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Everything posted by steven100

  1. ???? .... each to his own as they say .... but she obviously works hard to obtain that fitness level. well done girl
  2. Thai's like to show off to other Thais ..... they get a new job and the first thing they do is run straight to the Ford dealer or that new Toyota showroom and order a new pickup. The salary is usually between 9,000-13,000 depending on the job , and the new pickup is 7,000 so that doesn't leave much meat on the bone for the room, food, electricity, essentials, water, diesel, registration etc ..... But hey !! look at me , I've got a brand new pickup , and your car is old.
  3. and that's exactly why they should take him out .... I'm sure the US could take him out if they really wanted to ....
  4. if you watch porn everyday you'll go blind ......... now' where's my damn glasses. ???? ......
  5. Watcharapong should mind his own business and stick to his speedboat
  6. and probably still is with many educated Saudi's ..... as for the bag .... I'd be checking the contents asap .... TIT
  7. oh ' Thai people are so honest ... ! NOT
  8. Good opportunity for a Ukrainian special force diver to practice his underwater battery drill technique. ????
  9. correct .... I mean if you order a toaster and a tiny package turns up then sure you just don't accept. I have had a few items that were either wrong color or one didn't work and because I didn't request the return within 3 days ( for deposit into lazada wallet ) then it's a real task to get your money back imo .... at first the seller didn't agree to refund but after 10 video's Lazada accepted the refund, then they wanted my bank details, which I am very reluctant to give any company especially in Thailand ...... hence, I just didn't bother chasing it up anymore .... so 2 or 3 items I just wore the loss ....
  10. COD shopee is not a guarantee either ..... you can't open the package until you handed over the cash, hence, it is still an issue.
  11. I believe the visa for retirement in Vietnam is more difficult to obtain than PI or TH if my memory serves me correct. Although i still think Vietnam is the best of the three places.
  12. It only takes one phone call from some disgruntled local and you'll have the cops on your door asking to see your work permit. Don't work the business where you can be seen.
  13. yes .... it doesn't seem to reflect alcohol poisoning as they appeared to have all died very suddenly. Hence, the only other logical explanation would be a poisonous gas present in the room ...
  14. you mean doing her best to have them eat, breed and attack kids.
  15. again ... you are missing the point , they are in that situation because of brainless useless Thai's who thing they are doing good deeds by feeding them. They are not doing any good deed, they are allowing them to breed and create more problems in soi's. What part of common sense don't you understand ?
  16. well at least you still have a sense of humor ..... and if your 14 dogs aren't a danger in anyone going past then that's ok .... and I mean kids going fishing on bikes or whatever .... The 14 are your responsibility so hope for gods sake no one ever gets attacked near your place.
  17. I gave up reading when I got to the 14 dogs ....... I spluttered my beer all over the keyboard you really have lost it ..... Lol
  18. I think your missing the point Andy, they don't have a right to roam the streets where children play when they can cause harm. I love good clean dogs, but when you have in-breeding and cross breeding all you end up with is flee mangy mongrels. She is only exasperating the problem..... relocate them 1000 miles away and she can move there with them
  19. Yeah right .... the Thai's think she's doing a real good deed feeding these stray mongrels ..... but as soon as one of her mutts attacks and bites a kid riding or walking past or an older fragile person they'll all be ducking and weaving for cover .... not mine ... not my dog ... no ' I don't look after them. BS imo .... fine her for harboring stray pests and encouraging breeding.
  20. This so called strategic alliance with the US will certainly trouble and irk China. It will raise questionable concern as to why Thailand is cozying up to the US. Will China see this as a distrust and therefore instill some retaliatory measure further down the track ? As mentioned, Myanmar is with Russia and China ..... also I believe Cambodia and Laos will side with China. However, Vietnam will continue close relations with the US ..... and I am thinking India will stay neutral thereby it may benefit from both sides.
  21. so he's looking to have a pussy there everyday ..... I'm sure most condos are fine with that
  22. One rai of land .... a big house on it ..... 40 million baht invested ... hmmm ..... and you could lose the lot in a couple of years quite easily .... TIT
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