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Posts posted by MKAsok

  1. It's not just you. Terrible for me as well the past few weeks. Not just buffering but commentary out of sync, mysterious time jumps, streams going down completely in the middle of the game. It's hopeless. I'm going back to True for the football. I'm not paying for this crap any more.

  2. The French police raided OVH in order to seize some of What.CD's servers. Feral somehow got caught up in this apparently, although they have nothing to do with What (beyond some of their users being members of What). As far as I know it was only the front end that was hosted at OVH, Feral's main servers are co-located in the Netherlands, so I wouldn't worry too much about it.

  3. On 18/09/2016 at 10:53 AM, Pib said:

    Question to anyone listening in and living in a high-rise condo/apartment building on the 4th floor or above:  Do you have a True internet plan (fiber, DOCSIS, or xDSL)?


    I've had True ADSL on the 20th, 21st and 30th floors of condos going back to 2007 (Bangkok), so the 4th floor or above thing would appear to be false.


    Having said that, True can be notoriously difficult to deal with in some condo installations (I believe there's an old thread knocking around about this issue). I was twice told by True HQ that service was not available in my building, despite knowing other people in the building that had True connections. Best advice in this situation is to go through the building's juristic person office who are usually in touch with an agent who is familiar with the place and will sort out any issues with the brain dead automatons back at True HQ.

  4. no matter how eloquently presented, the arguments

    -"cost of a decent average TV",

    -"rate of depreciation short of horrifying";

    and the (out of thin air drawn) assumption

    -"doesn't make you cleverer"

    can't hide the fact that your dissertation is based exclusively on a specific personal view. none of these arguments are relevant for people who buy a huge TV as opposed to watching a movie on a laptop, drive a Ferrari instead of a Honda Click scooter or live in a 50m² Baht penthouse instead of a 26m² studio.

    destroying your credibility and evidence for my claim is your backing of "moron" and the reference "not any less idiotic".


    I understand the point you're trying to make, but (putting aside the huge TV vs laptop question which is not the point I am making), your analogies are specious.

    There is no meaningful comparison to be made between driving a Ferrari and a Honda scooter, or living in a large or small apartment. Those experiences are significantly qualitatively different.

    I fly long haul in first class several times a year. The experience when compared to flying in economy is qualitatively incomparable. I would not pay for the experience myself (my company pays), but equally I would not disparage anyone who chooses to do so.

    My point is the experience of watching the 450,000 Baht TV and watching the 20,000 Baht TV is substantially a qualitatively similar experience. They are both high definition images and in any event your brain is doing most of the work here. It is a similar phenomenon to the way that 3D is simply a gimmick; once your brain has made the initial adjustment, it is substantially the same experience as watching 2D. It is certainly not enough of a difference to justify anything like the enormous disparity in cost.

  5. right you are! it goes without saying that only suckers are able to shell out 449,990 Baht for a TV coffee1.gif

    Nice straw man. The issue is whether or not someone who spends 450,000 Baht on a TV can be reasonably said to be acting rationally in the context of the 'TV marketplace.'

    Firstly, given the fact that the cost of a decent average TV is in the region of 20,000 Baht, can it reasonably be said that the experience of watching this TV is 22 times better than watching the average TV? I understand it is subjective and thus difficult to quantify, but on any reasonable metric in my view the answer has to be no.

    Secondly, the rate of depreciation on such a purchase is nothing short of horrifying. I can't think of any other consumer electronics that are comparable. I'm sure someone will come along with an example, but that does not diminish the overall point.

    No-one is disputing your 'right' to spend whatever you like on a TV. But being in a position to do so doesn't make you somehow cleverer than anyone else or the decision any less idiotic.

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