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Posts posted by Brigante7

  1. you have a 4 week window to apply for the new visa, 4 weeks before the fiance visa finishes, no sooner and no later

    Are you sure? Have the rules changed?

    I have always understood that one can apply at anytime after the marriage and before one's current LTR expires, and having quickly scanned the UKBA website and guide to completing the form can find no mention of this '4 week rule.' Can you provide a link?

    PS. topic title edited to include 'UK.'

    My wife's fiance visa ended on March 29th 2007 and when I downloaded the forms for her TLR visa it stated quite clearly that she couldn't apply until there was 28 days or less left on her fiance visa so I applied on March 1st 2007 and the visa was issued and dated on March 7th 2009, it might have changed now and if it has then I stand corrected.


  2. Yup, good job you found this website....

    Any of your worries and woes can be answered here by caring sharing folk

    Just go ahead and ask life changing questions here and you will receive in depth analytical replies with empirical evidence to back up each conclusion given to your query...

    TV members, they're a bunch of arrogant, pompous, emotionally-weird, stuck-up megalomaniacs. Do you really think you're going to fit in with them? What am I saying?

    Sweaty krap!

  3. Yup, good job you found this website....

    Any of your worries and woes can be answered here by caring sharing folk

    Just go ahead and ask life changing questions here and you will receive in depth analytical replies with empirical evidence to back up each conclusion given to your query...

    TV members, they're a bunch of arrogant, pompous, emotionally-weird, stuck-up megalomaniacs. Do you really think you're going to fit in with them? What am I saying?

    Sweaty krap!

    And a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year to you too.


  4. The wifes brother works at Nakhon Phanom airport, I'll ask her to ask him what's going on the next time she phones home, we always fly PB Air to NP from BKK, great airline with comfy planes although the missus flew from BKK to NP in July and she said that they were using different planes, older planes and the flight took 1 hour 30 minutes as opposd to 1 hour.

    It'll be a big loss if there are no flights to NP as the flights are usualy pretty full.


  5. If I rode about on the fearful assumption that every door could spring open I wouldn't even get on a bike at all.

    Weren't you ever taught about the 'door zone'?

    If I choose to make what you consider is a risky move then so be it. Try to remember what country you are in and how things work out here.

    I don't pretend to be cool rider but nor do I pretend to be a biker who stays behind cars all the time. Some bikers are wired for cold logic and some of us are driven by the vibe and thrill of biking. If that vibe and thrill takes me around cars on the inside then so be it, I welcome that groove.

    You can make a risky move if you so wish - just do not involve anyone else!

    I think we all know which country we are in and most of us adapt our driving/riding/cycling to suit local conditions but we still retain our core standards.

    To paraphrase an old RAF saying – "There are bold motorcyclists, there are old motorcyclists but there are no old, bold motorcyclists!"

    Well said, but for me the 'door zone' is for parked traffic, not traffic jams or slow moving traffic.

    Core standards are a nice thing but after biking in thailand for nearly ten years I tend to believe that European biking in Thailand isn't always compatible.

    But I digress. Here's something to put all what we've spoken of in perspective :)

    This is crazy stuff!

    What a complete arsehol_e, he's the kind of biker that most people would love to see come a cropper and it would serve him right.


  6. If it's the first time that your daughter has used her Thai passport to enter Thailand then she might encounter a problem when trying to enter Thailand on her Thai passport due to the fact she has no stamps in said passport, just to let you know so you can be prepared and demand to see a supervisor if you are refused entry on said Thai passport.


  7. Hear Hear, I've just sat and watched the laying of the wreaths on TV with my 2 year old boy and I'm not ashamed to admit that I was crying thinking about every single soldier who has given their life so that my family and I have the freedom to moan about all the insignificant things in life and I would just like to say thank you to every soldier who has given their life and who are putting their life on the line now, Thank You.

    Brigante7 & family.

  8. It depends on your surname.

    My surname is Arcari (Italian) my son is called Vincenzo and my daughter Amelia and the missus's family have no problem saying their names and when we got our son's Thai passport the name was translated in to Thai no problem. When our son was born my wife told me that it was the head of the house who picked the childrens names but when our daughter was born I wanted my wife to give her a Thai name but she didn't want to and so I picked her name. As I understand it most Thai people, especialy woman, never use their full Christian name anyway and all have a nickname.


  9. It was a frantic scramble through traffic to get it from the post office (customs charges no less) but now at least I've got a replacement bike cam :)


    It no longer will be mounted onto the helmet. It was a bit shaky wakey up there the last time (as BBBK pointed out more than once :D )

    So instead it'll go onto a fixed position on the tank. It's much easier and less hassle than jury-rigging it to the helmet. But it does mean I lose some luggage space with it sitting there...

    Here it is, the new Tachyon XC and compared to 2008 model it's miles better the quality is improved, as is the sound. A bit wind rushy but not too bad.

    No more wavy lines when at a standstill either.

    Here's a sample:

    Not too bad eh? :D

    Sorry to rain on your parade JimsKnight but what would you have done if the pick-up that you decided to undertake at 24 sec had decided to move a bit over to the left as you were passing him? It's bike riders like you that end up getting hit by a car because you were impatient and decided to make a stupid manouvere, and then when you get hit by a car you rant and rave about car drivers not paying attention and how do you think the car driver feels after you've ran in to his car? I've collided with 2 motorbikes in my 23 years of driving and both times were the bikers fault but it didn't stop me feeling guilty for a few days. And before you give me the spiel about how car drivers don't understand what it's like to ride a bike, I have a motor bike also.


    P.S. the camera quality is very good.

  10. I'd be curious the reaction a doctor in the US/Europe would have if an expectant mother asked for her delivery to be scheduled for a particular date/time.

    As for those 8 month deliveries: the last time I made cupcakes and took them out the oven a bit too quick, they were a little mushy in the center.

    My thoughts exactly but I just smile and say nothing.


  11. I'd be curious the reaction a doctor in the US/Europe would have if an expectant mother asked for her delivery to be scheduled for a particular date/time.

    As for those 8 month deliveries: the last time I made cupcakes and took them out the oven a bit too quick, they were a little mushy in the center.

    My thoughts exactly but I say nothing and just smile.


  12. Hi there,

    I am getting married later this year, and wanted to have fans and citronella spray for our guests. Does anyone know where I can buy cheap but stylish fans in Bangkok?

    Something that looks like this


    Also I am looking for a nice citronella spray that can keep the bugs off. However, I realize that the bottles are ugly. Does anyone know if there are good looking citronella sprays that you could recommend? If not, do you know of what is a good spray? And also if there are stylish spray bottles that could be found in BKK?


    Any help would be greatly appreciated.



    Just curious but what difference does the style of the bottle make as long as the contents do the job?


  13. Short of kicking all the muslims out of the entire country, which i wouldn't endorse, the only solution is some form of autonomy. Take a look at northern Ireland for how peace can come to a place where seemingly irreconsilable positions are held. Call it decentralisation if it makes the thai face feel better but why not give the 3 provinces their own government and budget but still be under the thai national laws. While thier at it may as well set up the same for lanna, eesan and central regions too, could help quell some of these pollitical problems of feeling under reprasented/ under recsourced. Shame that "not even thai accademics" talk about such possabillities.

    Unless I'm mistaken, the problem in NI is that the north wants to stay with the UK while the south wants both north and south to rejoin together and be independant of the UK, nothing has changed, the same people still want the same things to happen, all the UK goverment did was bribe the terrorist groups to stop killing people by releasing all the terrorists that were in jail.

    The south of Thailand seems to be in a similiar situation, different religion, different values and happy to use violence to try and achieve their aim, what's the answer, I don't know but I do know that if you give in to terrorists just once then you've lost the war.


  14. The wifes aunty has 4 kids, all born by section, and I asked why and I was told, for 2 reasons.

    1) Her Aunty could pick the day of the week the baby was born (It seems it's bad luck for a Thai child to be born on a Sunday according to my wife's family)

    2) All the children were born around 8 months into the pregnancy, when I asked why she said that 8 months is quicker than 9 months (And that's the gospel).


  15. Brigante7, one of the census's purposes is to collect statistical data to help decide what public services are needed, and I see nothing wrong in any of the questions you have noted. BTW, they don't want to know everybody who has ever stayed at your house; merely those there overnight on the actual day of the census's, same as in 2001, 1991, 1981 etc.

    If CCTV helps to catch criminals, then it is worth it, in my opinion.

    Those working with children currently usually have to provide a CRB check, and as it protects children what's wrong with that? Are you saying that all employees, no matter what their job, will in future need a CRB check? If so, can you provide a link to this rule?

    Sorry I meant to say that it was only the people who are staying overnight on the day of the census, it's none of the goverments business who is staying at my house on the day of the census as long as nobody is breaking the law, and if somebody is breaking the law then there CCTV cameras will catch them, so what are they worried about?

    CCTV was meant to prevent crime, not solve it, and as such is a failure

    Yes all employees will need a CRB check in the near future, I'm sorry I don't have the link anymore, it was on my Yahoo homepage.


  16. Patience? They shouldn't be allowed on flights; at least the ones that I'm on. Why should paying passengers have to put up with some brat kicking their seat or screaming or running up and down the aisles? Did I mention that I don't like kids?

    Have you heard of business class ?

    Are you offering to pay for it?


  17. So you tell me a Thai that (a) ever acts with class ( :) ever acts with anything but contempt when dealing with westerners. You either an ultra pacifist or you dont get out much.

    I had an incident in Tescos where a Thai women just pushed in front of me, (and others). When I pointed out that there was a queue and I was before her, I got the 'This is Thailand and I am Thai' speech.

    What would you have done?

    I wouldn't have done a thing, the wife would have swiftly informed her to remove herself from the line.


  18. Just reading between the lines here, but my quess the girls already planned to celebrate together that night and she expeccted you to just come along, as planned by them.

    Seems odd to me sister calls just when your planned eveninng is to begin. I personally would be miffed that our LoyKrathong evening was disrupted. The woman I loyed with tonight explained it to me that loying our krathongs together brought us closer together as a couple. My feeling are your gf lost face for you.by not going and loying with you and going partying instead. I would question her priorities.

    I'm confused (I know, it doesn't take much), the woman you loyed with tonight? Who or what is Loy Krathong and is there a special handshake involved?


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