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Posts posted by Brigante7

  1. me and my wife who is thai ( my wife is thai but i am british )are due to have our second child next month we live in the uk and there is no problem with getting a british birth certificate and passport for our child, but we also want a thai birth certificate and thai passport for our child when it is born, we are going back to thailand in 3 months time can we do it there, and if so where too, or have we got to apply to the thai embassey in london for it, does any one have any advise please

    Apply at the Thai Embassy London.

    My wife (Thai) and I have just been through this process and we had to travel to the Embassy in London, my 1 piece of advice, arrive very early, it's open from 9:30am - 12:30pm.

    Now we are just waiting on his Thai birth certificate and passport to arrive, it takes 4-6 weeks, good luck.

  2. It is between your ears, YOUR ears.

    If SHE, and I do mean SHE hadn't told you, nothing would have changed. Correct?

    But she did, now does that make her a bad, or a better person?

    So what has changed now? What is the thought that you cannot handle? What is different all of a sudden, everything she had you liked, and enjoyed each other and you had good times, and now....

    You pity her? For what, for making changes to herself to make her life complete? What is there to pity?

    You feel she is a a 100% girl, so what is wrong ? Because she cannot have kids?

    Does another woman guarantee that she can?? There is no guarantee for nothing, as you should know by now.

    You will keep meeting with her for a few years.....and you will take it from there... What will you take from there?? Not loving her anymore? Pitying her?

    What has changed you ask? What has changed is that he doesn't want to have sex with a man, I'm guessing he isn't gay.

  3. I've browsed thaivisa for a while without posting, thinking I'd never be had like those other imbiciles on the forums, until a few weeks ago. The title of my post says it all and I don't want to elaborate on it because it still makes me sick to think about it; but it should be sufficient to say that she had had a full operation before I met her. If you care to read my story below, I think you will find it is unique from others, so please no cliche snappy responses, I seek genuine thoughts. The main thing I want advice for now is just how common this is and if I'm alone or not:

    I met her in Isaan 2 years ago and I knew some Lao already from college, we met far from any bar or tourist place... so this discovery came as a huge suprise to me, something I thought only happens to old codgers is Pattaya or BKK. Thing is I'm in my mid twenties, she's a university student, and I had never slept with anyone before her, and even if I had, I don't think I would have percieved her former gender- she's really beautiful and the operation apparently very skillful... on top of that, she took hormones.

    The thing that's different about my story I think is that there's no hard feelings between us, it's just straight up sad and confusing. She never once asked for money and she has the sweetest heart, we've been to 6 other Asian countries together over the 2 years and had all the characteristics of a normal, very close relationship, even if it was long-distance at time. I may be young and naive but I'm not a social idiot like others farangs, so I just ask you to take at face value that she never cheated on me, so PLEASE- no rants about how she must be a secret bargirl with many boyfriends or something.

    She had always hidden her passport from me, her one ID, because she said her photo in it was really embarrassing... finally one night a few weeks ago out of the blue, she got down on her knees, started crying, bowed her head down, and handed me the passport like she was making an offer to a monk... and I looked inside.

    I'm not angry at her from witholding this info from me, I pity her more than anything- all she's wanted in her very hard life is to have a normal relationship with a normal boy who wasn't some sicko old guy that had a thing for katoeys. I too hadn't had much success with girls back in the USA. She hates ladyboys/katoeys and hates gays even more, she says that she was always a girl, and felt so since she was 5. I'm no liberal, in fact I'm kind of socially conservative and previously didn't have much respect for transgender issues. But now I really want to feel that this girl really is a girl 100%, and just happened to be born with the wrong organ or something. On the other hand, part of my love for her has stopped now and I'm sad, and I told her I'm not sure I could ever marry her, especially since I want kids someday. But constancy and the status quo are what I confide in, so I've told her for now I can still support her (we have been building a small cheap house together outside Udon (at my request and initiative guys, not hers)) and I'll keep meeting with her for a few years, and we'll take it from there.

    Why do you keep saying she? I can fully understand falling for the deceit, that's what it is, but she is a he, always has been and always will be, sorry to be blunt. It's almost as bad as somebody who is gay and gets married and has kids then 10 years down the road tells there wife/husband they are gay and always will be and their whole life was a lie, and before anybody asks, no that didn't happen to me but it did happen to somebody I know, destroyed their family.

  4. Hello,

    I would like to visit Nakhon Phanom on the 14th October 2008 to watch the "Lighted Boat Procession" again. Naturally, the hotels that I've checked on the Internet are fully booked for the 13th and 14th October. Does anyone know of any alternative accommodation in, or near, the town. Phone numbers would help.

    Thank you mak mak.

    Hi Taijitu, my wife is from Nakhon Phanom and I know from experience that you will be very very lucky to get a hotel room during the festival. There are 3 or 4 other small hotels in NP but the only one that comes up on any search is The River View, there is another hotel next door to it called the Grand View (042) 513 564-70, and 2 or 3 smaller hotels in the town centre but I don't have any phone numbers, sorry. Hope this helps

    Carlo (Brigante7).

  5. ghetto is a slang word in modern pop culture.

    20 guys in the back of a pick up - thats ghetto.

    a six pack of yogurt in the tissue paper section - thats ghetto.

    a half eaten apple hidden behind the soy sauce display - thats ghetto.

    a farang shopping with his teerak who is wearing his over sized 100 baht Thailand Elephant tshirt - thats ghetto.

    mom shopping with her five kids under the age of 10 - thats ghetto.

    So what exactly is modern pop culture?

    Is it just an excuse to talk <deleted>?

  6. Simon,

    That is the best solution for everyone married to a Thai. Most lawyers conveniently 'forget' to mention that a lease or usufruct with your spouse is worthless.

    The spouse can revoke that right.

    However if the contract is with someone else it is as solid as it can get.

    (It is one of the reasons some landoffices (they are instructed) will not register a usufruct when it is not with your spouse. And then some actually think those working at the landoffice are stupid. They just do their bit to keep every inch of Thailand in possesions of Thai. :o )

    How can a spouse revoke a lease or usufruct? Surely if you have a legaly binding contract stating that you (Farang) can have access over the land (Owned by your spouse) to your house until both of you are dead then will that not suffice or am I being just a little optimistic here?

  7. I think we have 3 separate and distinct things going on in this thread.

    First, the death of a father and a husband. This is very sad and my deepest condolences to the family and friends of the victim. An unnecessary loss of life is always tragic and is especially tragic when it happens to a person attempting to bring about some semblance of public order.

    Secondly, the issue of street racing, which is extremely dangerous and the BIB could do a lot more. It's a common occurrence where I live and there is the occasional, obligatory crackdown and then everything is back to normal. It requires a constant and sustained effort. There are a lot of people who need to cross the roads, push their trolleys down the road etc. Roads here are multi-purpose and this makes it even more dangerous. Rigorous enforcement is needed.

    Third, these young thugs--and the ones who aren't thugs yet, need to be dealt with sternly. Racing should never be allowed on public roads--it only encourages the misuse of the roads. Someone should develop a race strip (I think there would be money to be made) and let them race away. Maybe Don Muang airport--use one of the airstrips or some other unused place.

    A race strip won't work, they do it on public roads because that's part of the thrill, knowing it's illegal.

  8. Hi,

    Anyone know of good agents selling Condo's in Bangna? I am attending ABAC university next year and would like to buy a 1 - 2 beedroom condominium near by... Looking to spend max 1,000,000B which I think should be plenty for this area so far out. What do you guys think?

    Not 100% sure when the new BTS station at Bangna is opening but I'm pretty sure that the condo market will start to move prety soon there, I was looking at new 2 bed condos at 1.75million but the state of the economy in the UK has put a spanner in the works for the next 2 - 3 years


  9. Call the thai embassy in London or look at their website, they will provide you will all information & required documentation you need.

    It takes approx one morning or afternoon to go through the papework checking, photos, fingerprinting & general waiting. It took us 2 hrs but we made sure we had a 9am appointment.

    It is quite straightforwrd though & pp took about 2 weeks to arrive (which was very quick)

    Boo, could you tell me about your appointment please, my wife (Thai) and I had a 9:30 appointment according to the man my wife spoke to from the embassy, but when we arrived there was no appointment, it was first come first served and so we endured 2.5 hours of hel_l in the basement room at the embassy.

    Many thanks


  10. Would anyone know if there is a direct bus service to get from Nakhon Phanom to Chiang Mai? It seems that airline options require backtracking to either Bangkok or Udon Thani first then heading to Chiang Mai. I would like to find a direct route to Chiang Mai & I'm hoping that there is a direct bus route.

    My wife, who is from Nakhon Phanom, tells me there is a bus that goes to Chiang Rai but not to Chiang Mai, sorry I couldn't be of more help.

  11. Same here, my wife came over on a fiance visa on Oct 2006 and we got married January 2007, she had our son in September 2007 and I filled in the forms for child benefit and family tax credit and was told that only I could claim for the CB but we had to claim as a couple for the FTC even though my wife was entitled to any public funds.

    It was then the problems started, I was told that my wife needed a National Insurance number for me to claim CB & FTC and it took 8 months to get my wifes NI number and we only got 2 months backdated, so I had to claim the extra 6 months backdated by writing a letter, that was 2 weeks ago so still waiting.

    Agree about the FTC form being confusing in that it states you have to claim together even though my wife and many other Thai ladies are not entitled to public funds.

  12. After 8 years I am fairly fluent in "Pidgeon Thai". By that I mean I am able to understand and be involved in basic conversations, although I do often find myself out of depth and have to call upon my misses for translation.

    I do think that my spoken Thai may be more advanced if their alphabet was romanised (I still cannot recognise one letter of the alphabet).

    To answer the question: No, I do not think it is rude and neither do Thai's consider it rude. I can only think of one occassion where it has lead to confrontation although I think that it was more a case of the bloke trying to cover his blatant mistake (A barber who gave me an F'in Mullet).

    As long as you learn the basics: Hello, Thank you ect, and also do things like Wai when you should and NOT point your feet at Buddhas ect then you have shown respect enough.


    Sorry mate but wai's are for thai's, and my wife and her family would not expect me to adopt thier ways any more than I expect them to adopt farang ways. In fact some thais take the P behind the back of farangs who try to adopt thier ways.

    The expression "you should not judge a book by its cover" is very appropriate when dealing with monks in LOS, the fact is that being a monk in LOS is much overrated and much misunderstood by farangs.

    These days becoming a monk is not much different to serving a community service order in the uk for some low life's in LOS.

    Respect has to be earned and is not an entitlement.

    Roy gsd

    Before I met my wifes family for the first time she showed me exactly how to wai and taught me how to say hello, how are you and I am fine thank you in Thai and she told me that her family and especially her dad would see it as a sign of respect that I learned a few words of Thai before I met them and greeted them in the appropriate manner and I am glad I did.

    As for learning Thai, I can speak a few words but I hope that when we live in Thailand I'll learn more but we'll just have to wait and see.

  13. The only thing you have to worry about is your son. There is a 99% chance that your wifes lawyer will co-erce her to make accusations that you have been violent to her, try to keep a log of where you go each day and at what time to counter any claims of violence, be very careful.

    Hiding your son's passport is a good idea, she has no need for it so can't complain.

    Good luck and fight very very dirty, because she will.

  14. Personally, I wouldn't go to a place that charged Thais and those of us with Thai ID the same price as foreign tourist with an extremely large carbon footprint on their karma.

    Extremely large carbon footprint.........................LOL, another gullible sucker who has fallen for this carbon footprint scam and all the tax's that go with it.

  15. Perhaps the OP should have looked at this thread first.

    University Invokes Ban On Student's Short Skirts & Tight Blouses

    With it's 191 posts (and scads of pictures), 13,000+ views and 5 star rating, I'm there's more than enough "research" material there to be able to tell what many TV members think about the subject.

    you should be ashamed for posting that.................by the way, thanks for the link :o

    5,000 baht a month for an apartment near the UNI. Binoculars -very cheap. Telephoto lens - not expensive. Net curtains to hide behind - dirt cheap. :D

    The view priceless

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