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Posts posted by Brigante7

  1. I come from Blighty and am proud NOT to be English.

    However StGeorge reminds me of a song I used to like.


    Scotland and Wales are just rural England, besides you'd be 3rd world countries without us!

    You wish, without us Scot's you'de be fu_cked, we've kept you going for years and now it seems we might start selling you our water, LOL, we we'll charge you lot a fair price. At least we've got the balls to stand up for ourselves R.E. the Glasgow airport terrorist attack, immediatley after the attack us Scot's retaliated against the muslims to let them know that we won't put up with it besides we have our own religious war that has been going on for donkeys years so they are just a little late coming to the party


    P.S. before I get in to trouble with the mods, this is called banter.

  2. Nice sentiment.

    Hiowever, I had this discussion with a friend in Thailand who celebrates every year. I said that it no longer has any meaning to me - if I am in England I will celebrate, if I am Thailand I will not.

    Will still have a drink later but I shall not be toasting the Queen, or St George.

    As a proud Scotsman who celebrates St Andrew's day every year, I find it amazing that so many English people don't celebrate St George's day. My best mate is a proud Englishman and he also agrees that more English people should be celebrating it just like the Scots, Welsh and Irish celebrate our respective days of the year.


  3. What if it was a young boy not a girl? Last year the missus and I were in the night market in Hua-Hin with our 5 month old son and were stoped twice by Thai people asking if they could take his photo and have a hold of him, both the missus and I were totaly comfartable with it, in fact we were pretty proud to have a kid that people wanted to treat in such a way.


  4. A schengen visa is 60 euros

    For the spouse of an EU national, it is free.

    As of the 1st of January 2007, ALL Schengen visa applications are charged at

    >60 €uros, irrespective of the duration of stay requested. The payment remains payable in cash and Pound Sterling ONLY (The fee is accorded to the exchange rate of the British Pound against the Euro, so varies between £40 and £60).

    Where about does it say that the visa is free for spouse of an EU national, because I can't find it but I did find the info above?


  5. No surprise it's higher than London. They have a much, much more extensive metro system as well as congestion charges for vehicles.

    Sorry but London doesn't have a congestion charge, it has a pollution charge but they call it a congestion charge, let me explain.

    You have 2 cars that are identical in every way except one runs on LPG, the car that runs on LPG doesn't pay the congestion charge but the other car does, that to me is a pollution charge as both cars take up the same road space.


  6. #1 drug = Tobacco

    #2 drug = Alcohol

    #3 drug = Cannabis

    This kind of sentence makes no sense at all, when governments allow the sale of cigarettes and alcohol which takes far many more lives than soft drugs like dope. Heroin is another matter; but the death sentence?? A good long jail term is punishment enough... and hanging!? I couldn't think of a more barbarous and inhumane way of ending someones life.

    I guess everbody has it's own opinion yes tobacco is a drug so is alcohol so is coffee and tea but I have never seen anybody who had this drugs and then switched to heroin or ice or what ever.

    But many users of dope just do that !! :o

    This is incorrect and not supported by statistics.

    The only correlation one can see in a limited number of countries, and this is not related to the drug itself, is that a person not afraid to use illegal substance is less afraid to use heavier illegal substances. But there is no truth to the gateway theory with lesser drugs as a joint as a stepping stone towards heroin...

    Statistics can be made to say what people want them to say..

    It's obvious that starting with a harmless cannabis joint leads onto more substantial and harder drugs....how can i say this.. from my own personal experience and of many friends from my younger days. We all started smoking weed and moved onto harder drugs..

    I've never yet met a heroin user who did not start out smoking weed, moving quickly onto speed/coke/pills then the heavy stuff.

    I know countless people who smoke/smoked weed but never moved on to heroin/crack, myself included.

  7. Went there with my g/f for food and a beer, very disapointed. Expensive and to be honest the food was poor and well below what i expected...maybe try the restuarant across the road, i`m talking about the farang connection in the bus station, i dont know what the new one is like..?

    35-60 baht for a beer. Expensive? Well, just that tells a story about this poster. Anyway, thanks to the 98% that enjoy my place.

    Hint: He's Scottish :o:D

    And? We're not tight, just careful and like to question all expenditure of any currency.


  8. Hi guys

    My Thai Wife has been in the UK with me since July 2007 on the above 2 year Visa.

    We need to apply for an indefinate stay now, but not sure how to do it, and its getting near to the expiry date.

    I have been trying to ring the UK Boarder number but just cannot get through to them.

    I presume that we have to make some sort of application, fee and test for living in UK, but I am not sure who to contact now and how to make an appointment to ensure that she does not run over her stay.

    This is the critical one, so I dont want to make any mistakes.

    I am hoping that I can get some wise advice on this forum.

    Thanks very much in advance

    How good is your wife's reading and writing of English? Has she thought about doing an ESOL with citizenship course? The course runs from September to June and if your wife reaches level 3 then she can apply for her ILR visa without doing the Life in the UK test, it would mean you renewing her Limited leave to remain visa and then applying for the ILR after she passes the course. Just type ESOL course in your search engine to find the national phone number and they will tell you where your closest course is, hope this helps.


  9. First of all, I want to preface my answers with the statement that I am not homophobic, and I have no animosity towards people who become transvestites or transsexuals. It's a personal choice, and they should have the right to make that choice.

    Why do you have to state that you're not homophobic? Just because somebody doesn't like gay people doesn't make them a bad person.


  10. I know that I am just brain-washed by society, but I still think that any man who wants to have sex with someone with a PENIS is gay. blink.gif

    Gay or bisexual yes, they are definitely not straight.

    PeaceBlondie I wasn't having a go at you even though I disagree with your decision I can see why, the whole transgendered thing in Thailand is unique. I'm considered straight in Thailand and I'm gay in the UK.

    I actually think if you go for post operative LB's you are probably straight but if you go for pre operative you are gay or bisexual. Especially if it's not a one off but a deeply rooted part of your sexuality.

    Also I know that many in the gay community don't think of people like me as part of their world so even if you knew it or not you have probably kept the peace by moving my post.

    You have an impossible task as gays will tell you I'm straight and heterosexuals will tell you I'm gay and I'm telling you I'm bisexual. It's enough to drive you mad :o

    Sorry to burst your bubble MRBP but you're gay, whether you go with a pre or post op they are still men. As for being bisexual, it's a myth, it's just being greedy and not admitting the truth to yourself that you are gay. In the straight community many people think that a man who sleeps with other men is gay, get over it and get on with your life and stop lying to your G/F.


  11. Sorry to hear about your bad experience. Bangkok is a good idea.

    Maybe for once, we will leave this in the gay forum for now, but it really belongs in General. The consensus in the gay community is that ladyboys are women, and men who want women are straight. Now that I think about it,

    transferred to General.

    Sorry to contradicte your above statement PeaceBlondie but the gay community can have any consensus they like but a ladyboy is a man dressed as a woman or a man who has had surgery but either way they are men, they were born men and will always be men and any man who thinks that by having sex with a man dressed as a woman makes them any less gay is kidding themselvers.


  12. Would like to ask for some advice from anyone with similar experiences. My daughter is 1 years old and she still will not eat solid foods. From birth, she was breastfed and drank formula (s-26 pink) to supplement. We waited till she was 6 months until we tried her on solids. We started with Cerelac, which she started to eat. Then, after about 2-3 weeks she would'nt eat it any more. We have tried a lot of different fruits and veg, pureed and small chunks, with no success. She will take the food in her mouth and sometimes chew it, but then she just spits it out.

    I am concerned she is getting too much milk which is filling her up so she can't eat the solids. Not sure if that is feasible. Anyway, now she is breastfeeding 3 times a day and drinking about 30oz formula (s-26 blue).

    Any help would be much appreciated


    The first thing I would do is stop breastfeeding, my wife stopped at 6 months and we put our son on weetabix, ready-break or porridge for his breakfast, jars of baby food for dinner and soft food for his tea (Fish, mashed potatoes, fish fingers, mince & tatties) anything that is soft and easy for him to eat. Now at 18 months he eats anything. He never ever took more than 12 oz of milk during any 1 day so I wouldn't worry about it, every single baby is different and you can't compare any 2, hope this helps.

    P.S. He drinks about 1 litre of water a day.


  13. Brigante, thinktomut never said or implied that he doesn't care for his kids.

    Where the hel_l do you get off telling someone else how to raise their children?

    My son is well loved and cared for and when we are up country he loves it, he has so many friends and sometimes I don't know were he is but my wife knows absolutely where and who he's with!!

    It would be the same with TTM's wife too.

    I tell you, I feel my son is a lot happier and safer when he is with my wife's Thai family than when he is in Sydney.

    So you're the perfect father huh? know everything?

    What a jerk :o

    When upcountry, I don't even know or care where my child is. Because it is safe and wherever she is, somebody is in charge. Some nights she would sleep in some other house with her friends. Next day, the kids come to sleep in our house.

    Seems pretty clear to me what thinktomut's was saying Livinginexile, no I'm not the perfect father but I know where my kid is at all times, I'll say no more because it's plain to see that you're an idiot.

  14. ....In my opinion that is!!!

    Hi all just wanted to share our experience with the life in UK test..

    My TW was a teacher in TL and has a Masters Degree and Batchelors degree, she has been studying very hard for the last few months for the LITUK test from the offical books and also online, I have been testing her daily and also online for maybe the last 2 months, she could answer every question every time i asked her, so 100% pass, great i thought, lets book the official test at a test centre, so off we went!

    There were 5 others also there on the day of her test, she had the test, came out of room 30 mins later distraught! I thought she was kidding me when she said she had failed!! She only got 15 out of 24 correct..this just didnt make sense, she has NEVER EVER got 9 out 24 wrong on any practice test I gave her or any online practice test also!! Now every other person that day also failed!!! So 6 people had to rebook! All where rebooked there and then, for 2 weeks later. Just didnt gel all this, something really fishy if you ask me was going on here!! Anyway I asked her what went wrong, she said NONE of the questions related to ANY practice questions in the book or ANY practice questions from official online tests. All the other people who failed agreed too. They all said the questions were extremely difficult to answer!!

    She went back 2 weeks later, really worried about it this time, PASSED (along with all the others too! LOL) 100% no questions wrong!!

    All this tells me one thing.. LIUK test really is just another goverment scam to get easy money out of geniune people trying to settle in the UK

    Any thats my little rant over for the day!

    Thanks to all for getting this far :o


    As I have been saying for years, whether it's the shower at the embassy in BKK or the shower in the UK, all they care about is fuc_king you over for as much money as possible.


  15. We never have any problems with drunks here. Mainly because the locals don't spend enough to get drunk. Yet a bar not so far from us, has fighting all the time.. It can't be me, cause I look like I could only do two rounds with a circus midget. Might be the missus though, she could probably scare Rambo sh1tless. :o

    Most of you customers are on Zimmer frames' Martin

    Sorry, a bit short on the midget jokes.



    While driving the car the other day I ran into the back of a midgets car.

    When he got out he said "I'm not happy!!!"

    I said "Which one are you then?"




  16. My wife is almost 3 months pregnant. She is feeling incredibly homesick and wants to return to Thailand to have the baby with her family. She wants to stay around 6 months (3 before and 3 after birth) I would have to stay in the USA to work and pay the bills. Finances are a little tight and because of the nature of my work it's possible that I would not be able to make it for the birth. This does not seem to bother her. Does anyone else have experience with this? Is this a normal urge for a pregnant woman? On one hand I understand her feelings but on the other hand I miss out on the experience as a father.

    Hi Yager, sorry to say but the fact that you might not make it for the birth does not seem to bother her would give me cause for concern, and to the poster who said it's no big deal if the dad isn't at the birth is either a woman or a man who has no children or a man who hasn't witnessed the birth of his child and to say it's no big deal if the dad isn't there is offensive to me as a dad.


  17. It's funny how people's perceptions are different. From what I have seen, most Thais are the worst parents or as is often the case carers ever.

    At least, one of them (ex-child) has made you settle in Thailand. Hate her or not, the children are well looked after in Thai.

    How many places in the world you can see kids roaming around, safe, playing and doing what kids do?

    When upcountry, I don't even know or care where my child is. Because it is safe and wherever she is, somebody is in charge. Some nights she would sleep in some other house with her friends. Next day, the kids come to sleep in our house.

    So when something happens to your child because you cant be arsed to look after her, who will you blame?


    To avoid running and riding bicycles wherever my child goes with other kids, I should leash my child, like a dog, to my chair. That way, everything is under control.

    No, just care about your child and always know where she is, not rocket science really. I know what it's like when you're up country and you get the feeling that your kids are safer but that's still no reason to not give a shit, but hey you know best.

  18. I will be traveling over to the UK on Qatar air next month with my wife and our new 5 month old baby. I have just been asked by my wife " where is our baby going to sit " ?

    I could not answer her question as I had never thought about it until she asked me.

    So you all know what Im going to ask you.... where does the baby sit ? :o

    Air Canada promised us a bassinet on our 11 hour flight to Toronto. There were about 6 babies on the flight, no bassinets for any of them, no empty seats, baby was on my lap the entire time.

    just pray for a miracle.

    Bassinets are first come first served on most airlines, the sooner you book your flight the more chance of getting one.


  19. It's funny how people's perceptions are different. From what I have seen, most Thais are the worst parents or as is often the case carers ever.

    At least, one of them (ex-child) has made you settle in Thailand. Hate her or not, the children are well looked after in Thai.

    How many places in the world you can see kids roaming around, safe, playing and doing what kids do?

    When upcountry, I don't even know or care where my child is. Because it is safe and wherever she is, somebody is in charge. Some nights she would sleep in some other house with her friends. Next day, the kids come to sleep in our house.

    So when something happens to your child because you cant be arsed to look after her, who will you blame?


  20. I think 'Israel' came up with a few very valid points. I am married to a Thai lady, her family are likewise extended, the thai culture with adults and children are to welcome the newborn child and be seen to be doing so, in order to show that your child is welcome into the family. It will blow over, within a few weeks the novelty will wear off as your wife probably knows.

    She is stuck in the middle between your views as her partner and that of her family, still recovering from her section, plus feeding she is must be worn down.

    It would probably do you good to get away for a day or two, the family and your wife are best left to get on with it for the time being; in due course you can talk with your wife about your views and reach a satisfactory conclusion in the best interests for you both, as parents and as a new family.

    I wish you every success and likewise congratulations. :o

    Sorry snuggzzz but you are wrong, how will leaving his wife and family with the child for a few days help the situation? They will take that as an OK to decide that they know what is best for the baby and he will be ignored even more, he's trying to stop the family from interfering not give them more room and time to do that.


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