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Everything posted by steven100

  1. 73 years old and riding a motorbike in Thailand ..... what could possibly go wrong !!
  2. I would frisk them for any sharp objects first .....
  3. Looks like he's high on yaba or similar to me ....
  4. water cannons will be readily available as well as helicopters if need be .... but I don't think they will be needed as the protests numbers are so small.
  5. it's those dirty farangs again ..... out there spreading herpes and skin diseases.
  6. He was certainly keeping a close eye on the finances, he was making sure every transfer was the correct amount and that the transfer went through successfully.
  7. try the Bahamas or Costa Rico perhaps ......
  8. she knew how to play the game ....
  9. does it even matter why any gold shop is robbed ..... ? because I lost on crypto coins. because I needed cash to buy cigarettes and beer. because I have to pay my room and give the gf some cash. because I need a new bike. because I lost alot gambling on football.
  10. that is very strange to say the least ..... it doesn't matter that your in the UK and he is in Thailand .... LINE connects anyone anywhere. so you gave him your new LINE ID ? he put in the friends search box but got nothing ?
  11. I can think of a much cheaper permanent solution with zero costs following ......
  12. I thought all Thai's were honest natured Buddhists. Seems I was mislead.
  13. Ahhhh ...... so things are slowly returning to normal again .... Pattaya as it was in the good old days !!
  14. and what ? wash .... rinse ....repeat .... same same again . Lol
  15. aha ..... well as you said before ' contact with him via email and TV/AN PM's. ' ( I would just AN/PM him ) tell him to add your new LINE id in the search friends box . You need to email him or contact him via PM .... and give him your LINE id ... and ask him to enter it in the search friends tab .... then +add you as a friend, he will then come up on your LINE to add him then chat away again.
  16. geeeze ....... they may have to build another 500 prisons to house all the ' non-payers of fines ' because I bet london to a brick on that there or millions who don't or haven't payed up.
  17. and that's good you've never had any problem with soi dogs, try telling that to the little girl attacked recently, or the little boy who was savaged several months back. So you've never been around soi's with dogs, you've never been to an outside restaurant, you've never been on the beach, you need to get out more.
  18. common sense is rare in this place ....
  19. it becomes tiresome after a while .... stray dogs on beaches, in soi's , at 7/11 shop fronts etc ... etc ... biting kids, in some cases attacking and maiming children who require stitches .... but yet this silly country does not see that as wrong ... what kind of mentality are these people to allow this to keep going on year after year ......
  20. aha ..... well it appears to be different because that's what I get. Your on a mobile phone LINE app right ? anyway, your LINE id will be their somewhere .... it should be under Profile ... or Account ... It will have your email address used, your user name , and somewhere there will be your LINE id.
  21. are they still using 'Thailand pass' and QR codes .... ? because I doubt tourist numbers are increasing in any great numbers while ever they keep using that silly system.
  22. no it's not that four digit, that's just for signing in if thats what you use to open your LINE. On LINE on PC : When you open LINE .... click on three dots at bottom left of your box .... then click on the settings tab .... that will open your basic info which will show your LINE ID . On LINE on mobile : When you open LINE .... click on the home icon in the bottom left corner ..... then click on the gear cog icon in the top right of the screen .... then click on edit profile heading ..... that will then show your ID under ID heading.
  23. hmm ...... ok , then just give him your LINE id and he can +add you as a friend again .... or you get his LINE id and vice-versa . That's your only way ....
  24. The person has deleted the chat conversation they had with you. They deleted it as they may have been removing old contacts they no longer need or want. You can only contact them again if you know their LINE ID , and even then they can +add you as a friend or they can block/delete you again.
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