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Posts posted by Brigante7

  1. Stick to your guns, do what is best for your wife and daughter, if that means insisting that she isn't disturbed between certain hours of the day then so be it.


    P.S. Congratulations on your new arrival, you and your wife will have a ball, it's the greatest feeling in the world being a dad, enjoy every moment.

  2. If you are sweeping and mopping the floors in a shop you are working.

    Will she not be sweeping and mopping the floors in her house? Her house is the shop and the shop is her house.

    It's like in the Uk with the smoking ban in any place of work, if you have a tradesman come to your house to do some work, can you smoke? It's your house but his place of work?


  3. From what I can remember, when my wife applied for her ILR last February, we had less than £1000 in the bank, I was told that what is more important is that you can show proof, through documentation going back atleast 2 years, that you are still in a stable relationship and are managing to live without recourse to public funds. I do believe that the amount of documentation required has changed and you now need to show less than before, hope this helps.


  4. I am amazed that nobody on this forum has pointed out how damaging it will be for the child to be taken away from her mother!!!

    If you can't persuade your wife to come back to the UK why don't you demonstrate your commitment to your marriage and your family by going to be in Thailand with them both? Save your marriage and then you can think about returning to the UK as a family later.

    When your daughter grows up she will not thank you for separating her from her mother.

    Good luck - I hope it works out.

    And what about the damaged caused by keeping the child from her father? Or do fathers not matter and are only good for making a baby and that's it?


    I don't see Lolasamui stating that it wouldn't be damaging to keep a child away from her father. I believe she suggests that the father try to works things out with the mother and maybe stay withthem both in Thailand instead of in the UK, at least for now.

    She said and I quote "I am amzed that nobody on this forum has pointed out how damaging it will be for the child to be taken away from her mother!!"

    Sometimes it's not what you say but what you don't say. My understanding of the above quote is that it's ok to take the child from her dad but not her mum.


  5. I am amazed that nobody on this forum has pointed out how damaging it will be for the child to be taken away from her mother!!!

    If you can't persuade your wife to come back to the UK why don't you demonstrate your commitment to your marriage and your family by going to be in Thailand with them both? Save your marriage and then you can think about returning to the UK as a family later.

    When your daughter grows up she will not thank you for separating her from her mother.

    Good luck - I hope it works out.

    And what about the damaged caused by keeping the child from her father? Or do fathers not matter and are only good for making a baby and that's it?


  6. Correct me if I'm wrong, and no doubt somebody will, but isn't somebody who is a twitter a bird watcher (The feathered variety)?


    Happy to correct you :) you are thinking of a "twitcher"

    Thank you, that's what I love about TV, somebody is always happy to correct you. :D


  7. LMFAO, I wish, I'm afraid I have a small retail business selling mainly ice cream.


    I think the real issue here is not people's issues with flight attendants, which overall is reasonably good, but rather with issues with airlines, in general.

    Let me pose this question to you since you are a small businessman. If you surveyed your customers and 64% (give or take) said they were satisfied with your business (meaning that about a third of your customers were not satisfied with your business), what would your response be?

    To ask the unhappy customers why they were unhappy and what I could do to change things for the better without affecting my other customers.


  8. it looks like its £720.00 for a single application and only £850.00 if its a couple, not many people bringing over thai wives will apply as a couple, so it looks like we are propping up the treasury again. as if we haven't already done it with visa and ilr costs

    £720!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's the reason the missus won't be getting a UK passport anytime soon not that she needs one, she has ILR which is all she needs to stay in the Uk and lets be honest apart from easier access to the USA what benefits will she have from having a UK passport that ILR won't give her?


  9. I wonder if the flight attendant haters on this thread have ever had to work in a job that deals with the public in a service position.

    Actualy I do, I deal with the public everyday, I have a small 1 man business serving the public on a daily basis so I do know what it is like.



    LMFAO, I wish, I'm afraid I have a small retail business selling mainly ice cream.


  10. A spade is a garden tool. "Back in spades" means if you used a spade to to move something then you could move more in one go, at least that's the way I understand it although there will always be a non white person who will claim that if you use the term spade then you are being racist.


  11. My worst experience with a FA was on an Emirates flight from BKK to Dubai. Had a problem with a muslim passenger in front of me and the FA refused to back me up when the other passenger was making a scene and accusing me of assaulting him (Never laid a had on him), finaly the co-pilot was called and because they were all muslims I was told to stop causing a problem (I was sitting still and not saying a word to any of them), have never flown Emirates since.


  12. Flight attendants reveal their worst passengers

    *** Flightcrew1 - your comments please.

    They missed one - when the arsehol_e trolley dolly wakes you up to ask if you want your meal, drives me fuc_king mad that does and they wonder why you have a go at them.


    And when WE don't wake you up for your meal, you still have a go at us. We never win either way. We provide do not disturb stickers in the amenity kit in economy class but hardly anybody does not use it

    I've never had a go at anybody for NOT waking me up, and have never heard of an airline having Do not disturb signs. If I wanted a meal on a flight I would stay awake.


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