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Posts posted by ungcas

  1. Many people are going to be injured and killed today. You hateful people who are gloating over this fiasco should be ashamed of yourselves. I'm especially disappointed with our liberal far left gay members who have demonstrated their hate and are doing their best to stir the pot. WHY?

    Can I please ask you a question

    tell me where I can read your thread on stopping Thai's drinkling at Songkran

    More people are killed on the roads at Songkran than here

    Or do they not matter ?????

    Very good point. And just like during Songkran, they have a choice. Dont' drink so much your driving won't be impaired.

    Leave the protest area peacefully, go home and you won't be in danger.

    In both cases, these people are self-knowingly and self-willingly putting their own lives at risk. Nobody else to blame.

  2. By putting up sign that say " Live Fire Zone " it means the government are using Psychological warfare tactics to frighten protesters from getting near the soldiers bunker.

    LOL! Yeah, all psychological warfare tactics. The guns I see on the news are just for show, right? The issue here isn't the SIGNS being posted by the army; it's the REAL live fire being used to kill. And 70 people are dead already - not because they read a frightening sign.

    Amnesty International aren't upset because there are signs saying "Live Fire Zone". They are upset because the area IS a Live Fire Zone. Are you okay Thaising?

    Bye bye Abhisit.

    It is very simple. Hands on your head and leave the protest zone. How difficult is that to understand? Its common sense, you don't even need any form of education for that.

    If you want to cease fire, show some initiative yourself, instead of making countless demands.

    You've had so many opportunities to plead your case.

  3. At ratchaprasong, the #redshirts guards take a female journalist behind the stage. http://tweetphoto.com/22910119 /via @satien_nna

    Take a look at this photo. Surely that is not an assault rifle in the red guard's right hand. All reds are peaceful and unarmed.

    Must be another photoshop job.

    Update: Female Journalist was thought by the protesters to be fake. assaulted her inside temple. #Redshirts Guards help her! /v @satien_nna


    URGENT UPDATE: After five days, the Thai authorities were able to obtain a picture of sniper who allegedly shot Army Specialist Maj Gen Khattiya Sawasdipol, better known as Seh Daeng.


    Ok that was funny. :)

  4. So, we can stay in compliance ... can we get a better understanding of which rule this would fall under? Since you deleted the posts, I am not sure what we cannot say in terms of the dead. Will it result in a suspension if we say we are happy a Terrorist has been killed or making a comment such as "It is a good thing Hitler died" ... to be clear I am not making that comment about Hitler as I don't want to be suspended and just using it as an example.

    Looks to me more and more as its Abhisit who is acting like Hitler .

    Many thais started to support him for his past moderation but now

    that is changing

    My wife's family (with the exception of the father who was very pro red and extremely old fashion)didn't really follow politics before this whole event now completely support Abhisit. Believe me, changing my father in law's mind about anything is a very difficult task.

    And I also know for a fact that many of her relatives feel the same way.

    I'm sure most Thai families now fall into this category.

  5. NATION - "Three RPG rockets were fired at the Dusit Thani Hotel late Sunday night, prompting evacuation of tourists and reporters staying inside."

    No doubt fired by an innocent, peaceful, unarmed, civilian protester who doesn't deserve to be shot by the army.

    Note that not a single demonstrator who has stayed within the restricted demonstration area has been injured.

    Note that not a single demonstrator who has stayed within the restricted demonstration area has been injured?

    Please provide your proof.

    Many demonstrator who has stayed within the restricted demonstration area has been DEAD or injured. Proof: Watch min 1:10 of this clip. This is inside the barricade, just in front of Chula Hospital, about 10 m from where Sae Daeng was shot DEAD

    wow three posts, joined today

    already defending everything red....

    you know the moneys been frozen don't you?

    10 points for your sharp eyes! :)

  6. TNN: Reporter confirms a RPG was used against the Dusit Thani Hotel. Shows all the journalists in the basement

    So where have the peaceful demonstators suddenly acquired RPG 7s from? Or were they stockpiled on the protests site from the beginning in full awareness of where this was meant to lead?

    i have said all along this will not be over until the stock pile of munitions buried in Lumpini park is all used up

    the peaceful reds would have a PR nightmare if the government found them and showed them to the world press

    or maybe they would be fake guns, fake grenades, fake RPG, fake M16, fake AK47 's buried by fake reds ........

    or planted by the govermement who sneaked behind enemy lines, under fire and put them there without anyone noticing....

    Last night, I went digging for the "pile of munitions buried in Lumpini Park".

    I didn't find them, but I did find the hidden immunity idol. Sweet.

    Where is Russell Hantz anyway?

    Either banned or maybe got off the computer and back to fighting the soldiers.

  7. IMHO the Government has shown too much restraint. It irks the hel_l out of me to see soldiers having their equipment taken by a mob and then beaten after not fighting. At this point I believe the Army/police must crackdown, using lethal force only to protect themselves and their critical equipment such as weapons, but the Red Shirts must be dispersed with Law and order restored, this is a responsibility of a Government to it's people.

    Finally sillyman, I spent 26 yrs in the Airborne Infantry and getting drunk on the weekend was not my number 1 priority, Yes I did enjoy getting pissed now and then, but my top priorities were training, going to school and keeping my ass in one piece (Grenanda, Panama and Iraq).

    Again, just my opinion

    Another one,, just do what the government tells you,, go to Granada, Panama and Iraq,,, steal their land resourses and freedom,,,,,,,,,sad

    Weird. I don't agree with war, but this man did serve his country. I haven't, have you? Do we know what it takes? Doubt it. I play rugby, which is acknowledged as one of the most dangerous sports on earth (don't believe me, check the wording in your travel insurance documentation) and I am not afraid to admit that no matter how strong you are, how drilled and confident you are that your balls shrink, just that little bit, when somebody takes a nasty injury during a game. I can only just start to imagine how it must be in a war zone.

    My point....have some respect. So what that he didn't question the decisions of his leaders, he thought he was doing the right thing and he did it with his heart. Have you? I don't agree with the Red Shirts, but last night I thought about these people, scared, fighting for something they believe in....right or wrong. Go on, have a go, take 15 minutes in a quiet spot, close your eyes and picture it.

    Sillyman, be real.

    Well said. And respect to the other poster.

  8. If we could just turn back the clock to pre-coup times. The coup has brought nothing but chaos.

    i've said that many times too. love or hate taksin, i think everyone agrees Thailand was a lot better before the coup. the coup was totally unnecessary, a major overreaction to a corrupt politician, and has created a class war.

    the most disturbing thing now is that Abhisit seems unwilling to compromise at all. according to CNN this morning :


    Minutes later, the anti-government United Front for Democracy Against Dictatorship, or UDD, also known as the Red Shirts, said it was willing to negotiate an end to the unrest if troops move out of the area where protesters have amassed by the thousands for weeks.

    "We ask the government to ... withdraw troops out of surrounding area," said Natthawut Saikua of the UDD. "We are ready to enter talks immediately by having the United Nations as mediator for this negotiation."

    However, the government seemed disinclined to have the United Nations mediate.

    Panitan said in the news conference the Thai government has a policy of not allowing organizations to intervene in its internal affairs. The government has its own sovereignty, Panitan said, and can resolve its own problems.


    i think without outside intervention, Thailand is screwed at this point

    I think you got it wrong. Most people will agree that Thailand was a lot better, not before the coup, but before the red shirts showed up with their so called protest.

    Everything that has happened since is just to fix the messed they have caused.

  9. Google wall street journal Bangkok and you get an article which is insightful.

    Ahbist has made this situation much worst than it had to be. They could have made a deal - more money, elections, whatever. Ahbist stopped negotiations, not the reds.

    Instead, army with live ammo chasing motorcycle taxi drivers around and killing them. Unbelieveably stupid - will turn Bangkok into Beiruit.

    Ahbist should resign now. Take that idiot Korn with you. BTW - I don't think they will be able to vacaton in Europe or the US anymore. Killing rice farmers does not go down well there.

    Hope all you hard-liners enjoy your new Thailand.

    Abhsit gave them elections already. The Reds refused!!!!

    The Red leadership disagreed. They was a split. Those who supported the reelection left the movement.

    Thaksin didn't agree with the reelection! So he ordered his proxies to turn it down.

    I seem to recollect the 3 stooges walking away from the negotiations after first 2 meetings..... was not Abhisit that walked away.

    I seem to recollect that 2 weeks ago, there was a roadmap offered and the reds pretended to accept, tried to re-write the terms to their own suiting but failed to put anything together. Abhisit waited a week without an official acceptance, rally didn't end, when it could all have all been over. That was not Abhisit walking away.

    In the meantime, there were numerous M79 attacks on the public. That was not Abhisit wlking away, he showed restraint and patience.

    Let's offer another perspective on this opinion: "Abhisit would not be welcome in Europe":......... The rest of the world ahs seen these guys in on the red stage, speaking with anger, unwilling to negotiate with any ciompromise to their hardline position....... the rest of the world would never accept them as leaders if they were to be put in place as Thailand's MP's. That's a fact.

    There is only 1 leader


    and he wants Chaos

    he wants thousands of innocents people to die

    he want war in the streets

    Then and only then he can return as a hero

    and save all the people

    then rape the country financially

    Its called Revenge

    "hel_l hath no fury like a women(thaksin) scorned?"

  10. Thanks for ThaiVisa for posting a link to these photos, taken today.

    One of the terrorists praying:


    Fake monks:


    More terrorists, all of them heavily armed:


    A young terrorist being taught something, probably how to make bombs:


    Chickens that were slaughtered to support the terrorists hunger:


    More old terrorists, plotting the next attack:


    Excellent post!

    Your post is done with tunnel vision

    No one says there are no a lot of genuine Thai people in the protest

    Infact you show there are

    But I have not seen photos of any of these people outside the protest are thrown stone, burning tyres and making petrol bombs

    These are the genuine Thai's

    But in the same barrel are the hard core

    they want war you can see it in their faces

    they are heros on the streets in Bangkok they feel

    while only thugs on the street when back in Issan

    In the end when the good can not control the bad

    we have chaos


    all the photos you have shown these people please stay inside the designated protest area

    It is the mob attacking the army that are getting shot at

    Can you see what I am saying

    Or you do not want to see the real truth

    That is because the poster thinks exactly like one of those irrational, and unwilling to compromise so called protestors.

    You just can't get through to them.

  11. Could be jumping to conclusions. Army declared they were not going to infiltrate, only close off. The rest is only a guess?

    Didnt do much of a job of closing off.

    Not just a guess actually. Earlier in the thread I suggested that the army should disarm before entering the encampment and, as I thought it was a good idea, I rang someone close to the Government. He said 'the military will never accept it, Abhisit does not control the military and they are pursuing their own agenda.' He also said you can see 'the military are shooting Thais while achieving nothing and that is not good either in the eyes of Thais or internationally.' He also said the 'police and military are corrupt to their very core.'

    So yes there is quite a lot of guessing in there. But I know Abhisit is committed to reducing the influence of the army in Thai politics. Also remember there is the army reshuffle coming up and he wanted to replace the coup's constitution. There are some 3500 people at the encampment do you think the Thai army cant contain them when they can execute a coup in three hours.

    So yes quite a lot of guesswork but it all seems to add up to me.

    So it isnt hard to believe they are manipulating this protest - in fact it must be harder to believe they apparently cant contain it. Cutting the military budget and revising the constitution as well as having a say in the army reshuffle, I dont think would go down well. Thaksin got kicked out for mucking about with the reshuffle.

    If you really believe Abhisit is interested in getting the Army out of politics, then please tell me why he has not used the police in this protest and let the Army do its job of protecting the country from outside dangers like from Burma or Cambodia.

    I'll take that one. The police are not loyal to the govt. Pretty easy explanation.

    Also, the police don't know what the fack they are doing.

  12. They're not done blocking CNN through all service providers yet, but it's 100% blocked on TRUE internet. Not just for me, but for many others here as well. If you can still access it, enjoy it while it lasts.

    Again total BS I have true and have no problem

    Working well here (TOT)

    Fine here as well (TRUE). I've had lots of problems with sites in the past using TRUE's DNS server. Google OPENDNS and use those numbers instead.

  13. This is awful. Thai army firing at civilians. And all the 20+ deaths so far have been civilians. I can't see things calming down after this. Isaan and northern people will be seething.

    Don't you mean criminals? Thats what happens when you go up against trained soldiers. Whats that saying? "Don't bring a knife to a gun fight"?

    They started this and could end this with their hands on their heads walking out.

  14. It has become "all or nothing" for both the parties now...

    It Reds win they will hunt down each of the present government..

    And govt is anyway going to do all it could to stop that happening...

    The losers of this battle is surely not goin to have a further political career for sure....

    There is a way out for both sides. Elections. Now. And the violence stops immediately because everyone will be out campaigning.

    You could have had your elections November if you would have left the city peacefully. Now your best bet is to hope that your cell isn't too crowded.

  15. Latest development, Rama 4 Tesco Lotus is set fired by Red protesters that thought there is army hiding inside the building.

    Naaa, they probably ran out of red bull

    they also have been looting 7/11's and other shops, broken into banks ... it's party time for Thailand's criminals ... until tomorrow afternoon anyway and than its time to pay the piper

    I hope they have enough cells ready for all the fresh meat.

  16. Pull the Army out. Dissolve parliament. Then the reds will go home. Dont be fooled. The army is killing civillians, just like they killed Seh Daeng. The government is stupid. Why do they think ths is going to work? Its taking Thailand back 30 years in the eyes of the world. You have to compromise and find a resolution. The government should dissolve immedaitely and elections should follow. It is the will of the people of Thailand.

    Wow first post. So many new people in the last couple hours. Probably same accounts or people who got temp bans.

  17. To all you posters saying reds are dangerous terrorists, can you explain to me why, according to the erawan medical centre there have been no military deaths.

    could be that the troops are better trained.

    could be they're not hopped up on stimulants.

    could be that they are staying behind their barricades waiting for the 'terrorists' to come to them.

    Seriously. Even in places like America, UK, Europe. How many criminals die/get hurt compared to police officers when they clash?

  18. But I am sure if they bring them out the trigger happy military wont be able to control themselves they will have to let loose with the big guns like they are doing with the rifles

    were the military trigger happy, we'd certainly have seen more than 24 dead by now.

    would be in the hundreds, if not thousands.

    so far, they've shown incredible restraint.

    I agree.

    People say the army are targetting children and women. Have they ever stopped to think that if trained men with guns really wanted to kill children, women, or even adult men, how high the death rate would be? Heck even untrained people in close quarters could take out 24 in minutes.

  19. I am in Bangkok and have been throughout these protests. For people outside the country looking in it is difficult to understand the situation. It is easy to sympathize with poor people protesting for a better life. That is not the case here in Bangkok. Poor people have been paid to protest and are being used as human shields to protect militants in the Red movement. These protests are controlled by former PM Thaksin in an effort to overthrow the current government which is legitimate and elected. Perhaps more so than the former PPP government which was disbanded due to electoral fraud.

    I am dismayed to see the foreign press portraying the victims of the current voilence as civilians. It is true that they have taken off their red uniforms but within the protesters there are armed terrorists fighting a guerilla style war. They are not civilians in the true sense. Everyone in Bangkok understands which streets are currently restricted by the security forces. The only reason protesters venture into those areas is to attack the soldiers. Using slingshots, M79 grenades, moltov cocktails, guns, and other weapons they are fighting with the army. If they were not attempting to breach the government barricades they would not be in immediate danger.

    Journalists have been injured, they are going into dangerous areas and are difficult to discern from the Red fighters who have no uniform. Shooting journalists intentionally and blaming the army would certainly be in the protesters interests to bring international condemnation. Journalists in the area are often under the protection of the army, and should use their own judgement as to whether it is safe to enter areas with gun battles ongoing.

    Last night with 2km of my home well outside the protest zone there was a grenade attack at the Bangkok Bank at Khae Rai, there is a secondary protest at the Thaicom offices less than one km from this attack. Even outside the downtown there is danger for the true civilians of Bangkok, and that danger will not diminish until the protests end.

    The leaders of the Red protest can at any time order the end of the protest and allow the people to return to their homes. This would be followed immediately by a ceasefire from the army. As long as they remain calling for the violent overthrow of the government people are in danger. Criminals should put their arms down first, not the police.

    Well Said. I just finished explaining the situation to a friend back in Canada. They aren't getting the real story back there.

    I could have just cut and pasted your explanation instead. :)

  20. every incident of violence, every drop of blood, will be written on the stone of Abhisit's government, that is his portfolio forever :-(

    sadly, this is exactly the trap that the reds prepared from the day one - they want 'blood' !

    reds are screaming for democracy, yet how many of them today who has the heart for a better tomorrow, not even for a better future for the country ?


    I for one will remember him as the one who cleaned up the unwanted infestation surrounding my home. And protecting me when I feel threatened by a bunch of law breaking thugs.

  21. The PM goes on TV and says he is sorry for the deaths. He can't wash his hands that easily.

    The blood is on his hands for ordering this bloodbath.

    If you let the reds win and tasksin back into power the death toll and suffering will be tenfold.

    The PM is only doing what is necessary to protect us.

  22. Army seem to be shooting selves and gov in foot again as well as delivery men, medics, children, taxi drivers.

    Some serious corrupt gov and elite is this if full force of army have to prop it up.... again.

    Sick, and hope Abhisit never turns up in UK as warrent will await him.

    Many thais in England see to that.. promise

    Don't get your reasoning behind this. You mention UK, so we can use that as an example. Do you really believe any UK government would put up with a gang of idiots (call them freedom fighters or terrorists, up to you) who would have tried to paralyse

    the City of London for a month? Despite getting 3/4 of what they wanted from Abhisit , they still came up with more demands. Remember what happened at the Iranian Embassy after only a few days? HMG would have sent in the riot squad long before this

    It baffles me that people cannot understand something so simple.

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