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Posts posted by submaniac

  1. Since you have to change registration, I would think it would be done in BKK since that's the new area. If you are switching from different regions, you would have to bring the bike in so they can verify the VINs. Usually you can get a shop to take care of the paperwork is switching for you (for a small fee). It seems strange they said take it back to Pattaya.

  2. I'm curious about the diplomatic protocol at his funeral.

    Of course his South American buddies will be prominent.

    Raul Castro will be a star. Assuming Fidel too frail to attend.

    What about Ahmadinejad of Iran? Will the USA send a representative? Perhaps the Vice President's intern? Of course, there is no way Obama is going.

    Statement from the White House:

    At this challenging time of President Hugo Chávez's passing, the United States reaffirms its support for the Venezuelan people,” President

    Obama says in remarks at the White House.

    Note the lack of praise for Chavez.

    I am sure Holliwood will be well represented at the funeral with the likes of Sean Penn and Danny Glover

    I propose sending Woody Allen or call on our Brit Monty Python friends to lend an air of solemnity to the occasion. wink.png

    I propose Jeremy Clarkson and/or The Stig drive the hearst during the funeral procession....

  3. Agree or not with him, try to be more respectful for the deceased

    So does this mean that since Hitler, Osama Bin Ladin, Pol Pot, Jeffrey Dahmer, and Jimmy Saville are deceased I have to be respectful of them too? I feel the same way about Hugo Chavez as I feel about the aforementioned individuals.

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  4. Yeah while I like ops posts...I don't think it is "hardcore smog for a book". A year in immigration detention center for overstaying as a result of drunk driving... Vs something sexy like hard time in Bangkok prison for drug smuggling. The immigration detention center not quite as bad ass.

  5. Thai on Thai. The drunk and his wife were born in Burma, and have no IC Cards.

    IC cards? Do you mean Thai ID? If no Thai ID, then the Burmese will want to keep quiet and not go to the local police (there's another thread on general about prison stories from the IDC).

  6. This has always puzzled me. The 'man shall not lie with man' thingy is in Leviticus which is in the Old Testament. Surely Christians follow the teachings of Christ who didn't pitch up until the New Testament so what's Leviticus got to do with it?

    Funny how people use the Leviticus quote to claim that homosexuality is a sin, but ignore the other Old Testament stuff which most people break on a regular basis, some of which would call for death under Old Testament law. So unless you're a practicing Orthodox Jew, chances are you're already a sinner. I figure if you are already a sinner regardless of the homosexuality thing, might as well keep on being gay cuz you're already screwed for the other stuff. (And I'm saying that as someone who would have already been eligible for the death penalty under Old Testament law...)

    Old Testament Death Penalty Sins:

    Adultery. Leviticus 20:10-12.

    Lying about virginity is also a sin punishable by death. Deuteronomy 22:20-21

    Rape (i.e.premarital sex) of an unmarried woman engaged to be married is a death penalty offense. Deuteronomy 22:25 (However, if she is not engaged, the punishment is you have to marry her and give her father 50 Shekels of silver; apparently this law is still applied in Thailand.)

    Having sex with your father’s wife (note, this is not referring to incest, this is at a time when multiple wives was common) is a sin punishable by death for both. Leviticus 20:20.

    Having sex with your daughter-in-law, death by stoning under Leviticus 20:30.

    Marrying both a mother and dauther, death by being burned alive under Leviticus 20:14.

    Doing any type of work on the Sabbath, death penalty. Exodus 31:14 (“Ye shall keep the sabbath therefore; for it is holy unto you: every one that defileth it shall surely be put to death: for whosoever doeth any work therein, that soul shall be cut off from among his people.”)

    Other stuff which is a sin in the Old Testament, but not necessarily death penalty:

    Being a male who is not circumcised. Genesis 17:14.

    Eating leavened bread during the Feast of Unleavened Bread (I don’t even know when the Feast of Unleavened Bread is, so I’ve probably sinned there.) Exodus 12:15

    Sexual activity with a woman who is menstruating. (You mean even if I put trashbags over the bed?!?!?!) Leviticus 20:18.

    Consuming blood: This would presumably include eating rare meat and black pudding. Leviticus 17:10.

    Consulting a psychic. Leviticus 19:31

    Planting more than one kind of seed in a field. Leviticus 19:19. (Apparently the folks on the Farming in Thailand Forum are all screwed.)

    Wearing clothing woven of more than one kind of cloth. Leviticus 19:19. (So not only is it a fashion faupaux, it is downright sinful.)

    Cutting the hair on the sides of your head or clipping of the edges of your beard. (I always thought there should be a law against them goatees…apparently there is…and it’s Biblical.) Leviticus 19:27

    Tattoos. Leviticus 19:28.


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  7. Chappie, you are making a big assumption if you believe that people here don't know about guns. And no-one is condemning a country.

    It's not an assumption. It is an articulation of fact based upon your previous posts and responses.

    1. You do not own a gun. Your wife owns a gun.

    2. You come from a country which bans civilian handgun ownership, and owerniship of semi-automatic rifles.

    3. You posted previously that everyone who doesn't own a gunsafe was irresponsible and should not be allowed to own a gun. Then I pointed out to you that a hunting or targe rifle will have a barrel in excess of 24 inches, making the use of a gunsafe impractical as they would weigh at least 400lbs. I then asked you if you were so knowledgeable about guns, about bullet caliber and grain suitable for hunting whitetail dear, which you avoided responding too. That's actually not a difficult question because anyone who knows guns would know the anwer to that question off the top of their head.

    You are the equivalent of someone watching someone else changing the oil on their car, and then claiming to be an expert mechanic.

    • Like 1
  8. Monkey see monkey do. The entire thread is a massive circle jerk going around in circles by people who don't know anything about guns condemning a country they don't live in. Whatever they say it doesn't change the fact that Obama doesn't have enough congressional votes to do anything.

  9. I know how a suppressor works as well as subsonic rounds. No rational human being needs Kevlar helmets, body armor or 10 silencers. Dorner obviously wasn't a rationale human being so no need to rationalize or defend his mental disconnect and purchasing patterns.

    I have this feeling that you know how a suppressor works as well as subsonic rounds after I posted and you looked it up in wikipedia. My opinion is based upon the previous comment you made about how normal police officers don't have AR-15 rifles save for those that sit at home drinking Pabst Blue Ribbon and polishing their guns. Then I pointed out that every California Highway Patrol car is equipped with an AR-15 and shotgun, and showed you pictures of how every police officer pictured in the Dorner search was carrying an AR-15.

    "People like you who watch a lot of movies"? That's a bit patronising isn't it?

    I've shot plenty of firearms in my youth, including with the Royal Marines, and I understand what they can do and how they sound, thank you.

    I believe the point is why civilians would need this equipment, not exactly how you spell it or how it works.

    Why would a civilian need this equipment? Well, let's say you have a large parcel of land where you could practice shooting. Would be nice so you don't have to wear earplugs when you shoot. Would be nice for the neighbors so you don't irritate them/scare them with loud explosions. Definately would be useful for hunting not irritate people who live near where you're hunting or scare of the critters you're trying to kill. Those are legitimate purposes. In many countries you can purchase a silencer without regulation. Some countries require to use a silencer when hunting so as not to disturb people. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suppressor#Europe

    I asked to find one documented instance where a suppressor was used in the commissioning of a crime. The best you could do was that DC sniper had a book on how to make a silencer and MAYBE he was going to use one. This is reality, anyone can have instructions on how to build a silencer by looking on google. The plans are very public knowledge and easy to find. Making a silencer is actually very easy too. The fact is that the DC sniper was never confirmed to have used a suppressor. A suppressor would not have helped him much. He was using a bushmaster AR-15; the bullet is comming out of that barrel at twice the speed of sound, and no suppressor can overcome physics and the supersonic crack.


    So here we have legitimate purposes for use, and no correlation with crime...and you want to ban them. That summarizes the entire problem with the anti-gun movement. What you want to ban has nothing to do with crime, but everyone wants to get rid of them because they don't know anything about them.

    This entire thread is a massive circle jerk. It's going around in circles with the anti-gun crowd making arguments which are based on a whole lot of people talking out of their butt without knowing what they're talking about.

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