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Posts posted by Brigante7

  1. My wife ruturned to Thailand for a 4 week holiday in February after living in the UK for 18 months and attempted to enter Thailand on her Thai passport, which is current, and was sent away and told to fill out an immigration card before she could enter Thailand, thought it was wrong but I didn't want to argue incase they refused entry to me and our son.

  2. As somebody who's family has been making and selling ice cream in "Sunny Scotland" for the last 90 years, I can confirm that HD, B&J and all the other big named ice creams are poorly made, full of crap and not fit to be called ice cream.

    Ice cream should be made of fresh milk, butter, sugar, cornflour, and a couple of other things (Their in lies the secret to good ice cream) and should be made in a certain way.

    If any ice cream manufacturer wants to be judged on their ice cream then taste their vanilla, anybody can make flavoured ice cream.

    When people buy HD or B&J all they are paying for is the name and fancy packaging.

  3. ever seen a thai reacting to another strange thai in a strange land, germany for instance? They say hello and in no time there is a bond between them beyond any western understanding.

    There are all kinds of reasons to think why it is like that, but the most important part is that there is something for us "falangs" to learn here (or maybe I should say to "relearn").


    I live in Scotland with my Thai wife and she very rarely talks to other Thai ladies first, usualy I say hello to them first then they start talking to my wife, I asked her why and she said that she is shy, fair enough I said and left it.

    It's not always about bad manners.

    But when I'm visiting the wifes family and we are in town (Not that big) I always say hello to people who make eye contact with me, I find the Thais appreciate it more when I try out my Thai and make an arse of myself, such is life.

  4. hi every one, i've been reading up on everybodys dowry comments, and it seems to me that its a bit of a sore wound and its making me paranoid because i get wed in a few months. the lady i met is ace, known her for 2 and a half years. i go to LOS regularly and spend a load of time with her, her family is quite industrious owning 2 businesses, (chemical fertilizer for rice paddys) and they seem on the ball. i agreed to pay 500,000 baht for sin sod but i will get back 400,000. she is only 22 years old and has college education and i'm 28 and have a very good job. all i ask is that people give me a bit feedback about if this is a realistic figure for sin sod. i know that most people don't like paying sin sod but i think that if i am going to settle in thailand i need to respect tradition and thai culture, so please sensible answers people

    many thanks


    My wifes father refused a dowry, even for show, said he didn't worry what other people thought just as long as I looked after his daughter and the fact that I flew him and his wife to Scotland for the wedding probably helped with the image issue more. When we went back to Thailand for a holiday and to take our son back for the first time, I took the whole family (All 25 ) out for a meal and a night of karaoke, did the trick.

  5. Don't go to MBK to get your phone unlocked, do it before you come to Thailand.

    Why before? Convenience? I have had phones unlocked both before leaving my home country, and have had it done in Thailand as well. Didn't make any difference where I unlocked the phones.

    Twice I've had a phone unlocked at MBK and both times the phone hasn't worked after, each time I went to different location in MBK.

  6. Yeah, that's the best way to go, as swain said, if you have an old mobile from home, bring it, and you can get it unlocked at MBK (300bt). Failing that, buy one in MBK for about 1000 bt on your arrival, and sell it back to them just before you leave (if you have no further use for it). Couldn't be easier.

    Don't go to MBK to get your phone unlocked, do it before you come to Thailand.

  7. So does this mean more bhurka-dodging in lower Sukhumvit when trying to get from Soi 3 up to 11? Some of these women are as wide as the pavement (or what little is left of it after the hawkers have invaded it)! Not being racist here, but I try to avoid brushing against them when passing them in the overcrowded area (since I believe you're supposed to avoid touching a muslim woman even by accident)...

    Are you a muslim Thaigene2? If not then why worry about bumping into a muslim woman, if they are so worried then they will do everything to avoid bumping into you, until we stop pandering to them they will keep on pushing and pushing.

    Never ever tried to avoid contact with a "Ninja" and before anybody accuses me of being racist, that is what muslim men call woman who dress like that and if they can say it then I suare as hel_l can also

    Rant over.

  8. I think he means that she'll get a fiancée visa then after she gets to the UK she has 6 months to marry but they still have to go to some register office and do the paperwork etc. I would doubt she has to say where and when they will get married for the visa, only that they intend to do so within 6 months of her arriving in the UK.

    In order to get a fiancee visa her b/f will have to get a letter from the minister who is marrying them and when and a receipt to show he has booked and paid a deposit for the reception

  9. I know the UK goverment are happier to give a second visa if everything went smoothly with the first visa, it's just getting the first visa but seeing as your G/F has already had a visa then I would be surprised if she got refused although not having a job to go back to might affect it, all you can do is try for the visa and see what happens, good luck mate.

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