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Posts posted by Brigante7

  1. Hi just quick question for ya (no joy from search button).

    The misses hold a uk PR visa,

    does she need the schengen visa to visit mainland europe?

    if so how long will it take to get one?

    We are working flat out me 84hours and her 60hours per week, we have a weeks holiday in 2 weeks time and i was looking to give her a supprise and get away for few days maybe to Spain, Holland or France.

    Can i get a visa in time????????

    Peace D.

    Hi Donmac, my wife holds the same visa also and I'm 100% sure that your wife will need a Schengen visa to travel to Europe, the good news is that I'm sure they are free.


  2. The missus and I live in Edinburgh and are about to book a holiday to Spain for May next year, am I correct in assuming that once we book the holiday and we have the dates of travel when we apply for the Schengen visa for my wife it will be free due to my being an EU citizen? I just want to be 100% clear in case the Spanish consulte in Edinburgh try to charge me for the visa, many thanks.


  3. For your information I have 1 child with another due in October and they will both be raised by the beliefs that are held by my wife and I so who do you think you are to tell me how to raise my children? That is something I would never do, tell somebody else how to raise their kids.


    If you teach your children there are just 2 colours in the world: BLACK & WHITE (like you said: my beliefs are black-and-white) I'm afraid you're on the wrong track and taking away a lot of choices and possibilities for your children.

    One day they will grow up and discover there are so many more and beautiful colours in the world, other than the black-and-white their father taught them.


    I don't agree with that, life is as simple or as complicated as you make it and that's what I will teach my kids, when you start adding colours to the mix it just confuses things and people end up not knowing if they are going for a sh_it or a haircut, just my opinion and like I've said many times before, you and everybody else is free to disagree with it.


  4. Why is my view so narrow, because it's not the same as yours? And you say my statement is complete <deleted>.

    It's not about finding box's for every style, the disussion is about whether ladyboys are a third sex and as this is an open forum where people are allowed to have an opinion on a subject (Subject to the rules of said forum) then I will do that even if it means that you, tombkk, fridgemagnet and anybody else doesn't agree with that opinion.


    It's "<deleted>" because it doesn't have any relevance to actual studies done in sociology because it's just your own uneducated opinion. Gender is defined by environment and culture aside from physical differences.

    My life is black & white wintermute, I live my life in black & white so in my opinion a person that is born with a penis is a man and a person that is born with a vagina is a woman. Since when does culture and enviroment define a gender? Call me old fashioned but in my "Uneducated opinion" gender is defined by what you were born with, you don't agree with me, up to you.


    So, "never too old to learn" (ie educate yourself) doesn't apply to you and that's sad: for yourself.

    I hope you don't have any children because you would teach them the wrong way, walking into the future.


    LMFAO, OK LaoPo, I personaly know a girl who had a sex change but know matter what she does she'll always be a woman inside, that's what I'm getting at, nothing else. This Topic makes me think of the "Man" in America who had a baby when it turns out it's a woman who wants to be a man and so she had her breasts removed, spent years taking hormones and dressed as a man but said in a statement "Retained my female organs" Which tells me he is a she and always will be, that's what I'm trying to get across.

    For your information I have 1 child with another due in October and they will both be raised by the beliefs that are held by my wife and I so who do you think you are to tell me how to raise my children? That is something I would never do, tell somebody else how to raise their kids.


  5. 95% of assaults on spouses or ex-spouses are committed by men against women.

    I don't think men need help for domestic abuse. Are not so relevant numbers confronting the women.

    The problem you don't want to see but is worldwide well known is the condition of the woman not only in Thailand, but back in the old Europe and in America.

    I had laughed about the men abused because it looks like and excuse because the numbers are so different.

    And, if talking about a certain kind of abusing women in Thailand, we all well know why this happen. (BTW I don't justify that)

    Yeah and if that certain kind of abusing woman in Thailand was given a taste of her own medicine by her boyfriend/husband you would be the first one on here screaming about those same woman suffering from domestic abuse.

    Do you know how many woman kill their boyfriends/husbands and claim years of domestic abuse and get away with it, then when it gets to court the "abuse" turns out to be the boyfriend/husband having a go at the woman's cooking or cleaning or appearance while men have to put up with HER nagging. When was the last time you saw or read about a man being cleared of killing his wife after years of nagging?

    When somebody is a victim of domestic abuse the first time (At which point they should be packing their bags to leave, that goes for both genders) then I have every sympathy with them but if they choose to stay then I have no sympathy for them after that.

    My dad always told me that if somebody does something wrong and gets away with it then they will do it again and again and again.


  6. Just for information: (USA related)

    7% of women (3.9 million) are physically abused by their partners, and 37% (20.7 million) are verbally or emotionally abused.

    Every 9 seconds a woman is physically abused by her husband.

    95% of assaults on spouses or ex-spouses are committed by men against women.

    30% of women presenting with injuries to the emergency department had injuries caused by battering.

    From 7% to 26% of pregnant women are abused.

    42% of murdered women are killed by their intimate partners.

    And I'm not disputing woman suffer from domestic abuse, my problem is that you think that it's funny that men suffer from it and if I had laughed at woman suffering domestic abuse then I would have got it from all quarters. The original post was about Bangkok courts starting to give special consideration to woman over men when both need it and both should recieve it equally.


    Another thing, the reason that there are so many oficial statistics for woman and so few for men is that A) fewer men report domestic abuse for fear of ridicule, sound familiar Anguid and :) There are no agencies to help men only to help woman so what's the point in reporting it.

  7. Why is my view so narrow, because it's not the same as yours? And you say my statement is complete <deleted>.

    It's not about finding box's for every style, the disussion is about whether ladyboys are a third sex and as this is an open forum where people are allowed to have an opinion on a subject (Subject to the rules of said forum) then I will do that even if it means that you, tombkk, fridgemagnet and anybody else doesn't agree with that opinion.


    It's "<deleted>" because it doesn't have any relevance to actual studies done in sociology because it's just your own uneducated opinion. Gender is defined by environment and culture aside from physical differences.

    My life is black & white wintermute, I live my life in black & white so in my opinion a person that is born with a penis is a man and a person that is born with a vagina is a woman. Since when does culture and enviroment define a gender? Call me old fashioned but in my "Uneducated opinion" gender is defined by what you were born with, you don't agree with me, up to you.


  8. This thread is not about woman rights, but about a special court room for female victems of sexual abuse etc, so they don't have to be confromted by their attacker(s). Let's stay on topic here.

    I'm sorry Mario2008 but it is about womans rights, it's about the court saying that woman have the right to accuse a man of domestic abuse from behind a screen but men aren't afforded the same right.

    It seems Thailand is now on the same slippery slope as the UK, soon a Thai woman can accuse a man of anything she wants without any proof and he will be dragged through the courts while the woman gets to hide away in the background.


  9. Are you kidding? How many women are victim of domestic or sexual abuse everyday. And you talk about men and equality?


    Are YOU kidding?

    How many men are victims of domestic abuse everyday?

    So it doesn't matter how many men are victims of domestic abuse does it, just as long as womans needs are catered for, is that what you are saying?

    How many western men have crazy jealous thai wife's/girlfriend's who put up with all manner of bullshit from their woman?


  10. who cares really?

    there are ladyboys in Thailand and there are shemales in Brazil.

    and there are ladyboy lovers and shemale lovers.

    there are men who like passive sex but who are not gay.

    there are woman who like other women, women who like ladyboys, ladyboys who like women, others that don't...

    humans come in all sizes, shapes, colors and tastes.

    why is it important to find a box for every style to fit in?

    And in my opinion they are men dressed as woman.

    Your view is so narrow.

    Once I thought that if my view was as narrow, I'd be happier in my life.

    I could never find out.

    she said that no lesbian she knows would be attracted to a ladyboy

    with emphasis on *that she knows*

    because otherwise the statement is complete <deleted>.

    Sexual instincts come in so much variations that one should "never say never".

    Whatever is fun and makes happy?

    Live and let live.

    Don't think too much as they say, just enjoy whatever you like.

    Why is my view so narrow, because it's not the same as yours? And you say my statement is complete <deleted>.

    It's not about finding box's for every style, the disussion is about whether ladyboys are a third sex and as this is an open forum where people are allowed to have an opinion on a subject (Subject to the rules of said forum) then I will do that even if it means that you, tombkk, fridgemagnet and anybody else doesn't agree with that opinion.


  11. Female victims of sexual abuse and other forms of violence will no longer have to confront their abusers directly in court following the opening of a special courtroom at the Thon Buri Criminal Court.

    Vacharin Patjekvinyusakul, a chief judge at the Thon Buri Criminal Court, yesterday said the courtroom had been partitioned to allow female victims to hide their faces from their abusers.

    Reporters were shown the divided courtroom for the first time yesterday.


    -- Bangkok Post 26/08/09

    Will the same courtroom be used for men who are victims of domestic abuse by woman?


  12. It's a bit simplistic to say that penis = male, vagina = female. This has recently been highlighted by the African athlete issue. The medical experts even say it's not simply a matter of chromosomes and hormones but much more complex to categorically define her gender.

    Another issue is what has the gender status at birth got to do with gender status after gender reassignment and hormone treatment?

    In nature there are quite a few fish species that have individuals change gender at certain times. Natural.

    I'd still be interested in your answer to the question: if a lesbian was attracted to a LB, would she be deemed straight? :)

    The gender status at birth is just that, the gender status, and no matter what you do to your body either with surgery or pills you will still be the same person underneath albeit with a new outfit on the outside.

    In regards to you using fish as an example, I know absolutely nothing about fish so you could tell me anything about them and I couldn't argue.

    As for the lesbian who was attracted to a ladyboy would she be deemed straight? One of my best friends is a dyke (Her words, before I get in to trouble) I asked her and she said that no lesbian she knows would be attracted to a ladyboy because underneath they are still men and that is the whole point of the OP's post is it not, are ladyboys a third sex? And in my opinion they are men dressed as woman.


  13. if ur lover is a man that makes you gay.

    The Third Sex. LB's are not "men".

    So when a lady boy was born they didn't have a dick, they were born with nothing, or were they born with a fanny and the ability to have a baby?

    It's make up your mind time.


  14. I know a young stupid chavvy but nice girl in England who had her daughters name tattoo'd on her foot !

    How i laughed when i saw it.....

    But its okay i doubt she will move from her 5 miles radius of born/school/work so she will not be offending many Asians in Devon!

    OK Sanook2me, you've lost me, why would an English girl living in England be offending asians because she has a tattoo of her daughters name on her foot?


  15. I'm living my dream, I have a beautiful wife who I love more than life, an amazing son with another child due in 6 weeks, I'm happy in my job, we have a roof over our heads, food on the table and clothes on our backs anything else is a luxury. The only thing I'm not happy with is that I have bad skin and living in a warm climate would help it but that's it.


  16. Wish you all the best on this one Brig, sounds like you will have to cross over a few minefields to make this one happen ,, I hope your brother in law in Brighton is helping with the old folding stuff with you .

    I know you say they have been over here before on visitor visas etc ,, and I know about the pull of the grandchildren , but it seems a hel_l of a step for the older Thai generation to make it over here full time , believe me I would love my Mum and Dad inlaws here with us full time , but it will never happen as they have 3 children and grandchildren LOS ,, were outnumbered.

    Good luck I hope it all works out for you all

    Thanks mate, yeah it will be a major minefield and to be honest I don't think they will settle here, the weather alone is enough to send them back home. No worries about the folding stuff, everything will be split down the middle 55-45 in my favour, lol.

    Thanks for the links 7by7, much apreciated


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