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Posts posted by Searat7

  1. One thing I don’t understand is how the ex Seal diver ran out of air and died.   Only some of the cave areas were under water and they had placed scuba tanks around the cave. Most experienced divers monitor their air supply so I really don’t understand how this happened. (Not looking for a sarcastic TV response- just genuinely curious)

  2. 41 minutes ago, djjamie said:

    Even if they get out before the 15th of July I cannot see them take advantage of the free offer by FIFA to fly them all to Russis to watch the world cup final. I hope the kids have not been made aware of this offer. 

    I agree with you....was really shocked by the timing involved. If they are out in time they will be recovering with their families. If the kids were told it would just add additional pressure to a bad situation.

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  3. 2 hours ago, whaleboneman said:

    It's a new mindset: Stop using plastic bags. Stop purchasing goods that come in pre-packaged garbage. Start recycling and composting. Once you're up to speed, there will be almost no trash to dispose of. Where I live in Canada trash is collected every two weeks and I seldom have more than half a bin to dispose of. And I'm trying to improve.

    The problem is there is no government recycling plan like we have had in western countries for decades. You just see some people trying to earn some money  collecting plastic bottles or cardboard. It’s totally different in Thailand so your suggestion is not very applicable. I will look for biodegradable trash bags and will buy some cloth bags for shopping at supermarkets but there is not much else I could do in Bangkok. If there was a real recycling program then daily trash pickups might not be necessary too.

  4. 8 hours ago, KiwiKiwi said:

    Still trying to get the government to create the international medical hub I see.


    Robot or not, I don't think I would want a Thai tinkering with my bits except under extraordinary circs. IMHO, and in my limited experience, Chinese doctors are way better, - subject to their Engliah language skills. I've only ever met a couple of Thai doctors who refect well on the profession, most of them are much what I would expect - more or less hopeless.

    I had back surgery in Thailand 8 years ago and walked home carrying my bag 40 hours later. There are some good surgeons in Bangkok; the only thing that scares me is when they operate at night after working a full day (plus evening job) in a hospital.

  5. I think he is either hitting on you or trying to antagonize you. He sees he gets some reaction so keeps doing his thing. With no reaction he might just forget about you and move on to his next target. If you can easily communicate with each other why not have a beer with him so that you can better understand each other.  After that the nonsense behavior should stop but you need to be more understanding and not homophobic. 

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  6. For me the biggest drawback is air pollution. I choose to live in Bangkok and have worn a carbon mask for years when I go out but that is no longer enough as the problem has gotten much worse in the last 6 months. I get bad cough and sinus problems which continued for one month after returning to USA for annual visit. I just stocked up on N-95 face masks but Year 15 might be my last because of this problem. I fully realize I could live elsewhere in Thailand but access to many goods and services would not be the same.

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  7. 5 hours ago, casmeri said:

    The biggest issue for me is the Third-World mail system.  I have received packages six months after arriving in Thailand but most are never received.  The issue of some things being unavailable, low quality or too expensive could easily be overcome these days if there was a competent mail system that one could depend on.


    The mail problem has gotten worse in the past 2 years. I suspect increased volume has overwhelmed their antiquated system and needs to be updated.

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