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Posts posted by ungcas

  1. Way off base here can you imagine any other leader being in charge now, say Thaksin? If this was reversed and Thaksin was in power I would put the number of casualties in the hundreds already. You are a fool to think that Abhisit hasn't bent over backwards to give these idiots every possible way out and each time they have spit in the face of him and the rest of Thailand.

    YOu are the one way off base.

    Thaksin is calling for returning to the negotiation table. I would much rather have Thaksin calling the shots than this braindead moron Abhisit.

    You would sooner have an Criminal as a leader ?

    I was just going to say the same thing. I guess we know who the real moron... nah nm. too easy.

  2. Abhisit is an honest man who has bent over backwards to avoid conflict yet the psychopathic leaders that manipulate the rank and file Red Shirt Brigade were and still are bent on extreme violence e and hatred from the start as their rhetoric so clearly showed and indeed still shows..

    Twenty years here and Abhisit is the most progressive Prime minister to date willing to listen to all and his administration has implemented measures to assist the less well off in Thai society and indeed would have done more if it wasn't for the Red Shirt Brigaded actions to stall further measures as it was damaging thug Thaksin his family and their acolytes money stealing and law manipulation to yet further boost their fortunes at the expense of the majority.

    The guy is an incompetent, irresponsible leader that has just brought the country to the edge of civil war, due to his impatience, frustration and unwillingness to show flexibility in negotiations. How much blood needs to be spilled under this idiots leadership before you tell him to resign ?

    The blood lust on this forum is disgusting.

    Wait. Are you talking about the person representing your avatar? Although I must admit he made reality tv somewhat entertaining.

  3. Why doe they have to disperse a crowd with live ammunition? I've seen several time hooligans being dispersed with a water canon.

    Why do these clashes always have to be so bloody and cause so many casualty's?

    Because the red insurgents are using LETHAL weapons, that's why. Duh.

    The Abhisit's thugs use live ammunition because they have a history of hanging protesters from trees and using many other forms of intimidation besides Abhisit's main tactic of suppression of free thinking by mass censorship. It is no coincidence that Abhisit's thugs have targeted journalists.

    I have just put you on my ignore list as reading your absurd invective is a total waste of bandwidth.

    +1! Nothing but a Troll is what i sense.

  4. Blackberry has its new OS coming out but aside from that I think you got everything covered. I purchased a Touch HD 2 3 months ago and I have already started thinking about what my next upgrade is.

    And I agree that the Dell lightning looks very promising. I owned a Dell Axim x51 and although that had no phone capabilities, it was a great device.

    In any event, you are best to at least wait 1-2 months to see what Apple comes out with and then what the other companies counter with.

  5. That's pretty nuts, I must remember to walk around these things in the future.

    I was there today. It definately looked like a careless accident.. I was able to get through by walking carefully along the side of 1 wall, but cars definately coudln't get through.

  6. I need to get to Sukhumvit today, but obviously that is out of the question if Siam interchange station is closed. Can anyone confirm this 100%?


    Ok, saw above post about the same time I posted this.. Guess I'm staying home today.

    On request I have reopened this topic under one condition - not to post any political comment but pure BTS/MRT information

    we are instituting a zero tolerance policy with regards to posting inflammatory

    comments, comments advocating violence, trollish comments, and flames. You will

    receive an automatic posting rights suspension for this behavior.

    Bear that in mind when posting.


  7. Nice! Can you share your line statistic, please? Noise Margin and Attenuation?

    This is what I get running a line test.

    noise margin upstream: 20 db

    output power downstream: 10 db

    attenuation upstream: 7 db

    noise margin downstream: 12 db

    output power upstream: 9 db

    attenuation downstream: 19 db

  8. I posted a topic a while ago about my TRUE 8 Mb connection and have always had good speeds with it.

    But yesterday I logged into my router and noticed that I was connected at 9 Mbs! I was baffled so I went online and downloaded some stuff (AOTS episodes from the USA which I ways get over 700K from, and this time I got over 900K). Anyone else having a similar experience?

    I captured a couple of images to show everyone.





  9. I just got an Omnia & was wondering if firefox is available as a browser?

    I got used to firefox & would love to use it!


    Your Omnia should come pre installed with Opera. This is really the best browser right now for Windows Mobile.

  10. As a result of the recent power surge, my Samsung DVD Upconverter/Receiver went the way of the buffalo. I have been looking everywhere for a decently priced stereo receiver that decodes DTS and Dolby. It doesn't have to be a dvd player. I already have the speakers, so do not want to buy a home-theater-in-a-box. I've only ever seen these in the upscale shops (Siam, NgamWongWan, etc...), and don't want to pay their ridiculous prices. Surely, there must be some rarely known hole-in-the-wall shop that sells this kind of stuff. TIT.

    So...anyone know of said "magical place" where I could find decent receivers that don't cost too much (8000 Baht or less), but still decode DTS in addition to all the other formats?

    Thanks in advance for your help.

    I purchased a Maranzt (great brand) from power buy last year for 10,000 baht. The sound is great for movies in DTS an DD 5.1. They had Onkyo and Harmon Kardon for about the same price but after doing some reasearch online I found the Maranzt to be the best choice for me.

  11. If you haven't heard of it, google it, and download from your preferred source. The Big Bang Theory is a sitcom about geeks, and it's hilarious. It just keeps getting better and better, so I thought time to post the info here so y'all can enjoy it. We are nearing the end of season 2....

    I watch it and find it hilarious. Sheldon is great.

  12. Used to collect comics ages ago, now I collect the scanned versions

    They have an extension of .cbr or .cbz (just renamed .rar/.zip) , a file is just a collection of image files

    Use a proggy called CDisplay, homepage is: http://www.geocities.com/davidayton/CDisplay

    Don't think comics would survive in this humid climate for long!

    Easy way to while awaythe odd hour.

    I recently got into comic books. I read them using Comic Book Reader on my HTC touch HD phone. They look incredible on WVGA. No need to to zoom. I can see the whole page and read the text. If you don't have a VGA screen, it has a Zoom Lens function which and highly and zoom just the text area. The program supports reading from images or .zip/.cbr etc format. It's free and highly recommended.

  13. I upgraded my 2.5 Mbs package to the 8 Mbs package on Friday afternoon. On Saturday morning I got a nice text message from True that said I was registered in the system and that the upgrade would take place within 24 hours (which would have been Sunday morning). Well, Sunday came and went with no change in my speed. I just got off the phone with them, and the nice woman with excellent English said that the queue for upgrades was very long and that I should get the upgrade by Wednesday. (:

    Sounds like the OP got lucky!

    Yeah it's likely they over promised and under delivered. Make sure to reboot your modem so the changes take effect.

    I'm only getting 400Ks now with newsgroups, but still hitting near 800K downloading old episodes of G4 Tech tv shows off their website.

  14. Let me start off by saying that I've always had pretty good luck with True's 3 MB DSL connection. I download a lot of Torrents from Asia(mostly HK and Japan I would imagine since they are dramas/tv series) and consistently get over 300K/sec.

    With Newsleecher I have fairly good luck as well. Off peak hours I get over 300K as well, though during peak hours it falls to the 100K(probably due to the server located int he US).

    All in all I have been quite satisfied with my True connection.

    Last month I found out they were offering the 8 MB option so of course it only cost me 50baht more so I took it. They said it would be available starting April 2nd, but of course it was not ready. I spoke to a customer service agent from True and she said they were "having problems with their system".

    I tried rebooting the modem, once and night and once in the daytime everyday to see if there were any changes. Nothing until today (sunday) 10:00am.

    First thing I did was pick something random from newsleecher and started downloading. Top speeds were 800K. It fluctuated back and forth and remained consistent in the 600K area(4 connections.)

    Next thing I tried of course was Bit Torrent. Loaded up 3 random torrents and right away It shot up to 800K and stayed there. Now it is down in the 600K area again.

    Of course this is Sunday morning on a long weekend and most people are still asleep. But overall I have to say I am quite happy with the speeds. This is getting close to the 7 MB which I get back in Canada. Of course the price is only half of what I pay there.

    So if anyone was using a 3-4 MB connection before and was getting good speeds I would highly recommend them upgrading to the 8 MB service.

  15. I'm looking for Sennheiser HD555's and was wondering if any of you audiophiles knew of the best place to shop for them, and possibly audition them and some others as well. Fortune is the ideal location if any of those shops carry them.

    Also would appreciate any recommendations for closed headphones, in the same price range as the 555's, that are available in BKK.

    I was going to recommend the high end store at Paragon which someone already mentioned. I remember seeing very high end Shures for sale there.

    But maybe you should check out Amazon.com. Pair of Sennheiser earbuds that where selling for 3000-4000 baht here in Thailand cost about 20USD on Amazon.com

    I have never ordered from Amazon to Thailand, but I've had good luck with them back in the States. I've heard a lot of people had books shipped to Thailand without any problems. Even if you get nailed a little on duties or taxes you will still end up saving a LOT in the end.

  16. ok, what do you guys (n gals) use , that is pretty robust? i've got a lot of files that i put onto dvd just the usual content

    how does the media stand up to the thai weather? (only been here 9 months)



    As someone has mentioned Riteks are awesome. I've had good luck with Verbatims, Memorex, Sony. I'd stay away from generic brands. I've had really bad experiences with them.

    This is coming from someone who has burned well over 1000 dvds

  17. Well.. this, in fact, is a bad news. They are not going to upgrade their international bandwidth and more people will be asking for more bandwidth. :D

    But, if the price is cheaper, I'll be stup*d not to change it.. :o

    Just switched my 3mb service over to 8mb. They say for existing customers, this will take effect in April.

    Apparently new customers could sign up and get it right away, although I was told it would take 7 days which pretty much takes you to April.

    50baht more for double the speed sounds good to me.. I always get over 300K on torrents so I'm really looking forward to see how it will perform.

  18. See here: http://www.engadget.com/2009/03/17/apple-p...-iphone-os-3-0/

    I think this will be interesting for many techies here. iPhone 3.0 will officially support tethering, and also have copy-paste. The push support will enable an entirely new class of exciting applications previously impossible. Push is a way to have an app wait for an external event and then do something as a result. The possibilities are endless....

    Apple's excuse for taking so long for copy/paste is that there were "security concerns" - I suppose copy/paste of arbitrary data - rather than just text - would break the sandbox for applications. Makes sense in hindsight though I don't see how they would get around that. Apparently a simple text copy/paste wasn't good enough for Apple...

    A2DP Stereo bluetooth was what got my attention. Now if they fix Itunes so that when importing pictures to the Iphone, they dont' get resized to a crappy resolution I might have to get one of them Iphones.

    I still won't count out a next generation Iphone being announced. June is still a long way to go.

    I think they'll come out with new hardware in June too. Since nothing was announced about different display resolutions, probably the same form factor with some new and improved hardware.

    LOL about the resizing of pictures I just hate that too. I guess you can email yourself high res images...

    Yes, it does seem very likely that a new Iphone is on the way.. OLED might be a possiblity.

    I did get a chance to play with the Iphone a while back and I was so desperate I renamned all the comic images according to the camera roll files.. This actually works and lets you view all the pictures at full resolution, but the downside is that it's time consuming(even with batch rename) and there is no organizing them, or thumbnails.

  19. See here: http://www.engadget.com/2009/03/17/apple-p...-iphone-os-3-0/

    I think this will be interesting for many techies here. iPhone 3.0 will officially support tethering, and also have copy-paste. The push support will enable an entirely new class of exciting applications previously impossible. Push is a way to have an app wait for an external event and then do something as a result. The possibilities are endless....

    Apple's excuse for taking so long for copy/paste is that there were "security concerns" - I suppose copy/paste of arbitrary data - rather than just text - would break the sandbox for applications. Makes sense in hindsight though I don't see how they would get around that. Apparently a simple text copy/paste wasn't good enough for Apple...

    A2DP Stereo bluetooth was what got my attention. Now if they fix Itunes so that when importing pictures to the Iphone, they dont' get resized to a crappy resolution I might have to get one of them Iphones.

    I still won't count out a next generation Iphone being announced. June is still a long way to go.

  20. (Ooh, so this is what the computer forum looks like. Not as scary as I thought.)

    So my laptop went bongo mental over the course of several days, going from occassional screen blackouts to fuzzy "no-reception-on-the-TV" style meltdowns. Then the picture just completely went blank and stayed that way.

    Took it down to the shop at Fortune Town where I bought it (my 1 year warranty expired in October) and the techie takes one look and says it's a fault with the nvidia chip set and it needs replacing. 5,000 baht and back in 3 days. Sounded fine so I agreed.

    A quick trawl on the Internet showed that this was a common problem and has cost people like Dell and HP squillions. It also seemed like HP were offering free repairs.

    Now I'm no techie, but it occurred to me that the shop might be sending my laptop off to HP for a free repair, then charging me 5k.

    I'm not sure that they are wrong to do that (I did agree without question), but it has me thinking.

    Due to pick up tomorrow afternoon. Any thoughts?

    If you are over the 1 year warranty, I don't think they will fix it for free. Back when I used to work for Compaq we would sometimes let things slide if it was a short period, but October was a long time ago.

    Only thing I can suggest is to maybe take it to a couple more shops and see if they say the same.

    But bottom line is you really don't know what the problem is so you just have to take their word for it. You have a problem and it needs fixing. If you are willing to pay, you go with them, if not you have to seek out other options.

  21. Do you leave your television set on 'standby' all the time? I do, it has been on 'standby' for more than eight years.

    Would turning the button to 'Off' save me any serious money?

    It's very interesting that this came up. I was reading an article on PC World (or maybe it was PCmag) about leaving devices like vcrs/dvd players/tvs plugged in but on standby. Most of the numbers ranged from $4-$6 if i remember correctly. I think a tv was about $6 or so. These numbers are not large by themselves, but multiplied, they add up quickly.

    I'm not sure how accurate these numbers are, and how they would apply to everyone, but it's made me think twice about leaving so many things plugged in while not using them.

  22. Hi,

    My iPhone looks a little worse for wear, and it's battery lasts about 3 hours on a good day. Also my wifi has become increasingly unreliable. Can i go to a place in MBK for the following - has anyone else done this?

    1) Replace cover

    2) Replace better

    3) Dont know if it's possible to replace the wifi chip...but who knows..


    One of the main reasons I sold my Iphone. In the States a batter replacement will go around 79.95 if I remember correctly.

    Be careful where u get it done in MBK. A fake battery won't do you any good. Don't they have Apple stores in Thailand that will also do Iphones now?

    I would personally spend a little more than taking a risk.

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