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Posts posted by Brigante7

  1. I'm at a loss as to why you would want to park a car somewhere that they need to push it about ? If they do not have the key they cannot steer the vehicle so why not just leave the key with them if you really need to move it after parking ? Or am I missing something here ?

    You haven't parked in a parking garage then where all slots are full and other cars are parked "blocking" the cars parked correctly? Those cars that are "blocking" the other cars are left in neutral so that they may be pushed either direction in order to allow the parked cars out.

    Pretty damm inconsiderate just dumping your car and blocking other people in because you can't be arsed parking somewhere else. When a parking garage is full, there's a clue in there, it's full so park somewhere else.


  2. With respect , What would she have got if she had killed someone while speeding,Thats why you get speeding tkts.nothing to do with Race or colour.

    With respect, it's not speed that kills it's inapropriate speed that kills, example, driving passed a school at 30mph when the children are leaving is 100 times more dangerous than doing 100mph on an empty motorway at 3 O'clock on a dry summer morning.


  3. There was a case in Edinburgh a few years ago involving an African man in the UK on an education visa and got married to a lady from the UK and had 3 kids but had overstayed his visa and his lawyers argued that it would be cruel to deport him and seperate him from his family and the judge replied that he would have to go back to Africa and get the correct visa to live in the UK or his wife and kids could always go with him to live in Africa, there were many appeals lasting a few years and eventually he was allowed to stay (Not really surprised, the goverment have no backbone). Moral of the story, kick up enough fuss and the goverment will cave in.


  4. They'll happily take your stake money but are even happier to be able to withhold the prize if you win, they won't stop you buying a ticket online if you live abroad, why would they, you're giving them money.


  5. All you need to do is making sure that your phone is completely unlocked. After that, give DTAC a call and tell them that you want a BlackBerry plan. This is important as your BlackBerry will not be functional without a BlackBerry plan. (it will only work as a phone without the plan)

    For unlimited access, all telcos in Thailand are charging 600 Baht a month.

    I'm confused, without a Black Berry plan it will only works as a phone, isn't that the whole point of it?


  6. Read the Original Post. He wants to fly from PHUKET to PERTH return in mid January. Why would he go north up to Bangkok when he can fly with Tiger ex HKT via SIN for the equivalent of 16200 baht total charge, including baggage, booking fees, everything except food/drink?????

    I did read the original post and nowhere in it did the OP mention Perth Australia. I do believe that you cannot fly to Perth Scotland from Phuket hence the advice to go Emirates to Glasgow and then the short drive to Perth, in fact forget it, you had to be there.

    Brigante 7.

  7. My wife got her provisional license in May 2008 and started lessons straight away and was ready to take her practical test by July 2008 but first had to pass her theory test but hasn't bothered to sit her theory taste and has given up with the lessons. After trying a mock test online she realised that while she can read English fine, she has no concept of what the question means and with there being over 900 possible questions and answers it was to much for her to memorize. To be honest I'm quite happy about it because it would have cost me a fortune if she had passed her test, (Car, insurance, fuel etc).


  8. The "English only" movement in the USA is not official, and is spearheaded by racists. Beside the point.

    The "Thai only" movement in Thailand is very strong even though Thai alphabet and language is spoken only by Thais and is very difficult to speak and read. Very few Thais can teach Thai well - maybe 10% of Thai teachers. Most Thais don't usually want to learn English. Nice people - but I don't understand them.

    Why is the "English only" movement spearheaded by racists and not English speakers who want to preserve their language?


  9. Thanks much all for your info! I drove through Nakhon Phanom City a few weeks ago but just could not find any obvious store that specialized in baby things. I guess I'll just have to load up on things when I get back to USA & settle on Lotus for the larger items. Really would like to find a nice crib other than what I've seen at Lotus. Oh well...

    Happy New Year's 2010...a new decade begins in 4 hours & counting down....

    Just spoke to the wife, it seems the baby shop is near the school in NP town centre, it's just a small single shop very easy to miss, missus says to stop near the school and to ask somebody where the shop is, hope this helps.


  10. And FYI, my Thai husband applied for & received 2 schengen visas whilst living in UK on settlement visa. We traveled once to Spain & once to Sweden & both times his pasport was thoroughly checked to ensure he had the relevant entry visa to those countries.

    Shengen visa should be free for the spouse of a British citizen,

    Boo, are you 100% sure about the Shengen visa being free for the spouse of a British citizen? I only ask because my wife and I have just booked a holiday to Spain next May and so we'll need to get a Shengen visa, thanks.


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