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Posts posted by cnxmike

  1. In the meantime we managed it to eat at St. Germain de Pres. By the way it's mentioned on the menu that extra bread is costing 20B.

    In my opinion the food is great. But the white wine - they have only one type- is horrible. When they selected the wine obviously the only criteria that mattered was the price.

  2. Last week I was at the Ratchapuek. At the moment they don't charge any entry fees. As someone wrote before on a hot day it's no pleasure to walk around, as there is almost no shade.

    The next point, there is no restaurant or beergarden or whatever. Just a small kiosk.

    And the main attraction the foreign pavillons are closed.

  3. I like very much foot massages. There are hundreds of places offering this service, but very few do a good job. In the worst case it could be like a torture, and in the most places it's rather unpleasant.

    There only two places I know I could recommend:

    1. The massage parlour at the 4. floor, Airport Plaza (near the cinema)

    2. Viang Ping Massage. When you walk up the Tapae Rd coming from the Tapae gate. It's in a small soi on the lefthand side.

    They also do very good regular massages.

  4. For all those interested in buying a bread machine, I'm selling mine. It was used for less than a year. Here in Thailand I never used it even once. Only in this thread I've found out that one buy the mix here. But as I wrote before, I don't think it's worth the trouble.

    I think 1000 B for the machine would be OK. Just PM me.

  5. During the low season this year a lot of people running a business in Chiang Mai lamented the poor sales. Some even said, that this was the lowest season for years. Now that the high season finally has started, how does it compare to the high seasons before? Did things got any better or after a poor low season are we going to have a poor high season as well?

    I usually don't go out at night. But yesterday was one of rare occasions to do so. I was surprised how few customers were in the bars and restaurants at Loy Kroh and Moon Muang. What's going on in Chiang Mai?

  6. @Bungalow Bill

    when renting a car, they never ask for any driver license. But officially ,unless you have a Thai license, you need an international driving license. But I doubt whether a regular traffic policeman is able to recognize the difference between an american and an international driving license.

    Sometimes I wonder, whether there is any traffic police at all. :o

  7. I don't kow about the book business. But in the hospitality business a honest critic might be helpful. There might be small things, which the people, who run the place never noticed. But which disturbed a lot of customers. Without a hint they probably wouldn't change anything and lose a lot customers.

    In my opion a customer feedback is important to run a business successful on the long run.

    An example how customer complaints shouldn't be managed: Many years ago, I had a meal at a restaurant. Afterwards I was asked whether I enjoyed the meal. I dared to mention that I didn't enjoy it completly and gave some reasons. Then the waitress got really mad and started to argue with me. After that I'm always saying now: "Yes, great", and if I didn't like it, I don't go there anymore.

  8. @pilou

    Les Soliles, was this the french restaurant in a small soi, when walking down Tapae Rd coming from the Tapae gate, on the left hand side?

    The last time I tried to eat there, it was only open for dinner. But I'm not surprised. The low season this year was very hard for everybody running a bar or restaurant. And in the case of Les Soliles, although it was rather hidden, they didn't make any promotion for it.

    It's really a pity, because it was only the only place I knew, where one could have a decent french menu for less than 500 B.

  9. "I blanch at your concept of entertainment. Do you usually find racism, anti-semitism, and bigotry entertaining? :D

    Would you prefer Auschwitz, Dachau, Buchenwald, or Belzec, Sobibor and Treblinka to Disney World as a place to take your kids for entertainment? Entertaining reading? My God, I really hope that you were making an attempt at humor and didn't mean what you said. :o

    The Fly Fisherman "

    Come on, get real. This is the Chiang Mai forum, not the Politically Correct forum. Is there a chance to write something without you come up with Auschwitz? Do you really compare a negative critic about a certain restaurant with Auschwitz ? My god, I came to Thailand to escape these fools, but they are everywhere.

  10. Those of us who want to experience how it might be to drive in Congo, Africa should go to the parking lot of the Central Airport Plaza. If you've never seen a pothole before, there you can see dozens of them. Some of them that large, that a kid might disappear. It's very extrem in the F - K part of the parking lot. In the last weeks I got very upset about this, -it easily can ruin your car-, so complained about it. I was told, Central didn't have the money to solve this problem.

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