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Everything posted by steven100

  1. as the saying goes ..... " if you want to win the lottery you gotta to buy a ticket "
  2. you should see a doctor
  3. There is nothing delicate about it ........ it's a thieving son who bashed his father then robbed him. What is delicate about that ?
  4. what a lying SOB ...... Thai's really are the most cunning, nastiest people I have ever come across.
  5. calm down Bert ..... it's not worth getting all stressed up over. Lol
  6. a cat fight between two women is news ..... unbelievable .
  7. pot heads are frowned upon in most societies around the world.
  8. I think I prefer a nice bottle of Hendrick's gin and some soft music with cheese & crackers
  9. I'm going to buy 10,000,000 SHIB coins very soon.
  10. they can start with smoking their weed joint freely then swoosh down a magic mushroom shake followed by a couple of those yaba pills ....... that should get them real crazy ... ????
  11. oh dear ! 17,000 pot heads running loose at a full moon party ..... what could possibly go wrong !!
  12. oh dear ! granny wakes up to discover it was a python on her leg
  13. only 20yrs old and needed money for online gambling ( I don't believe this comment ) I suspect he would just be using the cash for smokes, beer and food everyday.
  14. naughty boys .... give them a taste of military detention for two weeks.
  15. I doubt he will face any trail especially if he's back in Russia.
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