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Everything posted by KhaoNiaw

  1. Not if MFP are not part of the coalition. A new coalition plus votes from MFP outside the coalition would mean that they'd need far fewer senate votes. Then if there are MPs defecting from Ruam Thai Sang Chat (as sounds quite likely) and maybe even from PPP to Bhumjaithai, it's even more likely there'll be enough senate votes to see it through.
  2. But maybe MFP have agreed to vote for the PM candidate of Pheu Thai coalition that includes Bhumjaithai even if they're not part of it. With promises made for later.
  3. Think you'll find that in England you'll be arrested for homophobic, racist or other offensive behaviour. They will also track you down after the event. Try Spain or Italy.
  4. Some deal of this nature has obviously been agreed. Even the political editors don't seem quite sure what the formula is yet. Has Move Forward agreed to vote to approve the PM of a new Pheu Thai coalition even if they're not in it? Will PT take the premiership of a coalition that includes the Democrats and Bhumjaithai, maybe with some defectors from the Prayut/Prawit parties? Will it go the way Chuwit says here? Pretty sure Thaksin is fairly confident now of how it's meant to pan out.
  5. There's talk that MPs in some parties may be ready to jump ship and go to new homes. Prayut was the only reason most of his party came together so now that he's stepped away some of those MPs are open to moving on. One faction could even join Pheu Thai, though it's rumoured more likely that they'll go to Bhumjaithai. Anyway it could mean more numbers for a PT coalition and as they wouldn't be in 'military' parties any more, Move Forward wouldn't be expected to object to their presence.
  6. So maybe the deal has been done for a Pheu Thai government. Government in place in early August. Thaksin back on the 10th.
  7. Some hospitals, like Siriraj, have already announced that they'll be operating normally and not taking the holiday. Which will probably then lead to criticism of the ones that have followed the government's announcement.
  8. The cabinet has just announced that 31st July will also be a public holiday.
  9. Just been officially announced. Additional public holiday: Monday 31st July.
  10. Today's cabinet meeting has also making July 31st a public holiday on the agenda. Announcement coming later if they agree on it.
  11. Interesting to know. Can you give any links to info on that story? I haven't read too much negative stuff on this place compared to others yet.
  12. I think that law only applied to larger scale landlords that are effectively a business and renting out multiple condos.
  13. Isn't this the place that went out of their way to help elephants and mahouts that were chucked out during Covid?
  14. Are you sure that you need her at the ampur if you have the court order already? Someone else has already suggested that you don't. You need to be together if you actually divorce at the ampur but otherwise will they only issue the certificates if you're both there? I suppose it's an unusual case where someone asks for and goes through with the divorce but then refuses to pick up the certificate.
  15. Maybe he can match them. One of the very vocal and more pugnacious politicians in last week's PM debate is a Thai with Pakistani origins. You'd think the Thai Pakistani community is fairly close-knit, though it probably depends on the family background.
  16. PTP could put together a different majority coalition. They may be still weighing up the potential electoral consequences of ditching MFP. But right now they can afford to just wait and let the current process run its course. They're much cannier at the political game than MFP. Thaksin probably needs some kind of deal with Prawit to be able to come back safely but different factions of PTP are probably looking at their longer term political future.
  17. Maybe part of Thailand's sizeable South Asian community, which is not only of Indian origin. The whole family seem to be quite comfortable dealing with the police and media, possibly in Thai? They say the German woman first contacted them over a business deal so you'd think they're well-established in Thailand.
  18. To a degree and easily predictable perhaps. But what is not exactly overt is what deal has been done/is being done in the background. Does it involve Pheu Thai? Could there still be a majority government that doesn't include Move Forward? Maybe Pheu Thai are waiting to see the strength of public reaction before deciding on their next moves. Still plenty that is not clear.
  19. You can't just update 'your' TM30. The TM30 'belongs' to the accommodation/address. So if your new place is already registered in the TM30 system, you need the login details to do it yourself. Otherwise you need the owner to do it or to give you the documents to do the registration of the residence in the online system yourself.
  20. Well, they have made that promise. But that could be tested by how determined they are to get Thaksin back and he is to come back. Agreed that Settha could pass as PM. But if there is a game going on in the background, it could be that the senate doesn't vote to accept him with MF in a coalition. Without MF, it could be that Settha gets the vote and Prawit is happy with some other position. Any scenario like this will have been worked out well ahead not simply a reaction to events as they unfold. The best thing would be for Pita to win the vote or else an even stronger advantage goes to PT.
  21. Pita can't get the votes to become PM. PT given the chance, but first say they will keep Move Forward in their government line up. Senators not voting for the PT candidate for PM because they still have MF in their government. PT saying that to get around this, they won't have MF in their government and form a new coalition with Palang Pracharath, Bhumjaithai etc. Prawit becomes PM. Thaksin returns to Thailand.
  22. I was once amazed to receive a phone call from a very friendly CW officer, who told me that she would reject my 90-day report because I hadn't put the first name in, even though it's not shown as a required field. She told me to re-send the form after getting the rejection. She also said that if you usually put in your middle name when you submit, you should keep doing so.
  23. She's a Kasikorn employee. And so she gave him the correct information that Kasikorn is currently not doing it for foreigners.
  24. I paid a hotel in dollars for a price quoted in dollars a few weeks ago. And a Lao national I know just paid Thai baht for land in the capital that had a price quoted in baht. Do you think Lao state owns all the land there? Talk to Lao nationals and see if they've never heard of land prices quoted in baht.
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