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Posts posted by T_Dog

  1. Near the summit, we are surprised to see six mountain bikers making their way up, and then I am even more surprised to recognize one of them. We talk briefly and then continue the 7 kilometers to the summit, passing through a few hill tribe villages. We finally park the bike near a vacant camping area and walk the rest of the way up. The view is spectacular, and the cliff off the top is over 250 meters straight down. Rain falls for a few seconds and then it clears up again. The road up as been good for a four wheel drive, but a family car would hardly be suitable. Not surprising that we spend our time on the summit alone.






  2. How much they looking for it? I wouldn't mind a plaything.

    I know Just1voice looked at it, but I forget how much it was. It had a few minor issues but it's driven regularly. Next time I am by the shop I will check if it is still there and then send you a PM. I think it was around 60K. It would be an excellent project bike.

    The guy said he'd trade for my carbed Black CBR 150 (last model year) + 30k.


    The nice 250RR has been sold. (I stopped at that shop tonight.) They did have a CBR400 there for 70K that sounded almost as nasty. Looked a bit rough around the edges though.

  3. How much they looking for it? I wouldn't mind a plaything.

    I know Just1voice looked at it, but I forget how much it was. It had a few minor issues but it's driven regularly. Next time I am by the shop I will check if it is still there and then send you a PM. I think it was around 60K. It would be an excellent project bike.

  4. My wife and I surprised a cobra about 2 meters long two weeks ago and it jumped into a canal and swam away. It looked pretty dark in the water and swam right on the surface. Some of the wife's relatives killed a 4 meter Python just before the flooding up here in CM started. I was amazed at its size but they said they see one that size every year, and that old ones in the Ping River valley run over 8 meters long.

  5. I thought this color scheme looks pretty hot... would love to know how that CBR250 "RR" handles, it seems to have pretty much everything changed. Full system, some sort of juice box, etc etc. The only original parts are the ones painted yellow. On sale for 230k in Chiang Mai :)

    Photo doesn't really do it justice, as it's from the phone and through the shop window.


    That fake Termi is just tacky :bah: You can dress up a pig, but it's still a pig ;)

    Not to be confused with the REAL Honda CBR 250 RR:


    4 cylinder, 19000 redline, 45 horsepower, 157 kg (350 lb) wet. Now THAT is a real CBR baby! B)

    There is one of those up here in Chiang Mai that I've been trying to get someone to buy! It is the best sounding bike on the road, and I can tell that bike any time I hear it go by.

  6. It might be worth a trip to the agricultural fair held at Maejo University every year. This years one starts on the 1st December and lasts about 10 days. I have been to the last three and they have had a few woodchippers on sale and you get to see them working. I am looking for one for myself. It is also good for all sorts of gardening equipment, tools and plants.

    jackjones... Thank You for the heads up as I always enjoy attending. Might be worth starting a new topic on it in the CM Forum as many like to attend. I thought it was CMU's turn this year though. Do you have a schedule of events or some firmer info?

  7. Does anyone know of someone or some company which, for a fee, will chip wood you bring them?

    That's what the machine in the photos was being used for. If I see them again, I will get a phone number for you. Hopefully other TV members can recommend a service as well.

    would my Wife fit into one of these?

    Now don't be going all Fargo on us....

  8. Does anyone know of someone or some company which, for a fee, will chip wood you bring them?

    That's what the machine in the photos was being used for. If I see them again, I will get a phone number for you. Hopefully other TV members can recommend a service as well.

  9. Rim tape looks good! Here is what my rims have been sporting lately...... As KRS1 says on another thread, it's been great riding weather in the North but I did end up catching the very last rain storm.

    Nice. Amazing how the rest of the bike stays spic and span while the the rims are all caked in mud...:)

    Yep. It caked up so bad I had to stop and dig out out from the fender.

    An hehe... 60,000 baht is a bit crazy. A buddy and I bought twin sisters for 35K and 37K with only 5000 km on the odometer. Granted that was a 5 years ago but the bikes were near new.

  10. I've always loved watching owls. Had a pair of Saw Whet Owls living near me once back in the USA and they were very curious and friendly, and not far from there had a Great Horned Owl attack me for being too close to its young which later would swoop over me when I mountain biked the trails there. My user pic is of an owl that flew into a window at the family house up in Mae Taeng. It stuck around for about 40 minutes nursing its headache until it flew off. Had not heard of the superstitions with them here in Thailand.

  11. I was out on a mountain bike ride and ran into a couple of fellows chipping up branches and leaves rather than burning them. My first thoughts were "Wow, this is surprising." Stopped to talk to them and apparently some guy is buying all the chips and mixing them into a super fertilizer that farmers want. Hopefully this will turn into a major enterprise that will lesson some of the burning that we see each year. Sure looks like a powerful unit! I'll include a photo of the place selling them in case anyone on TV in the CM area wants to pick one up.




  12. Nice to see a thread that people get a charge out of. :huh:

    As a side note for those living in CM, we left the lights on at Maharaj Hospital on Suthep Road and ended up with a dead battery. A mechanic from the Be Quick service center right next to the gas station came and got us going again with his jumper cables. No fee but just a plea to use them next time we need an oil change.

  13. I believe most of the guys who do this in Ubon are associated with military. I have seen both at Wing 21 Air Base and around the Border Patrol Police Base. There are threads at guideubon.com forum regarding paragliding but all in Thai.

    Many thanks Guys, i'll ask at the gates of Wing 21 Base next time i pass.

    Cheers SG

    Looks like it is popular all over Thailand. Here is a YouTube from one of the Chiang Mai flying sites.

  14. That's why I wanted to know what our rights are in case of any funny business by the landowner. If we suspect he's digging too close, he'll soon be made aware that we have already been to see orbortor.

    Good. Also don't forget to have the Pui Yai Baan in the loop. We were told by a commission that we could not do some things that we wanted to do and the PYB interceded with a letter and took command. They are very, very influential in an arbotor regulated zone. They will look at the public good at large in their decisions which in most cases is good.

  15. MES.... Two weeks ago we had 45 trucks of dirt delivered and the pit owner invited me to ride along a while and drive a run. There was a house at the top of the pit and I could see that the excavation was approaching it. I asked him if the house was in any danger and he just smiled and said "Mai Pen Rai". I certainly would not want to be living up there. You are lucky if the excavations can fill up with water as that is more stable than the situation in these photos!



  16. We just started building a house and most suppliers are telling the wife that prices are rising very rapidly. Not sure if this is a ruse to get a deposit down to fix the price or whether it is the real deal. Guess we will know soon.

  17. Crossy, Saved at last wink.gif Thanks. He has sent me a picture of the damaged cable. There isn't a joint in the run. The damage to the cable was on the bottom of the cable and the cable was buried under a couple of cm,s of soil at most. Does he need to increase the cable size ? He has been quoted that the 50mm cable is 1115 baht a metre and 35mm is 859 Baht a metre. huh.gifAlso does it need to be buried a bit deeper as he is being told ?Cheers again Kell

    Any chance the damage was caused by a lightning stroke to the overhead lines finally finding a path to ground through your cable? I've seen similar radius of damage caused by lightning plasma.

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