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Posts posted by Brigante7

  1. Left the UK yesterday (December 10th) for Thailand with my wife (Thai) and 2 kids (Thai/UK passports), 3 days before we left I realised my daughters Thai & UK passports had both expired ( UK 10 months previous & Thai 1 month previous), yes I know I'm an idiot, we checked in at Edinburgh (flying with Qatar) with her Thai passport and explained that she is going home to Thailand to renew her Thai passport "No problem on you go sir". Arrived in Bangkok today and logged onto British embassy site, 4 weeks to renew her passport or we can get an emergency travel document, but my question is, can she be refused entry to the UK with her expired passport if we don't get the travel document?

  2. In a cashless society, it is easier to implement capital controls.

    The whole idea of eliminating cash is very Orwellian.


    100% money (flow), and therefore, complete income tax control.

    Eventually it will happen in Thailand. Cashless society, Europe is almost there.

    Poor excuses from the banks.

    I don't know where you live but in Scotland we are nowhere near a cashless society. Yes many people can and do live a cashless life but many don't, my life is around 90% cash based.

  3. Perhaps, but does an intense desire for money or a big return on your invested money make you a dishonest person?

    If I had £1 million and the return from everywhere was between 4 - 5% but I was offered 15% then I would know that it was most likely illegal and that would make me a dishonest person hence I could be conned but if I accept the return of between 4 - 5 % then that makes me honest and as such couldn't be conned.

  4. Can any TV members point me in the direction of any bars where the ladies are freelancer's, I'm in Pattaya from 14th - 21st December and it's against my religion to pay a bar-fine, cheers.


  5. I recall a story my brother told me years ago (many years). He was in Kings Cross, Sydney, and he and a mate picked up a lady of the night.

    One of the two mates got in the back of the car and started getting amorous, when the guy in the back exclaimed, "She's got balls!". The two mates then beat her and kicked her out.

    In my early twenties at the time, I had little idea about LBGT issues, but my brother's story disturbed me. It's as if they thought the prostitute had tricked them and so they used violence, but in reality they felt ashamed and thus resorted to unthinking violence. And it had everything to do with the pervading male culture of the time. Little has changed.

    And therein lie's the problem, your brother and his mate picked up what they thought was a female prostitute but was in fact a man dressed as a woman, maybe if the man had been honest with them to start with it would have saved a lot of trouble, but then again kicking the shit out of him was extreme.

  6. The only people to blame are the muslim terrorist's.

    What makes a muslem terrorist? That is a question that has many answers

    Lack of general world knowledge, blinkered education.

    Actual weakness of external government bodies, by allowing pervasive Islamic elements to have a voice in non Islamic societies, and so poisoning the minds of uneducated Moslem people.

    Actual weakness of Western governments (excluding Russia) to react to Islamic terrorism, or to be strongly proactive to deter Islamic terrorism. This is mainly due to our society relying on Oil/Gas from countries controlled by various forms of Islamic rule.

    Percieved persecution by external societies.

    Rejection of Islamic ideals by non Islamic nations, so deterring the assimulation into those societies by those who will not modify their beliefs to concur with the society they CHOSE to live in.

    Not being able to question the holy book of Islam, in that what was written over a thousand years ago, is still applicable today. It was purportedly wriiten by an uneducated, violent warlord who wanted to conquer all before him. A definite thousand+ year plan. I could have worded this more strongly, but must be careful not to OFFEND too much.

    Jealousy of western freedoms.


    And on and on.

    What makes a muslim terrorist? That's easy, a terrorist who is a muslim.

  7. I will be in Thailand with my wife (Thai) and our 2 kids (6 & 8 years old) from 11th December - 8th January and we will be in Bangkok for Christmas day, can any TV members recommend a good shopping mall with a santa's grotto please?

    Many thanks.

  8. Sorry to be a downer, but my neighbour had a crash on his bike (er6n in central BKK) 2 nights ago and passed away, his wife still in ICU. Fairly young guy, an only son taking care of his elderly mother. A very sad story, and something that has got me thinking.

    Do you guys worry about death and injury on your bike? Riding bikes is, without a doubt, the most dangerous thing any of us do on a daily basis. I find that stories such as these give me pause and make me wonder whether I should quit while I'm ahead. Then, inveitably, after a few days the worry leaves my mind and I begin zipping around town like a bat out of hell again.

    Do others have thoughts of quitting?

    You hit the nail on the head

    "Zipping around town like a bat out of hell"

    Why not just take it easy and enjoy the ride?

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