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Everything posted by steven100

  1. vile Thai people ... they really are the worst kind.
  2. I couldn't agree with you more ..... as most leaders around the globe would also agree. To even think these two are suppose to be leaders of the free world is laughable ... two people with the power to make decisions at the highest level is ridiculous and sad. imo
  3. Why would Taiwan even want to see Pelosi .... she's just a step up from Kamala Harris, hence not really anyone of importance. Wasn't she the one who did the stupid knuckle rub dance in front of all the media during a messed up Biden speech ? I just don't get this ... why's she even going there ...
  4. good that Khun Prayut Chan O Cha will likely continue as PM and serve the country.
  5. heavy rain caused it to collapse ..... just like everything else .... it's only ever heavy rain, nothing to do with the structural integrity of the concrete used or the lack of re-bar or the quality of the re-bar used. nah ' heavy rain ......
  6. mods, it's all ok now ... she doesn't really want any money
  7. I find this very hard to believe ..... every Thai wants money
  8. never heard of any Tony Robbins or Jim Rohn ..... but I have heard of Batman and Robin !!
  9. geeeze , 5000 bht / day ..... she must be a stunner at that price.
  10. Just order the damn things, you can use them for border security and crowd control when not in battle.
  11. disagree ..... if they don't want to work .... there's the door !
  12. 3 so far .... but Thailand would have dozens I would imagine .
  13. you misunderstood my comment ...... I posted what the guy leaning over may have been saying "
  14. wearing his new 5baht gold chain ..... and he was whistling dixie !!
  15. plenty of that sort of thing throughout Thailand that's for sure ....
  16. you really think a thai girl coming from an Issan rice farm is going to care about breaking the contract ? what will they do .... track her down and put her in jail .... Lol
  17. The workers could be shoveling sh_t for all we know .... i'd probably leave after one week if that the case , get my meaning ? You mention , it will be annoying if she turns up demanding her salary ... Lol you are not in the west now OP .... TIT , they act different , and they expect to be paid ... god help you if you don't pay her because I knew someone who did similar and he wasn't seen again.
  18. just have the shop doors closed and when you want to let a customer in ( without a helmet on ) you push the buzzer that unlocks the door.
  19. don't sound like such a good friend after all ..... thai I guess ...
  20. my thoughts are Thailand made their bed ... what with all the quarantine and who knows how many folks were cheated out of their money because everyone wanted a piece of the pie. I wouldn't believe half of their test results as it's always about cheating and getting money.
  21. looks ok but you really should look at painting the exterior
  22. I mean up out of reach .... they can be seen but not easily reachable ... Also, put a couple of those fake dome cameras on the front corner of the house ...
  23. correct, a decent 2.5m concrete block perimeter fence and iron gates would be a good start. Plenty of trees to block out an easy house view, maybe a few false guard dog signs outside, a few cameras high up in tree branches that are unreachable ..
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