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Posts posted by T_Dog

  1. Those trees have cool history story behind them. Someone can jump in here and correct me but from what I understand, the King of Chiang Mai and King of Lamphun decided to ride toward each other on a given day to set the territory line. The King of Chiang Mai's entourage rode horses and planted trees behind them and they got very close to Lamphun as the king of Lamphun was on an slow elephant. There is a historic shrine at the place where they met and where the trees end.

    T_Dog, very cool story. I sometimes find myself on that road, truly impressed with those wonderous trees while searching for the number plates and often stopping to enjoy the sight. Thanks for the bit of history.

    You are welcome! Here is a link that explains the story with a bit more detail than my summary....


  2. Thanks guys, that helps. I like the feel of the bike with the 110/80 and 90/80, although one-up, I find myself sliding forward occasionally. The steeper rake is good though. I think I'll stick with the 90/80 up front.

    By the way, I've gone through two speedo cables and now I hear the same clacking noise again. They only last about 10,000 km from what I can tell.

    Have you tried adjusting the angle of the metal head of the speedo cable where it screws into the back of the gauge? Mine vibrates if its at a certain angle. Those plastic filler pieces on both sides of the gauges like to vibrate too if the screws come loose and makes the bike sound buzzy.

    Yeah, I've tried that and even lubed and reversed the cable. Seems like the housings just wear out.

  3. Thanks guys, that helps. I like the feel of the bike with the 110/80 and 90/80, although one-up, I find myself sliding forward occasionally. The steeper rake is good though. I think I'll stick with the 90/80 up front.

    By the way, I've gone through two spedo cables and now I hear the same clacking noise again. They only last about 10,000 km from what I can tell.

  4. rode up to doi kham yesterday evening, very smooth new tar and like you said T_dog, really fast downhill without the bumps!

    Yep, my brakes have been getting a real work out before the switch backs. My download doesn't show the peak speed my display shows real time. Garmin is ripping me off!

    Last few days of riding have been pretty diverse weather-wise. Turned around from a longer OpKhan Park ride due to downpours and lightning a few days ago. The next day it was frying sun and 33 degrees C. Yesterday was perfect with early morning overcast and no rain until late afternoon, but the trails were soft goo from all the rains during the night. Going to ride next week with Tonto in Mae Taeng so I'm sure the snakes will take our minds off the weather.


  5. I replaced the IRC's with Pirelli Sport Demons and once the tyres were worn in there was quite a noticeable difference. A lot more grip in corners and no more off that sliding feeling when your overtake on the white lanes. The main reason for changing them was for wet weather riding and this is where they inspire a lot more confidence then the IRC's.

    How much and where did you get them?

    I want to know too! I just bought a Pilot Sporty 110 for the rear and the new slightly changed design is stickier. Willing to try the Pirelli's as I only get 5-6 k out of the Michelins. Have to get a new front tire soon. Anyone know how well a 100/80 fits in front?

  6. I was at Immigration on Tuesday renewing my extention of stay. Booked an appointment at the Immigration web site for 10am about a month ago. Arrived at Immigration at 9.45am and was called almost immediatly and everything was completed at 10.15am and left after receiving my passport back with the new visa stamp at 10.30am. A great improvement and congratulations to Chiang Mai immigration for this new concept as it beats queueing and not knowing if you are going to get a ticket on the day. Immigration was packed on Tuesday with standing room only and spme people had been queueing there since 6.30am

    Techno... Great news and congratulations on a record time and experience! You obviously had your forms in good order, had the correct size photos, and had your copies made and signed. Preparation is the key. Some guy botched up the 90 day check process for a while this morning as he didn't have the right copies and then even started arguing with the officer. They know what they need and it is easy to be in the know with just a little web searching.

  7. Towards the bottom of the pinned list of online stores I have a list for electronics. Elements 14(Farnell Electronics) and Futurlec I have ordered many times from. ETT & ES is also on that list and order indirectly from them from a local distributor in Chiang Mai.

    Tywais... Thank for posting the link to the online stores. Didn't realize there was a pinned topic on this.

    And Pib.... I have used Futurlec with great results so put them on your radar. They accept VISA credit cards so it turn out to be faster than doing bank transfers. Their email help response is very efficient as well.

  8. <br />
    <br />Deathtraps.<br />
    <br />A bit silly to say about trees that were there before any of us were born.<br /><br />Last time I checked Trees rarely make sudden movements so you should be able to avoid them quite easily....<br />


    I was driving the motorcycle through CMU today and saw a huge branch fall into the opposite lane. It was at least 15 cm thick and two meters long. Could have been bad if it hit someone, but it bounced pretty harmlessly as I cruised by. So..... I guess they do sometimes make sudden movements!

  9. Those trees have cool history story behind them. Someone can jump in here and correct me but from what I understand, the King of Chiang Mai and King of Lamphun decided to ride toward each other on a given day to set the territory line. The King of Chiang Mai's entourage rode horses and planted trees behind them and they got very close to Lamphun as the king of Lamphun was on an slow elephant. There is a historic shrine at the place where they met and where the trees end.

  10. Finally got mine today :lol:. So far so good. Pleasant to ride, not complaint from the wrist so far, I'm 179 (approx 5'10"). What still surprise me is how high the engine rev. Rode the PCX for a year got bored of just twist and go B). What I really need is a place to repaint the exhaust cover, silver on a black bike just ain't doing it. Any suggestions? Or should I DIY it with high temp spray paint. MATT black of course. Was deciding between 250 and 150. Most would probably go for the 250, but since I mainly use it in city, just didn't justify the extra cost.

    Remembered reading a post that said something similar regarding the usage. Maybe I'll get something bigger, when the 2013 model comes out. (BTW the 150 is a 2nd hand so I'm not that crazy...yet).

    Congrats! Yeah, exactly the same reasons i got the 150 over the 250; and got a 2nd hand one too. I reckon the same, by 2013 should be some interesting bikes on the market. Til then, the 150 is a lot of fun. I had some wrist pain (i'm 176) but more due to hanging on too tight, have to keep remembering to relax the arms, but then the pain reminds me!!

    For the exhaust cover, where are you located? I don't think you need high temp paint. Maybe go for a gloss look as matt paint marks up quite easily; maybe someone that knows about paint can confirm or refute. Just get some fine sandpaper (400 or so?) to rough the surface up and do several light coats rather than one thick one.

    It seems like about half of the road side repair shops do painting, so keep your eyes open and just drop the part off. I've had great results from some of these guys. No hassle and cheap too.

  11. Ginooooo thanks for your kind wishes.

    T-Dog you have explained the symtoms exactly apart from the rash, i havn't experienced that (i hope it's not lurking), did you lose any weight at all, i have lost nearly 10 Kgs, i am still having dizzy spells and find it hard to focus, i am also still sweating profusely even in cool conditions, also feeling very weak and lethargic.

    JudgeJohn not heard of a vaccine for dengue, i'm sure they would have told me at the hospital ???.

    Edit because just read T-Dogs reply to the vaccine

    tnx T-D

    Woralak... That is a lot of weight loss. If you have not been to a doctor yet, go immediately. I lost weight but not that much, and I only had the first two stages for about two weeks. IF you have Dengue, you might have what is called Post-dengue depression. But..... See a doctor to get good advice as that weight loss and 6 weeks of symptoms should not be treated lightly. And get better!

  12. I thought I heard that the Thais had made an innoculation for it .

    Yes, there was a big news story about that a while back, but the consumer version is still years out apparently.

  13. The smell is produced by bacteria.

    You need to use chemicals that get rid of the bacteria, if I was you I would try chlorine/bleach, 2.5% concentration.

    Be careful using chlorine as it can break down a lot of the elastics that are used in helmet cushions. Agreed though that it effectively kills bacteria!

  14. I caught dengue about 6 weeks ago now, still recovering, i woke up in the night freezing cold no matter how many blankets i put on the bed i was stilll freezing, then it changed to feeling over hot, i was shaking and feeling very weak, my body was sore to touch, breathing was difficult and my head felt like it was being pounded with a sledge hammer from the inside, after going to the local hospital and having x-rays of my chest they said it was dengue but there was no medication you just gotta let it peter out itself, they said it could last up to 6 months, i'm feeeling better but not a 100%, sometimes i feel very light headed and go dizzy and have no balance.

    i tried a beer or 2 a couple of weeks ago but threw it up so if you ever catch this stay of the alcohol eat a little but often and take in plenty of fluids other than alcohol, i'm hoping i'm over the worst but they say it can always come back, God i hope not, i wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy, good luck chok dee :jap: .

    I had the mildest version two years ago, also in September and the recovery does take a long time. Best wishes to you getting over it, and I know what you mean about the dizziness. Staying away from alcohol is good advice.

    Dengue fever usually goes through neighborhoods and school environments rapidly as one mosquito biting a host can infect other people for up to two weeks, and that mosquito can pass it along to its eggs for 2-4 generations of emerging mosquitoes. So.... A single Dengue case can have 8 weeks of Dengue-carrying mosquitoes around if they don't bite any other Dengue hosts. But..... They usually just carry on as they bite hosts. The Moo Bann that I was living in had about ten homes with Dengue, all within a stone's throw of each other.

    If you get Dengue, be aware that after about 6-7 days of having it (the first stage), you usually feel better just before the next stage which is the shock stage (second stage). This is the stage is where you have a rash and you might start bleeding if you have a more severe version. Some people require hospital admission and units of blood. The last (third) stage of Dengue is recovery which does indeed take months. Doc recommended no exercise for me during recovery beyond a mild walk for at least a month to let the platelet count build back up. It is one tough virus so get doctors advice quickly if you suspect it.

  15. What do you guys think about using this thread to discuss the NEW CBR-150 and then have the moderators change the title of CrowBoy's thread to describe the prior model? You could call it OLD or OLD SCHOOL or OLD MODEL or whatever.

    Would help us all I think.

  16. t_dog and tonto, plans to join any of these rides??? let me know! I'd like to join as well.

    Tigerbeer.... I mountain bike raced hard in my mid-30's and had a blast, made a short comeback with Cyclocross in 2003, but I think I way too old and heavy these days. You should give it a go being a youngster! It is a lot of fun.


  17. Okay, here is an English language version of the race schedule. Special thanks to Khun Pongpet Mekloy, a cycling writer/rider from the Bangkok Post for the help!

    October 9, 2011

    Ban Phon Mountain Bike

    Starts from Wat Ban Phon, Hang Dong, Chiang Mai.

    Fore details, call Khun Sombat on 089-8537877 and 083-2081667

    October 22-24, 2011

    The Master Tour of CMRU

    Chiang Mai Ratchabhat University

    Distances, depending on category, range from 50-100 km.

    For more info, call Spin Bike on 081-655-8451.

    November 27, 2011

    Mae On Mountain Bike

    Details not yet available.

    December 4, 2011

    Huai Tueng Thao Lake – Queen Sirikit Botanical Garden (22km)

    For more info, call Spin Bike on 081-655-8451.

  18. Thai Pipe Industry (a Siam Cement company) make slotted and spiral slotted well screens if PVC is strong enough for your purpose. They have a depot at Lamphun but any of the major pipe retailers in Chiangmai should be able to order them for you. Have a look at the specifications here. If you need to drive the well points, I often see ones about one metre long in hardware store made out of perforated iron pipe with something similar to insect screen wrapped around them and a metal drive point.

    What length and diameter do you need?

    The latter perforated iron pipe is exactly what I am looking for. What hardware store did you see it at? I'm looking for 2 inch.

    Thanks for the specs on the slotted PVC. I did not know they made this here. Good to know.

  19. I know most people in Thailand just fabricate their own wellpoints or sandpoints for water wells, but I am hoping someone has seen a store selling them near Chiang Mai. If you have seen these for sale, please let me know where. All help appreciated.

  20. Did you notice the BIG signs in BoSang just prior to Songkran warning people to make sure they locked their bikes, as there were gangs from other places coming here and stealing bikes?

    Theft seems at an all time high. Friend had a brand new step-through stolen in the middle of the day not far from Santiam Plaza in CM. Police department for that area said his was number 44 for the month, and this was 3 weeks into August.

    Do you mean Santitham Plaza?

    That would be a better way to spell it! Thanks.

  21. Did you notice the BIG signs in BoSang just prior to Songkran warning people to make sure they locked their bikes, as there were gangs from other places coming here and stealing bikes?

    Theft seems at an all time high. Friend had a brand new step-through stolen in the middle of the day not far from Santiam Plaza in CM. Police department for that area said his was number 44 for the month, and this was 3 weeks into August.

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