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Posts posted by cnxmike

  1. @priceless

    you are right, of course. You see, even me with a master degree, is not able to calculate the correct price. And that's the way these restaurants trick out their customers. A serious and honest business man would always show the final costs of it's products.

  2. Let's see it as it is. This service charges and whatever is charged extra, is nothing but to hide the real costs.

    You read a menu, you see a lassagna is costing you 300 B. On the first page of the menu might be mentioned service and tax are extra. But how many people are able to add 10% to 300 B, which makes it 330 B and plus 7%, which makes it 351 B. So finally a lot of customers expect to pay 300 B., which turns out be 351 B.

    That's very unfair against restaurants, which show the real price on their menu. I would call it a rip off.

  3. @donnyboy

    as far as I know, you only get a VAT refund for a purchase you take outside the country, as long as you are a tourist. I never heard about food you ate already. But if you know otherwise, it would be great, if you would share your wisdom with us.

  4. At the new Rimping Plaza near the airport, there is a place called "Mont Blanc" with very tasty cakes. The name would suggest it's a French place, but it's Japanese. To my surprise the Japanese seem to make the best cakes outside central Europe.

  5. We never should forget: Tastes are different, and there is no objective way to determine the taste of a certain dish. E.g. I like "Mi Casa" but my wife doesn't. In some cases we have the same taste, sometimes not. It's nice to discuss food and restaurants, but it never should end in arguments. At best it can be a hint.

  6. According to my experience it's depending, where you are living. In some parts of the town TT&T seems to the provider with the fastest ADSL in other parts it seems to be TOT. But none of them are really satisfactory.

  7. I don't like topps, too. A couple of weeks ago some wines were on offer, and I brought it to the cashier and was informed, that this offer is only valid for customers with the Topps member card.

    Their cold cuts and sausages are horrible, and nothing is really cheap. E.g. a can of Tiger Beer is 26 B at Topps, 22 B at 7/11 and 20 B at Macro.

  8. The other day I was again at Spicchio (Central Airport Plaza). There are certainly better pizzas somewhere in the world. But concerning what you pay and what you get, you can't beat them in Chiang Mai. It's 50 B. for a slice. Two slices fill me up. What I really like, one combine the slices. E.g. one slice with salami and one slice with spinach and bacon.

  9. Someone mentioned Osteria Wald at Kad Farang. I've been there once, but after reading the menu, I decided to leave the place. It was very expensive - I didn't check the pizza prices- and I didn't want to take the risk to spend much money at a place I never heard about.

  10. After reading statements like this:

    "all Americans love burgers, and why shouldn't they...food of the gods when done well"

    So I decided to give burgers another chance. I had a burger at "Mad Dog" and again it probably wasn't done well. To be honest I never found a place, where they are done well. Maybe can someone enlighten me, where I can find such a place ?

  11. I'm now living more than a year in Chiang Mai, and I'm a regular visitor to Fuji or Zen, at least once a week. So far I haven't noticed any price increase. Concerning sushi and sashimi Zen seems to be better.

    A good value for money is the japanese buffet every friday night at the Duang Tawan Hotel. I think it's 230 B.

  12. We also are looking for a maid. We are living in Ban Wang Tan, that's a Moo Ban somewhere between Chiang Mai and Hang Dong. It should be about three times a week, eachtime 2 - 3 h. We can talk about about everything.

  13. and at 89 baht lunch and 129 baht dinner (steaks incl ??

    Let's be honest, what can you expect for this price? Certainly not high-quality meat. How do you they say in the US ? There is no free lunch.

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