres Strait." 114 American's died during the Japanese invasion ...... so your comment appears very childish and ill-informed to say the least. It's usually the millennial's who haven't got a clue and just bla ..... bla ..... bla ..... yeah' we don't need anyone !! yeah' we don't need America ' yeah !! Lol. What if Australia wasn't with the Americans .... and Australia was attacked by the Chinese ? I can tell you Australia would last about 48 hrs ..... then you will all be eating rice for dinner and everyone put in camps. Australia needs America now more than WW2, Australia does not have the military might to fend for itself, it has a small flotilla of gunships and fighter jets, which would be blown out of the sky in a heartbeat without any support. try watching this :
  6. agree ...... and was the wife in cohoots on the scheme ........ if so she conspired to commit murder and/or crime. how does one sleep through a fight and gunshot noises.
  7. yes it does matter ... especially if she conspired to commit crime. And she is a very heavy sleeper if she didn't hear any fighting and a gunshot.
  8. hmm ..... was she really as faithful as she made out ? I get a fishy smell and it ain't coming from the kitchen
  9. because they are like an old guy set in his ways, never to change. My dad had newspaper cuts/squares on wire in the toilet, brylcream on every shelve, a meat safe hanging on the back porch which he used up until his heart death. Water bottle in the fridge was a 60's milk bottle.
  10. yeah ..... stop winning and get the heck outa dodge. it's not for you
  11. learn .... no where is really friendly toward westerners because COVID19 changed things dramatically, folks lost their jobs, shops closed, incomes finished so they also took a distain to the west as this developed. Believe me it is true even if you don't agree ...... Philippines, Thialand, Vietnam, Burma, Laos and around will smile but generally they dislike and distain westerners. It's a bit of, this is my country, i don't like you coming here because most get nothing from you.
  12. please don't make problem and just follow the rules. phuket is international destination so they get priority Lol.
  13. 6 months it'll all be gone ..... aunty nok, uncle somchai, long lost brother khun ineedit, and the other 25 cousins from Nakon Nowhere.
  14. very messy and dirty photo op, wasn't the tea room at the station available ..... and the lady with the pink mickey mouse shirt on needs a good haircut. RTP , lets get back to the finger pointing clean environment photo ops. and get someone around to cut that grass ..... and clean the place up abit
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