no it's not that four digit, that's just for signing in if thats what you use to open your LINE.
On LINE on PC : When you open LINE .... click on three dots at bottom left of your box .... then click on the settings tab .... that will open your basic info which will show your LINE ID .
On LINE on mobile : When you open LINE .... click on the home icon in the bottom left corner ..... then click on the gear cog icon in the top right of the screen .... then click on edit profile heading ..... that will then show your ID under ID heading.
hmm ...... ok , then just give him your LINE id and he can +add you as a friend again .... or you get his LINE id and vice-versa . That's your only way ....
The person has deleted the chat conversation they had with you.
They deleted it as they may have been removing old contacts they no longer need or want.
You can only contact them again if you know their LINE ID , and even then they can +add you as a friend or they can block/delete you again.
they can start with smoking their weed joint freely then swoosh down a magic mushroom shake followed by a couple of those yaba pills ....... that should get them real crazy ... ????
only 20yrs old and needed money for online gambling ( I don't believe this comment )
I suspect he would just be using the cash for smokes, beer and food everyday.
click on the start icon at the bottom left corner ..... find ' command prompt ' in the programs listed .... right click on the command prompt and ' run as administrator ' ........
then the command prompt black box will open .... type in :
run chkdsk /f then hit enter .... then run sfc /scannow ..... then run Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth
but having a beer with friends is a social pass time enjoyed by the billions the world over, and it's legal, smoking dangerous weeds or injecting drugs is illegal and frowned upon in most societies. Thankfully ...