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Posts posted by Brigante7

  1. More like the homophobic comment of the week.

    And there it is, disagree with a homosexual and you're "homophobic"

    Grow up.

    Not really. But, if you post jokes with themes that gay people are somehow LESS than fully human and aren't capable of understanding basic human things then yes, you have posted homophobic content.

    Show me where I said homosexuals were LESS than fully human?

  2. Lol.... After all the above, you seize on the last sentence.... One were I stated " in need" ... If you don't need, then good for you and the disgust you harbor.

    But if you claim to not know of hector, archilles and Alexander the Great, you must truly be living in a dark place under a very large rock

    Lol, so just because you have different belief's than me then that makes me a disgusting person, is that what you are saying? You sound like the "anti-facist" that we have in the uk who claim that if you dont hold the same views as them then you are a facist.

    Your words were that you " find the act of homosexuality disgusting".... Ergo YOU harbor disgust,

    Your not clever enough to be putting words in my mouth.... Those were words of your very own creation.

    And, as your the one expressing beliefs and opinions that belong to another time, Or civilization, I would suggest that it's you who have tendancies outside what readers would call normal (especially in this country), like fascism, which is not normal.... And that's an example, not an accusation ( just in case you have any further problems with the written word)

    Not sure where you are from but here in the uk a great many people (I'm willing to bet at least 50% of the population) are sick of people like you who jump up & down stamping your feet if we don't live our life according to a bunch of limp wristed pc loving do-gooders. I think we need to agree to disagree.

  3. Lol.... After all the above, you seize on the last sentence.... One were I stated " in need" ... If you don't need, then good for you and the disgust you harbor.

    But if you claim to not know of hector, archilles and Alexander the Great, you must truly be living in a dark place under a very large rock

    Lol, so just because you have different belief's than me then that makes me a disgusting person, is that what you are saying? You sound like the "anti-facist" that we have in the uk who claim that if you dont hold the same views as them then you are a facist.

  4. Homophobic memes are frequent on TVF, as is bashing of boorish newb tourists, drunks and sex mongers. When there is a crime one often hears victim blaming.

    Some are so tantalized by this thread they do not know which element of their subtle bigotry to engage first, thus the apparent schizophrenic responses.

    Personally I do not refer to colleagues or friends who are on the Trans spectrum of the LGBT community as "Ladyboys". I call them by their name.

    Gangs of LB's are active in most countries in Asia, and even Hawaii and the Pacific Islands. Everywhere these thugs operate they are involved in drugs, thefts, and violence

    and really nothing much to do with sexuality or prostitution it is a law enforcement matter that can only be dealt with with the kind of effective Policing that does not seem to be

    going on in Pattaya.

    I don't completely agree with some of your opinions and some things you've got things a little wrong way-round here. First off, homophobia is pretty well policed here on T-V these days. As in most of society at large, one has to be a real knuckle-dragger to espouse openly homophobic views in public (and for purposes of this post lets say a forum like this is a "public" place). Unfortunately, transphobia is not and so homophobic members, who know posting their homophobic messages and hate-speech will get them warnings, suspensions, or bans ,have turned to posting vitriolic comments regarding trans-people instead. At some point, one hopes transphobic posters will be treated the same as homophobic ones are now.

    As to the case of the bashed "gentleman" in question, what was the crime and who initiated the confrontation in the first place? This Manchester gentleman, by his own words, said he was propositioned by some sex-workers while ambling down the street in a city and place renowned for its commercial sex-industry. He never said he was accosted, attacked, assaulted, or molested in any way...only that he was propositioned. Is that a crime? He then reported that, due to his transphobia creating in him feelings of "hatred" for people who presumably don't share his heteronomative views of human sexuality, he proceeded to verbally assault these sex-workers with vitriolic hate-speech. So it seems to me he committed to first crime of aggression here...not the sex-workers. Now, it would have been better if the sex-workers had let this pitiful individual slither on back to his hotel room but one certainly understands how such constant abuse can push people over the edge and lead to a physical confrontation.

    As to supposed "gangs" of transsexual "thugs" around Asia, I've lived and traveled all around these parts for the better part of 15 years and have yet to see any of them, let alone ever be assaulted by them. However, I don't go about spouting transphobic hate-speech at transsexuals either so that may have something to do with it.

    "He proceede to verbally assault theses sex-workers with vitriolic hate-speech"

    Lol, you mean he expressed an opinion and like so many minorities, if it's an opinion they don't like then they lash out with terms like "homophobic" "transphobic" ( Lol,that one still cracks me up) "islamaphobic" or the media favourite "racist"

    Get a grip and accept that people have different opinion's and are entitled to express them.

    Just because I believe that homosexuality is wrong and should be illegal doesn't make me a bad person compared to somebody who believe's the opposite.

    Actually, it does. It puts you in the company of the Nazis, Putin, Falwall, assorted African dictators, and other incorrigibles.

    I disagree, as is my right, or would you deny me that right because my opinion is different from your's?

    Your opinion may well be different, but would you be be so foolish as to go and abuse a group of ladyboys in the wee small hours of the morning, in their own country?

    The great warrior, Achilles, has oftentimes been reported as gay... But did you cheer him on in the movie " Troy"

    The second named of the nine " worthies" of history ( look it up) was Alexander the Great, also claimed by many as being gay

    King Richard the lionheart, was at times thought gay, ignoring his beautiful wife, berengaria of Navarre.

    These named figures of history, shaped our history... But would you go off and shout hatefully comments at them....,or as this is about the old fool who showed no self restraint in pattaya... Do you think he would be brave enough to decry the above named.

    No... Right?

    So add coward to my comments about him being stupid and foolish.

    People often hate or are afraid of things they don't understand. but whatever happened to the ideal of live and let live

    Regardless, western societies are enacting laws dealing responsibly with the rights of homosexual... Yes dude... They too have rights... So catch up with the new millennium, and in need, come on out of the closet, it's not so bad out here

    Lol, and there it is, the no1 comeback, implying that I'm a closet homosexual because I find the act of homosexuality disgusting.

    I've never seen the film Troy so I have no idea to what you are refering to.

  5. Homophobic memes are frequent on TVF, as is bashing of boorish newb tourists, drunks and sex mongers. When there is a crime one often hears victim blaming.

    Some are so tantalized by this thread they do not know which element of their subtle bigotry to engage first, thus the apparent schizophrenic responses.

    Personally I do not refer to colleagues or friends who are on the Trans spectrum of the LGBT community as "Ladyboys". I call them by their name.

    Gangs of LB's are active in most countries in Asia, and even Hawaii and the Pacific Islands. Everywhere these thugs operate they are involved in drugs, thefts, and violence

    and really nothing much to do with sexuality or prostitution it is a law enforcement matter that can only be dealt with with the kind of effective Policing that does not seem to be

    going on in Pattaya.

    I don't completely agree with some of your opinions and some things you've got things a little wrong way-round here. First off, homophobia is pretty well policed here on T-V these days. As in most of society at large, one has to be a real knuckle-dragger to espouse openly homophobic views in public (and for purposes of this post lets say a forum like this is a "public" place). Unfortunately, transphobia is not and so homophobic members, who know posting their homophobic messages and hate-speech will get them warnings, suspensions, or bans ,have turned to posting vitriolic comments regarding trans-people instead. At some point, one hopes transphobic posters will be treated the same as homophobic ones are now.

    As to the case of the bashed "gentleman" in question, what was the crime and who initiated the confrontation in the first place? This Manchester gentleman, by his own words, said he was propositioned by some sex-workers while ambling down the street in a city and place renowned for its commercial sex-industry. He never said he was accosted, attacked, assaulted, or molested in any way...only that he was propositioned. Is that a crime? He then reported that, due to his transphobia creating in him feelings of "hatred" for people who presumably don't share his heteronomative views of human sexuality, he proceeded to verbally assault these sex-workers with vitriolic hate-speech. So it seems to me he committed to first crime of aggression here...not the sex-workers. Now, it would have been better if the sex-workers had let this pitiful individual slither on back to his hotel room but one certainly understands how such constant abuse can push people over the edge and lead to a physical confrontation.

    As to supposed "gangs" of transsexual "thugs" around Asia, I've lived and traveled all around these parts for the better part of 15 years and have yet to see any of them, let alone ever be assaulted by them. However, I don't go about spouting transphobic hate-speech at transsexuals either so that may have something to do with it.

    "He proceede to verbally assault theses sex-workers with vitriolic hate-speech"

    Lol, you mean he expressed an opinion and like so many minorities, if it's an opinion they don't like then they lash out with terms like "homophobic" "transphobic" ( Lol,that one still cracks me up) "islamaphobic" or the media favourite "racist"

    Get a grip and accept that people have different opinion's and are entitled to express them.

    Just because I believe that homosexuality is wrong and should be illegal doesn't make me a bad person compared to somebody who believe's the opposite.

    Actually, it does. It puts you in the company of the Nazis, Putin, Falwall, assorted African dictators, and other incorrigibles.

    I disagree, as is my right, or would you deny me that right because my opinion is different from your's?

  6. Homophobic memes are frequent on TVF, as is bashing of boorish newb tourists, drunks and sex mongers. When there is a crime one often hears victim blaming.

    Some are so tantalized by this thread they do not know which element of their subtle bigotry to engage first, thus the apparent schizophrenic responses.

    Personally I do not refer to colleagues or friends who are on the Trans spectrum of the LGBT community as "Ladyboys". I call them by their name.

    Gangs of LB's are active in most countries in Asia, and even Hawaii and the Pacific Islands. Everywhere these thugs operate they are involved in drugs, thefts, and violence

    and really nothing much to do with sexuality or prostitution it is a law enforcement matter that can only be dealt with with the kind of effective Policing that does not seem to be

    going on in Pattaya.

    I don't completely agree with some of your opinions and some things you've got things a little wrong way-round here. First off, homophobia is pretty well policed here on T-V these days. As in most of society at large, one has to be a real knuckle-dragger to espouse openly homophobic views in public (and for purposes of this post lets say a forum like this is a "public" place). Unfortunately, transphobia is not and so homophobic members, who know posting their homophobic messages and hate-speech will get them warnings, suspensions, or bans ,have turned to posting vitriolic comments regarding trans-people instead. At some point, one hopes transphobic posters will be treated the same as homophobic ones are now.

    As to the case of the bashed "gentleman" in question, what was the crime and who initiated the confrontation in the first place? This Manchester gentleman, by his own words, said he was propositioned by some sex-workers while ambling down the street in a city and place renowned for its commercial sex-industry. He never said he was accosted, attacked, assaulted, or molested in any way...only that he was propositioned. Is that a crime? He then reported that, due to his transphobia creating in him feelings of "hatred" for people who presumably don't share his heteronomative views of human sexuality, he proceeded to verbally assault these sex-workers with vitriolic hate-speech. So it seems to me he committed to first crime of aggression here...not the sex-workers. Now, it would have been better if the sex-workers had let this pitiful individual slither on back to his hotel room but one certainly understands how such constant abuse can push people over the edge and lead to a physical confrontation.

    As to supposed "gangs" of transsexual "thugs" around Asia, I've lived and traveled all around these parts for the better part of 15 years and have yet to see any of them, let alone ever be assaulted by them. However, I don't go about spouting transphobic hate-speech at transsexuals either so that may have something to do with it.

    "He proceede to verbally assault theses sex-workers with vitriolic hate-speech"

    Lol, you mean he expressed an opinion and like so many minorities, if it's an opinion they don't like then they lash out with terms like "homophobic" "transphobic" ( Lol,that one still cracks me up) "islamaphobic" or the media favourite "racist"

    Get a grip and accept that people have different opinion's and are entitled to express them.

    Just because I believe that homosexuality is wrong and should be illegal doesn't make me a bad person compared to somebody who believe's the opposite.

  7. Why is this oxygen thief allowed to still see the sunrise every day............. I have the perfect cure for him and other nonces and it doesn't require deportation or incarceration.
    Exactly, a long session of torture followed by 2 bullet's to the back of the head.

    Only bad if you find out afterwards that it was the wrong guy.....Because than as murder you would deserve the same treatment.

    The fact that he has already been convicted makes that a mute point, don't you agree?

    Not defending the guy...personally could care a less but he was convicted by the same kind of Kangaroo Court so many of you accuse Thailand of having where corruption and politics replace evidence and due process.

    So it's pretty ironic you now hold up such a conviction as having merit.

    BTW, I would place good odds there are more than a few on here who have shagged 16-year olds in SE Asia.

    How does that saying go? "Me thinks thou dost protest too loudly".

    Have you met my wife? No 16 year old would be worth the risk I love my balls too much.

  8. If they are still investigating his crimes in Thailand, why did they deport him? It would be better if he served a lengthy sentence in a Thai prison. He only served 2 years in Indonesia.

    Because you can deport anybody you want with no further investigation. He is gone now and that is a good result.

    Yeah, to another country so he can continue his abuse of children.

  9. Why is this oxygen thief allowed to still see the sunrise every day............. I have the perfect cure for him and other nonces and it doesn't require deportation or incarceration.
    Exactly, a long session of torture followed by 2 bullet's to the back of the head.

    Only bad if you find out afterwards that it was the wrong guy.....Because than as murder you would deserve the same treatment.

    The fact that he has already been convicted makes that a mute point, don't you agree?


    Convictions are recorded using evidence and a balance of probability. They're not necessarily watertight. So it's a salient point, innocent people get convicted, that's his point. You've somehow turned that into a mangled logic about gangland style exections replacing jail.

    Ok, allow me to refrase it, if he has been convicted BEYOND a reasonable doubt, or are you one of these people who wouldn't be convinced of his guilt until he was caught actually raping a child?

    I'm one of those people who don't go around writing that I'd be willing to put two bullet's into the back of anyone's head just because I happen to disagree with the outcome of a trial. Your argument is nonsensical. Even forensic evidence is always in some degree of doubt. You're mistaking court room drama clichés for actual legal thought.

    I'm a bit confused here, where did I say that I advocate the killing of an innocent person?

  10. Why is this oxygen thief allowed to still see the sunrise every day............. I have the perfect cure for him and other nonces and it doesn't require deportation or incarceration.
    Exactly, a long session of torture followed by 2 bullet's to the back of the head.

    Only bad if you find out afterwards that it was the wrong guy.....Because than as murder you would deserve the same treatment.
    The fact that he has already been convicted makes that a mute point, don't you agree?


    Convictions are recorded using evidence and a balance of probability. They're not necessarily watertight. So it's a salient point, innocent people get convicted, that's his point. You've somehow turned that into a mangled logic about gangland style exections replacing jail.

    Ok, allow me to refrase it, if he has been convicted BEYOND a reasonable doubt, or are you one of these people who wouldn't be convinced of his guilt until he was caught actually raping a child?
  11. Laying in my bed late last night (Friday 18th) when there was a serious of what I would describe as mini explosions and twice again this morning. We are staying on soi 5 beach road and the noise last night felt like it was further up the soi, scared me shitless and woke the kids up, the wife said it had something to do with a hotel celebrating but I find that hard to believe, can anybody shed any light on what it could be? Many thanks.


  12. Why is this oxygen thief allowed to still see the sunrise every day............. I have the perfect cure for him and other nonces and it doesn't require deportation or incarceration.

    Exactly, a long session of torture followed by 2 bullet's to the back of the head.

    Only bad if you find out afterwards that it was the wrong guy.....Because than as murder you would deserve the same treatment.

    The fact that he has already been convicted makes that a mute point, don't you agree?

  13. It's a start. The rest of the vans should at least have rev limiters and GPS tracking devices managed by a government body (if that's possible...)

    When the driver/moron exceeds the speed limit or shows a display of speed based upon the GPS device, send the moron an electronic ticket.

    It would be much better for public safety if they employed only female drivers. Women tend to have less ego and are not as abusive to the vehicles, like men are. coffee1.gif

    That's because they can't drive for shit.

  14. What a compassionate bunch here on TV.

    You're all probably feeling better now that you can bring someone else down.

    Sure, he should be put away for many years but for God's sake, the man has a mental illness.

    Seriously? If found guilty then he should be used for new drug testing along with every other paedophile and if they survive then they should be tortured very very slowly and thrn shot in the head. There is no cure for paedophilia so why waste time & money trying.

  15. You get what you ask for. I've never had a problem with them. But then I don't go calling them names and shit. There was a popular lady-boy bar right across from where I used to go drinking in Chiang Mai. Some of them looked very beautiful and could sure fool you.... and I saw the lady-boys beat a couple of guys up over time... but those farangs also asked for it.. Those of us across the street at the bar I drank at cheered the lady-boys on...(They only beat them enough to teach a lesson.... no horrible damage.) The farangs acted like total idiots and swearing at the lady-boys and insult throwing.. ( I'm a farang myself of course)

    Show a little respect, smile.. don't go throwing insults and name calling to make them lose face.. You will get it back in spades...

    Sometimes one of them would come over to visit the people that ran the bar I drank at... we respected each other and could joke around and share a drink. They knew I was strictly heterosexual... and that is fine..

    People need to calm down.... that guy that got beaten up asked for it... He shouldn't be surprised at what happened.

    And they need to show respect and not assault people with the intention of robbing them.

  16. What an idiot, he got what he deserved, after it would seem he started the confrontation by hurling verbal abuse. Either ignore them, or smile and shake your head, or say no thanks, crazy to antagonise what are effectively young men. I'd like to know why he has a hatred of ladyboys, maybe he had a bad experience once, he's certainly had one now! I guess he'll know better next time.

    So it's ok for a group of men, dressed as woman, to assault a person and when he defends himself they can asssault him again? Get a grip.

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