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Posts posted by Searat7

  1. In Silom last month they conducted what I now think was an elaborate experiment at a crosswalk near Patpong on Silom Road. They painted the crosswalks with blue stripes and the approaches in all three lanes ( in both directions) were painted with large blue arrows for at least 100 feet. They even erected illuminated metal frames on the sidewalks which you would walk through to enter the crosswalk. Early last week the frames were removed and workers came out at midnight for a few days to scrub away all of the blue paint. I can only assume that this experiment had no effect on drivers’ behavior so they removed all traces. I find there is safety in numbers...only when you have a large group of people do the drivers stop. 

  2. 4 hours ago, steven100 said:

    not sure how this application is going to add substantial revenue which is urgently needed, unless of coarse they are looking at selling most of their aircraft to meet the mounting losses.

    Just sell the whole thing off as is ……   let someone else run it who know's what they are doing  !!  imo



    I think that there must be considerable pressure to sell the A-340 airplanes which have been mothballed for many years and are certainly deteriorating. The last time I checked there were 9 left after the government took one for its use. Those planes are extremely undesirable because they have 4 engines and burn too much fuel.

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  3. At BB you used to be able to update passbook every 3 months but that period is much shorter now so if you want to capture everything I believe you should do this monthly. In the USA I have not seen a passbook in over 30 years. Last night I saw CNN interview with CEO of SCB who claims that 96% of their transactions are now digital. Hard to believe !

  4. 1 hour ago, Yadon Toploy said:

    My Thai friend has plastic to the tune of 600,000thb from different banks. They are maxed out and she earns 18,000thb a month. This is partly due to her negligence but also her nasty little sh*t Thai boyfriend and his lifestyle.


    I earn 650,000thb per month and my credit card limit on the one credit card I have was set at 200,000thb. I have 30,000thb on it now.


    Yep, the Thai economy is wobbling, and debt is at unsustainable levels.


    All gonna end in tears. 97 anyone?



    Thai banks are also responsible for extending too much credit and there is a credit bureau so these banks have the ability to check one’s situation before extending more credit. In the USA people with mountains of debt declare bankruptcy which often discharges credit card debt but that is not possible here; in fact if you have a good job the banks take you to court and often end up attaching your pay until the debt is cleared.

  5. I saw movie last weekend...it seemed mostly factual to me but he had allot to cover so I am sure every detail was not perfect. There were some barbs against the Thai bureaucracy which might not have pleased the former governor but I thought is was a great movie and would recommend to others. Having some of the actual players act in the movie was a big plus.

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