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Posts posted by T_Dog

  1. On 1/25/2023 at 11:14 PM, elektrified said:

    I just heard that Ron Parker passed this month. He lived here for many years. We were friends years back.

    I knew Ron as well.  RIP to an interesting fellow.

  2. Nuan Nippon does pretty good here and stays cropped very short.   (It's like a smaller, shorter version of Nuan Noi.)    They say it can't handle sun but I have seen an entire golf course done with it and it looks great.  Likely a matter of getting enough water.    We used Nuan Noi but if doing it again, would go for the Nuan Nippon.

  3. The new format looks like what Microsoft would do.  Bland.  Sterile.  Lacking all appeal.    And what is with all the "Notifications" requests I have to decline.   Argggghhhh. Plain awful.

  4. There have been various Notices To Airman (NOTAMS) regarding the construction going on, with take offs to the north not possible due to closed taxiways, etc. Not sure which ones are in effect right now but the construction might have something to do with the runway in use.

  5. Uncertainty is certainly a drawback for foreigners living or thinking about living in Thailand. In the past, there was at least a basic level of stability even with all the prior coups but the current regime has raised the bar on the powers they may evoke. There is also uncertainty on inevitable events and now the banks are making it more difficult to transfer money out of the country. There are a lot of obvious things like the dangers of driving and corruption, but the uncertainty is what caused me to move away.

    What banking laws have changed? I don't have any problems transferring money.

    Bank of Thailand released new regulations for Thai Nationals that want to transfer money overseas last week. Don't have the news story but things seem to be tightening down.

  6. Uncertainty is certainly a drawback for foreigners living or thinking about living in Thailand. In the past, there was at least a basic level of stability even with all the prior coups but the current regime has raised the bar on the powers they may evoke. There is also uncertainty on inevitable events and now the banks are making it more difficult to transfer money out of the country. There are a lot of obvious things like the dangers of driving and corruption, but the uncertainty is what caused me to move away.

  7. A multiple level unfinished hotel stands in the Khon Kaen city it has been like it for several years, I have asked why has it not been finished and the answer I get is that the wrong size steel was used the steel is to small, how can this happen, the engineers should have done inspections a different stages when it was being built and before any concrete was poured.


    Engineers? Inspections???? laugh.png

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