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Posts posted by Brigante7

  1. On 28/12/2016 at 9:26 AM, 7by7 said:


    Never had that experience, and this is the first I have ever heard of anyone having it; either from posts in forums such as this or from the many dual Thai/British citizens I know personally.


    So it seems it's not a case of me, or rather my wife and daughter, being lucky; it's a case of your wife being unlucky for some reason.


    Did Thai immigration ever say why they were forcing a Thai national to use a foreign passport to enter Thailand? They can't legally refuse entry to, or impose entry conditions on, a Thai national. Indeed, they should allow unconditional entry even if the Thai passport has expired.


    How did they even know that your wife held dual nationality and had left the UK on her British passport?


    After all, the UK does not stamp passports on exit so neither passport would have a UK exit stamp in it, and surely she did what my wife, daughter and all the other dual nationals we know do and simply presented the relevant passport to immigration on entry; Thai one when entering Thailand, British one when entering the UK.


    No immigration officer anywhere has ever asked my wife or daughter if they hold another nationality and passport when entering. Neither have they ever checked in any of our passports for entry or exit stamps from other countries. They simply look at the ID page to check the passport belongs to the person presenting it and is still valid and, if one is required, there is a valid visa.

    The last time they were refused entry on their Thai passports the immigration office said it was because they had travelled on their UK passports and so had to enter Thailand on their UK passports, so it seems Thai immigration know what passport you are traveling on BEFORE you reach Thailand. I'm not the smallest or quietest guy but it took all of my will power to bite my tongue and let my wife deal with it.





  2. On 05/11/2016 at 6:40 PM, 7by7 said:


    I am British.


    Both my wife and daughter have dual Thai/British nationalities.


    None of us, me using my British passport, they their Thai ones, have ever had any problems entering or leaving Thailand via Bangkok or anywhere else.


    Hang on; my daughter did one time when she had completed her landing card in English and an immigration officer told her that as she was Thai she had to complete another one in Thai; which she did.


    Lucky you, my wife and kids have been refused entry to Thailand on their Thai passports after leaving the UK on their British passports more than once.





  3. 7 hours ago, Strange said:


    Fair enough, but with the passport securely in pocket, just defuse the situation by going back to the room to get the 'rest of your stuff' and book it out the stairway or whatever. 


    I also never check out of a hotel all in one go. I always come down early to clear the bill before clearing out the room. Never just pack up and sit in the lobby with all my stuff. 


    Honestly I never give a passport for a hotel, car, scooter, etc. Never Never. If a photocopy isn't enough, there are plenty of places that will take it. 

    So you advocate doing a runner from a hotel without paying? Very nice of you.





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