yes very clever ....... no doubt an addict in the making one could say, threatened to punch the teacher, a fine example. Wind the clock a few years forward and lets see where he's sleeping and what bridge he's begging from.
how the hell can they even estimate 9.32 million .... and 1.27 trillion baht ....
amazing thailand ...... shouldn't be called ' we travel together '
it should be called ' we pick figures out of our a_rse ' Lol ????
depends what you mean as ' inappropriately touch ' ..... a pat on the backside is not in my book considered an inappropriate touch if it's done in jest .... to me sexual assault means being attacked, not touched to say hello or joke or whatever in the office. As I said many of these companies won't employ women for fear of being sued at the drop of a hat.
the problem with society today is that a pat on the a_se as you hold the door open for the receptionist as she walks through could be construed as sexual assault ..... hence, companies are less willing to hire certain staff through fear of being sued at the drop of a hat.
I don't know that you can have fried spuds for breakfast ? at night for dinner seems fine, but for breakfast it should be eggs & bacon .. not potato's. and what is brown sauce ? you mean BBQ sauce such as smokey bbq sauce 109 baht at foodland ... or do you mean Worcestershire sauce ???
I had to laugh .... "a declaration of war" so invading another country is not ?
so bombing a shopping mall with civilians inside is not ?
so bombing an art school where innocent children and elderly were sheltering is not ? so shooting and murdering people walking on the street is not ?
so bombing a city until it's destroyed completely is not ?
I think your priorities are mixed up ....
I say destroy Putin's palaces ..... and then go after putin himself. Wiping him out would likely stop the war immediately.
I am surprised someone hasn't taken him out already .....
I'm not going to explain my upbringing .... it simply means stay away from smoking any type of weed, grass, marijuana, cannabis or whatever you want to call it. Pot heads were not welcomed in my day.
enough said. thanks.
really ! have folks lost their mind through cannabis inhalation ..... food with cannabis drugs in it ...
Absolutely crazy people . I think I'll stick to an ordinary hamburger or T-bone steak .