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Posts posted by ungcas

  1. There are many ways to get rid of your problem, such as the ones mentioned above. But from my experience there are lots of nasty sites out there, specially targeting IE users with spyware or just plain and simple stupid scripts.

    You can get rid of them, but many years ago i switched to Firefox and never looked back.

    But as always, don't visit sites you don't know. Sometimes they may look legit, but with just one wrong click and you are back to square one.

  2. Not sure if this will help you but many many years ago when DSL technology first came out in Canada, I signed up for it and it was a complete mess from the start. A 1 Meg connection would not connect any higher than 384K. I constantly lost connection, especially when phone calls came in. Sometimes i went days without the modem being able to Synch.

    The problem was never actually fixed, but it was narrowed down to the wiring in the house being so old, a complete re-wiring was required. But by that time Cable internet was available and i never looked back.

    Anyhow, one thing I did find that helped a lot with the disconnections was installing the proper filters. I'm not sure how big a factor that plays now, but back then i needed to install filters for every phone that was connected to the same line. And if it was a cordless phone i needed a cordless filter.

  3. Any wifi router would work, really. It's up to you what brand you want. Dlink, Netgear, Linksys, SMC etc.. Now that i'm in BKK i'm using a Zyxel which i prefer. It's been very stable for me, and a lot more options.

    If you want your printer to work for the whole network , one way to do it is to have it setup for 1 pc then enable printer sharing on it, and then u can just add it as a network printer for all additional pcs. The downside of this is that you always need to have the pc connected to the printer to be on so others can use it. (Cheapest and most common way)

    Another way is to Buy a network printer that has a network connection(essentially a network card inside of the printer) in it then u can connect it to your router. This way the printer will have it's own IP address and can be used at anytime. But these printers are harder to find and cost a lot more.

  4. I've been using an O2XDAIIs with a 3.6inch 320x240 screen for a while now and looking to replace it with something newer? All the Windows phones these days seem to have the smaller screens albeit some at higher VGA res. Anyone know why the larger screens are now hard to find?

    There is an O2 Flame but is that it? How do the smaller screens compare, at first sight they look like they will give me eye strain.

    One reason I like the large screens is for map displays whilst on the road.

    Any comments from satisfied users of other phones welcomed. I am only interested in Windows phones, not other systems.



    I don't own one of those phones you mentioned. But i do own 2 PDAs.

    First one was a Ipaq with 240x320 qvga resolution.

    I later replaced it with a Dell X51V with VGA resolution 480x640. I had to play with some of the settings on my Netfront browser, but all in all it's a much better expereince.

    Web pages are easier to read and display a lot more. Even running everyday apps like excel and word benefit from seeing more of the document at once.

    Overall i much prefer the VGA over the QVGA screen. But keep in mind that a lot of games/software may not be agle to take advantageof VGA display, and as reported, it also takes a bit of battery life away.

    Recently i've looked into getting a smartphone, and i'm torn between the HTC tytn II (qvga) and the Eten glofish X800(VGA). Google it up and see if it matches what u are looking for.

  5. At this point it doesn't sound like conventional methods are going to work.

    Sounds like the drive has some physical damage to it. You probabably need a professional, like someone who has access to a Class 100 Clean room to recover the data on that drive.

    I'm not sure where to find those in thailand and they cost a lot. So depending on what you want to recover on that drive, it may or may not be worth it.

  6. Hi, im using the shared internet facility at the apartment block i live at at the moment, but its really slow. i did a line speed test and its 60kbps

    which is basically modem speed. that seems about right because it takes a good minute to load hotmail.

    i want to get the true internet service installed, has anyone got it, will it work better, i dont need blistering speed i need something that can be classed as broadband though also what line speed would you suggest i use.


    Got 3mb here at State Towers on Silom Road. Local dls are 300K + international varies 100+ which is acceptable to me. Web browsing speed is near flawless both international and local. 3 weeks so far and i havent experienced any downtime. Keeping my fingers crossed.

  7. What should I assign as the DNS then?

    I should add that my desktops are plugged into an ethernet switch, as is the wireless access point.

    Log on to your Switch and configure the DHCP to assign the IPs based on the Networks cards. This way the same cards will always get the same addresses. You can go into each network card settings and input them manually.

  8. No, not stolen but my new laptop - Acer 3680 - gets hot underneath, especially when using it on my bed. Should I not be using on my bed?

    Is it ok to have it on all the time? Are these cooling things for laptops worth buying?

    My first laptop died while i was using it flat on the bed. It wasn't getting enough air circulation through the vents and overheated.

  9. Okey so now it seams that I have to use TOTs services cause the telephone in the house is with TOT.

    Or should I try to fix true, which is better, no difference?

    I just moved to thailand 2 weeks ago and i had the option of either TRUE or TOT because my condo has both lines. I decided on TRUE, because of what i have heard from people in this forum.

    So far I'm very happy with it. I am used to my 7Mbit cable back in Canada and was prepared for a very bad experience.

    I'm on the 3Mbit connection and so far the speeds have been great. Local torrents(within ASIA) gives me 300-330K . International bandwith is up and down, 130K is the slowest, but usually in the 200s and sometimes I get over 300K. Seems that noon is the sweet spot for me.

    From the complaints i have hear about TOT over the last week with the cable being cut and the massive outtage, I"m glad i didn't go with them.

    For 1100Baht and a free Cell line as long as i am using them, can't complain about that either.

  10. Hi All

    I think I'm getting the hang of this Torrent downloading thingy. Unfortunately the last few downloads have resulted in files that nothing I have will play.

    These are files like DvDscr.XViD-FINAL or DvDRiP.xVid or TS xVid. Non of these files will play. I have tried them on Windows Media player, Super@, Video LAN and several others. I also have the CODEC pack and numerous other programs that have been collected over time and I should be able to play just about anything. :D

    The thing is that with these unplayable files there always comes an extra file telling me that if I should have trouble playing these files :o to download their recommended players and if that does not work there is always this other player that can be purchased (from them) guaranteed to play this file. :D

    Now all this makes me a little skeptical, as some time ago I downloaded what I thought was a kids feature cartoon only to find out that it was hard core porn. Now I have nothing against porn hard soft or inbetween but after spending several days downloading (I was on dial-up then) it p****d me of a little. :D

    Also the player I had to download came with a whole lot of unwanted stuff that took some time to clean out, on top of which to have a movie that can only be played on the computer is a bit limiting.

    I did follow this latest link through to see if I could play the latest downloads and as it looked like a "professional" site decided to take the chance and download their free players "3wPlayer and DivoCodec". Unfortunately or perhaps fortunately Avira caught a Virus called "DR/obfuscate.Ed.EN.445" and I stopped the download.

    A Google for the virus brought up hits only from Avira but nothing to say how to deal with it. Just to be clear I did not get the virus as Avira caught it being downloaded.

    So we come to the point have I missed something and are these files playable without infecting the computer with a lot of junk? Also is there a way of identifying files that will play normally without wasting recourses downloading them? I thought I was being careful enough checking the file types but obviously not. :D

    Thanks in anticipation!

    D.D. :bah:

    VLC has built in codecs and should play just about any video file, even High definition .MKV files. If you want to Media Player classic (what i prefer), you should get the Klite codec pack.

    If you cannot play them is it possible you have a corrupted file, rar files that need to be extracted or joined??

  11. Pioneer is your best choice IMO. Latest model is the DVR-112D which is 1,250THB in Panthip. Only one shop has them though, it's the place at the back on floor 3 that stocks the DVD duplicators.

    Look around to find them, it's worth it.

    See this thread

    I second that. Pioneer makes some great burners.. i have a A02 Model and it's probably burned over 500 dvds and still works.

  12. I have some WMV movie files on my PC which need to be cut to remove unwanted sections. What software will do it easily? It can be freeware of paid software. I don't mind which as long as it is easy to use.


    Tmpgenc 4.0 express is what i use. It's simply incredible for it's size. It does cost money though. I tried several other apps b4 and some of them gives me out of synch audio. Either way they can't compare to Tmpgenc.

  13. I think talking about scene releases may be forbidden here. But i'll try and answer some of your questions without going too in depth.

    I believe the "iNT" just means it's an internal, usually requested by someone and just meant for people within that group, but it usually makes its way around anyways

    The 2nd one is encoded using the Divx encoder, which cost money. The 1st one is Xvid (which is just Divx backwards), it's free and is the preferred choice.

    From what i can see the content and quality of both is probably similar. You might need to check the info file for more information.

  14. Where can I watch NHL Hockey in BKK. Infact where can I watch any Ice Hockey in BKK. As a guy from Toronto, I am missing my Maple Laughs oops Maple Leafs. All I see on TV is football and golf, I do not have any trouble falling asleep thankyou.


    I'm from Ottawa and was last in BKK during the Stanley CUP finals against the Ducks. Our only options were to watch it live off the internet. My friend had his own website back in ottawa with the game streaming from it. We just logged into his site from bkk and watched it there. But knowing how unreliable the high speeds are here, it may be a hit and miss. Worth a try though.

  15. right, speed is up and down at the moment, but this must not necessarily be related to Maxnet.

    As I heard, intelligent routers (that we assume are in use at TTT) manage the traffic on the torrent ports according to the overall traffic. If there is nothing much going on, the throttle opens, if lots of people are surfing, the trafffic on the torrents goes down. I enjoy 195 on 2.5 Mbps at the moment....

    What annoys me, is that I have a bunch of downloads at about 99% and they are just stuck. Any idea how to solve that?

    Are you guys dling for sources within Asia/Europe, or North America?

    I'll be moving to BKK next month and i'm really curious and what kind of speeds you get from torrents. Here in canada, 18mb cable is an option here, but dling torrents from overseas i'm still stuck at 20-30K if i'm lucky.

    I really love BKK, but i must admit i'll miss my broandband here.

  16. I know this is not Thai related , but may be its a trend that will spread.... who's Next ...?

    Cable Internet and entertainment provider Comcast "has punished some transgressors by cutting off their Internet service, arguing that excessive downloaders hog Internet capacity and slow down the network for other customers," the Washington Post reported.

    Comcast spokesman Charlie Douglas told AFP the company was addressing "the problem of abusive activity that adversely impacts on everybody else's experience."

    "I can't give you a number" for clients who have been disconnected, said Douglas, while assuring that customers whose plugs were pulled are "very rare."

    According to the Washington Post, a customer would have to download the equivalent of 1,000 songs or four feature films a day to trigger a disconnection warning.

    Comcast gives customers a month to fix problems or upgrade their service before they are disconnected, the Washington Post said.

    An unplugged client in Rockville, a suburb of Washington, has filed a complaint with the county he lives in, saying his contract with his service provider states that he is entitled to unlimited Internet access, officials in Montgomery County said.

    A recent report by the ABI market research company warned that the growth in demand for "bandwidth-hungry services such as HDTV and online gaming is leading to a critical lack of capacity" in US cable operators' networks.

    "Cable TV operators trying to satisfy the increasing bandwidth demands of HDTV customers feel very much like the thrifty grocer who tried to cram ten pounds of potatoes into a five-pound bag," ABI research director Stan Schatt said last month.

    "The increasing bandwidth demands on cable operators will soon reach crisis stage, yet this is a 'dirty little industry secret' that no one talks about."



    That is quite new. Usually an isp will disconnect u only if they found u have a virus or you are using your internet connection for illegal purposes such as hosting a file tranfers site.( and yes i'm speaking from experience).

    But now in Canada, they are starting to enforce limits for most people and for every GB you go over monthly, it's a charge of $1.25cdn or roughly.

  17. As much as I am an ati fan, I would suggest u getting the 8600GTS. Directx 10 is definately needed to get the best out of the newer games.

    As for your concern about setting up TV out from the graphics card, i don't see why it is a problem. You should be able to setup a hot key to enable/disable tvout. I do this all the time with my laptop.

  18. Unless you bought it from Sony or some other reputable seller, there is a good chance that it is a fake. The real ones are up to 8 gigs, and this is since last year. I got mine directly from sony on January and it has been working flawlessly since then... I also have another 4 gig from sony which works as well.

    The fakes look so real now its hard to tell to the untrained eye. If you have a warranty, take it back!

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