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Everything posted by steven100

  1. no .... you would need a visa a few years ago. it was not exempt then.
  2. no....he means it's like that every time , it's the norm !
  3. yes, they could have had a sandwich sex position. He missed his opportunity.
  4. Patong has him now. He's got a new family.
  5. of coarse he doesn't have a plan .... he just waffles on and on .... hoping to hear the crowd cheer. he's an idiot, as is his bi_ch .. Vance,,
  6. yes, you can always rely on a thai .... that local resident must be so proud of him/her self for dobbing in others. These four must have been really dangerous. That snitch should try dobbing in all the thieves and cheats instead, oh' sorry that would take years and involve 99% of the country. Lol ....
  7. absolutely correct Bill, the US doesn't own Ukraine but the way they talk you'd think they did. idiots !!
  8. Trash Trump has turned on the world and US allies. NO ONE WILL TRUST THE US's WORD EVER AGAIN and rightly so. why should Ukraine give up land to an invading neighbor? that's just bs. just keep bombing Moscow. It's a shame Ukraine didn't keep a few nukes locked away, and it's a shame that shooter who blew Trash trumps ear off didn't have his glasses on.
  9. No ..... certainly not , in this story he say's the hotel... it's not exactly top nick, so it sounds like a cheap dump !
  10. you really have some imagination Op , that's for sure. Maybe you should start writing novels or something if your so bored.
  11. Lol ....... some responses really amaze me here ........ and what do you think the police will do? put out an alert, an arrest warrant, maybe call in the army .... ridiculous ! I'll tell you what they'll probably do ..... they'll have a laugh amongst themselves about a stupid farang wasting their time with a petty complaint about the shopping mall toilet.
  12. I think you need to get a life OP and stop gossiping about your daily experiences in shopping malls. who really care's....
  13. numpty knucklehead, lift doesn't go to the top floor
  14. everything you mentioned is absolutely correct about Trump trash. Greenland & Denmark are alot smarter than that ars_hole ... , they'll soon tell him where he can go !!
  15. 6-12 months then a donation and it's all forgotten, wai's all around and birds nest baskets on hand.
  16. I will accept a pizza if someone buys it for me. preferably pepperoni ...
  17. some Mor Lam band members do occasionally, and some backpackers at full moon party do occasionally, but I never would unless it a cold bottle and I open it.
  18. with this happening daily, what chance has this backward place got !!
  19. Now this is probably the most sensible suggestion in a long time ......
  20. yes Joe, I agree 100% ..... they are not really parents, because proper parents would put not let this happen. And police don't do their job.
  21. poor boys. sad yes. predictable yes. blame the cops for not enforcing proper laws to stop this type of thing. rip young boys.
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