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Posts posted by Brigante7

  1. My wife is Thai and I am Scottish, we live in Edinburgh and have a 4 month old son. My wife wants our son to sleep in our bed but I said no and she isn't happy, it seems that in Thailnd it is normal for the baby to sleep with the parents. I compromised and told her the cot can stay in our room until he is 6 months old then he will be in his own room, I wanted the cot in the nursery straight away, I don't think it's healthy for a baby to sleep in the same room never mind the same bed as the parents.

    Am I being selfish and unfair?


    Baby is now 6 1/2 months and is now in his own room (took 2 weeks of convincing the wife) and everything is great. I'm glad I stuck to my guns and so is my wife it seems.

  2. Does anyone have any links to websites for beds for babies. We are in Samui

    and there is not much to choose from. So I would like to order one online to be sent here

    by post from Bangkok.

    Thanks in advance


    Tesco or Carefour?

  3. They have probably let the air out of it and it is stuffed in the back of a pick-up by now.

    Joking aside, Khorat is a fairly big place and there will probably be a dozen such places in the area.

    Thanks anyway, I'll just have to try and find it on my next trip there.

  4. :o This post is just for info; feel free to comment though, my mate was considering retiring to Thailand, which is great, but if your legitimate Thai wife with Brit passport leaves the UK for any more than six months they can't re-enter. Seems they keep changing the law & policies every five minutes, however, I have not checked this out yet to see if it is actual fact, but it would not surprise me.

    If you live in London and have an EU country visa it costs nothing to bring your thai wife back to the UK. Where as if you are a brit, you do have to pay a whole load of cash, then have to return for the interview up to a month later. It has taken me almost four years just to get various visa's, however it was not straight forward as I met my wife in london, following a trip to Thailand, but I would have been just as well meeting her in Thailand. :D

    My Thai wife of 14 months has limited leave to remain in the UK for 10 more months then she goes for her indefinate leave to remain but until then she can't leave the UK for more than 90 days at a time or she loses her visa

  5. HI any expats in nakhonphanom I want to move there on day to live in the house I have had for 10 years with my thai wife :o

    Hi Bladerunner, my wifes family live directly across the highway from the airport and we are going back over in Oct/Nov to buy our house, we are buying pretty close to the town, 1 mile.

    Where about in NP do you live?

  6. Hi all, was passing through Khorat about 18 months ago and was directed to an outdoor swiming pool that was situated just outside the city and if I remember we paid around 50 baht to use it, it was a big pool with table service providing food, drink. I'm afraid I can't remember the name or exact location but I'll be passing through there again in the near future and was wondering if anybody knows of the pool I'm talking about?

    Sorry I can't provide more info

    P.S. I do remember that it was a drive along a dirt road that brought you out in to a clearing, if that helps.

  7. Thanks for the input.....

    However I asked for FIRST HAND EXPERIENCE

    Sweetchariot: you said

    They do accept personal applications


    Brigante7 said:

    the Thai consulate in Glasgow doesn't issue visas

    What am I to do? I really don't want to turn up on their doorstep and be told to bugger off as personal applications are not accepted. Hull would be so easy by post, but the missus would like to have a wee day out in England/Scotland/the mainland as she'll be sick of drinking pints of Guinness/whiskey chasers with me in a smoky club in Belfast till all hours or being harrassed because she is NOT from the 2 main religions who get kneecapped daily!!!!!

    I know from first hand experience that the Thai consulate doesn't issue visa's, I traveled through from Edinburgh and was told by the consulate they don't issue visa's.

  8. I do ride a motorbike (rather grand to call it a motorbike as its a honda wave) and also drive a car, though not at the same time! :o

    When on my motorbike i happily pay the BIB a couple hundred baht every few weeks when i get pulled over for being in the wrong lanes, as i avoid the dangerous inside lane like the plague.

    When driving the car i try to position my car in such a way as to minimise possible impacts from motorcycles. Pull over to the left side of the lane to block their way through while leaving a wide open space on the right side for them to get through. Its just a bit of thought that will save you many scratches. Basically, create a path for them to get through, leaving them plenty of room to do so. Its not possible ALL the time, but it sure is 90% of it.

    Having said that, waiting on Soi 39 this morning in my new car and a dam_n motorcycle came down the middle with a pillion passanger. She managed to hook her umbrella handle over my nice shiny wing mirror! I was not a happy cookie, but at least no damage done and i had indeed forgotten my basic rule to leave them a clear path. So half my fault then.

    Why should I leave a path for them? Let them sit in traffic like everybody else. I've just came back from a month in Thailand that included driving in BKK daily for 2 weeks and I must say it was so stress free compared to the UK, Ok they drive like idiots but atleast they know where they are going and don't fanny about trying to decide where and when they are going like 90% of the drivers in the UK.

    5 minutes of driving in the UK after I arrived home and I missed driving in Thailand.

  9. Why would you want to go to Hua-Hin? Cha-Am is by far better, has a better beach with better and easier access and less tourists. We stayed in a lovely hotel 30 feet from the beach, beautiful rooms in a lovely courtyard setting 800baht a night. The only thing Cha-Am is missing is a nice cafe/restuarant that sells good farang food and there isn't much to do after dark in Cha-Am, so we drove into Hua-Hin after dark, but for day time, you can't beat Cha-Am.

  10. Great quote from a Bangkok taxi driver who was I guess in his 60's "Bangkok driving is also know as freestyle driving, everybody does there own thing to get where they're going and you have to do your own thing to get where you're going to" Wise words from an experienced man or typical Bangkok attitude or both?

  11. Was in Nakhon Phanom last week and it was bloody freezing and I'm from Scotland so the cold doesn't bother me, trouble is I only had shorts and T-Shirts with me, never mind when we move there next year I'll buy a fan heater for the really cold days.

  12. Im looking to gather some infomation about the possability of a Thai getting a visa to go on holiday to the UK. I am wanting to bring my girlfriend over to the UK before i return to thailand and then we both travel back to thailand together.

    Is it possible for a thai to get a tourist visa or anything simular to come to the UK on a holiday and if so how much will it cost, how long will the visa last for, and how can i go about getting the visa for her.



    Do a search on this forum because there's loads of threads on the same subject. In a nutshell: it's a straight forward process as long as your girlfriend meets all the requirements and provides adequate proof, the key ones being that there are sufficient funds (in the eyes of Embassy staff, not yours) to support the visit, and, there is sufficient reason to believe that she will return home at the end of the visit. On the latter, good reasons include that she has a job to return to or that she owns real estate in Thailand. Google British Embassy Thailand for details of the application agency cost etc.

    thanks for the reply yes upon posting this i have found a few topics that seem to have answered some of ym questions, thanks for the advice.

    Some free advice, it's a major pain trying to get a tourist visa to the UK, I tried for 7 months to get one for my g/f and was knocked back twice, I supplied all the info they wanted and more then asked for every item I had sent to be sent again just to make sure that everything was above board and I could supply another copy at a moments notice.

    I'm self employed in the UK and have a fairly good business with adequate funds in the bank but that it seems wasn't good enough, it all comes down to the mood of the person issuing the visa and if your face fits, in the end we got a fiancee visa and got married.

    My g/f wasn't a bar girl and didn't have a criminal record and I more than met the requiements set by the embassay but they weren't interested and so I had to pay the application fee every time and that their is the problem, if they keep refusing tourist visa's then people have to keep paying, more applications = more money, pretty easy to work out after the fact but then it is Thailand, although I still love the country and the people, I hate the officials. Rant over, hope you are more succesful than me Mike, good luck


    My experiance is the dead opposite, very easy in fact. In all the belly aching you have written you have not once said the offical reason why she was knocked back. What was the reason?

    The reason she was given for her refusal was that I was an illegal immigrant in the UK and my UK passport was fake despite the fact that I was born and raised in Scotland and paid income tax and national insurance for 20 years but hey what do I know? I'm just a law abiding, tax paying citizen, and the staff in the embassy wouldn't know there back sides from a gole in the ground.

  13. Im looking to gather some infomation about the possability of a Thai getting a visa to go on holiday to the UK. I am wanting to bring my girlfriend over to the UK before i return to thailand and then we both travel back to thailand together.

    Is it possible for a thai to get a tourist visa or anything simular to come to the UK on a holiday and if so how much will it cost, how long will the visa last for, and how can i go about getting the visa for her.



    Do a search on this forum because there's loads of threads on the same subject. In a nutshell: it's a straight forward process as long as your girlfriend meets all the requirements and provides adequate proof, the key ones being that there are sufficient funds (in the eyes of Embassy staff, not yours) to support the visit, and, there is sufficient reason to believe that she will return home at the end of the visit. On the latter, good reasons include that she has a job to return to or that she owns real estate in Thailand. Google British Embassy Thailand for details of the application agency cost etc.

    thanks for the reply yes upon posting this i have found a few topics that seem to have answered some of ym questions, thanks for the advice.

    Some free advice, it's a major pain trying to get a tourist visa to the UK, I tried for 7 months to get one for my g/f and was knocked back twice, I supplied all the info they wanted and more then asked for every item I had sent to be sent again just to make sure that everything was above board and I could supply another copy at a moments notice.

    I'm self employed in the UK and have a fairly good business with adequate funds in the bank but that it seems wasn't good enough, it all comes down to the mood of the person issuing the visa and if your face fits, in the end we got a fiancee visa and got married.

    My g/f wasn't a bar girl and didn't have a criminal record and I more than met the requiements set by the embassay but they weren't interested and so I had to pay the application fee every time and that their is the problem, if they keep refusing tourist visa's then people have to keep paying, more applications = more money, pretty easy to work out after the fact but then it is Thailand, although I still love the country and the people, I hate the officials. Rant over, hope you are more succesful than me Mike, good luck


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