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Posts posted by submaniac

  1. I had a literal close shave done once with an old blade in Bangkok. Left me bleeding, so i didn't tip him.


    my motorcycle in Downtown bangkok when the radiator cooling hose burst

    underneath the seat spraying scalding hot coolant all over my ass. I

    thought that the bike had caught fire and dumped it on its side. The

    green buses of death behind me managed to stop in time to avoid running

    into me (more appropriately the bike as I initially thought it was

    gasoline and was scared it might explode).

    I posted

    pictures of my charred and swolen ass on the TV motorcycle forum. I

    was informed by the motorcycle forum never to do it again.

    Anyone wanna see pictures of my charred and swollen ass?

    Please spare me.. I will look up your ass in the motorcycle forum when i get the urge...

    Oh just admit it. You want to see my ass.

    • Like 1
  2. Yup - anal probes of the morbidly obese : just when I thought this thread couldnt get any worse, it did.

    Since no one is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to read this...how's this for a thought? You can stop reading this thread and stop posting in this thread. From your posts it appears all your posts relate to complaining about this thread. Here's the summary of this thread: people talk. You pop up to complain. People talk. You complain. If you don't want to participate in this discussion then please don't. However other people are trying to have a discussion so be quiet and stop interrupting.

  3. Riding my motorcycle in Downtown bangkok when the radiator cooling hose burst underneath the seat spraying scalding hot coolant all over my ass. I thought that the bike had caught fire and dumped it on its side. The green buses of death behind me managed to stop in time to avoid running into me (more appropriately the bike as I initially thought it was gasoline and was scared it might explode).

    I posted pictures of my charred and swolen ass on the TV motorcycle forum. I was informed by the motorcycle forum never to do it again.

    Anyone wanna see pictures of my charred and swollen ass?

    • Like 2
  4. Thank you for your thoughtful post, Bonobo. This is sort of what I was trying to get after. I just wanted honest opinions. I have met/known Russians--but it's like I never know if I'm getting an honest opinion. It's like if you really hate Thai people, black people, Latino people or whatever, you're not going to say "you know I really hate..." to their face. Anonymous board on the other hand.... And my curiousity is like what Photuratica has said...if you hate a country why are you travelling there? I don't like Iran. I don't travel to Iran. If you don't like Thai people why take a trip to Thailand?

    I tend to agree with your opinion. I would also add I think they do have this cultural thing where they don't like appearing soft or weak. It may come off as rudeness, but it's not intended. I also think that negative perception of Russians comes from experiences with lower socio-economic class. The budget Russian tourist is not going to be as polite and civilized as the wealthy Russian tourist to the same extent that the lager lout/bogan/chav/american redneck is not going to be as polite and civilized as Prince William. Socio economic class is socio-economic class.

  5. Yes rape can and does happen in every country. I think the main issue however is that in India it was almost to the point where it is socially acceptable and THAT was the problem. For example horrific rapes make national news in most countries. The high profile rape cases in u.s or u.k. We've heard of. If you google the subject of rapes in India you'll see that until he bus victim who died, there were a lot of very horrific rapes (by standards of the western world) which largely went ignored in India. Almost to the point if where men in India think it is socially acceptable. It took the death of the young woman in the bus to bring it to he world's attention.

    Furthermore, random rapes by strangers are relatively rare compared to acquaintance rapes. Bit in India it almost seems that a woman could be randomly raped for no reason other than being a woman. Rapes on busses in India were actually very common place and it must be a frightening situation that the most mundane simple act could lead to rape. Or here sleeping in a tent would result in rape. The problem is cultural and it is unique to India that this such behavior is tolerated.

  6. I should have known better than to post...welcome to Thaivisa!

    (1) the post was a call for Russians to post their opinions on what they think of Thailand and Thai people---whether they like it, don't like it...whatever...it's an open ended question. I would like to hear from any Russians on this board (because I know they're here cuz members here have posted that they are Russians) on what their thoughts are because you very rarely hear it.

    (2) What I get is "as a white guy from a Western European country, I think the Thai people think that the Russians are..." What a white guy thinks that the Thais think of the Russians is not the question. The question is what do the Russians think...See the difference?

    Yes, I get it. The Thais treat you like a walking ATM, or dirt beneath their feet. This has been rehashed many many times. However this is not the "bitch about my treatment at the hand of the cruel Thais" thread. Feel free (as most people often do) to create the "bitch about my treatment by the hand of the cruel Thais" thread.

    (3) Yes I do know there are Russians on this forum...there have been posts from Russians. For sure there's Rakjungtorlae, who I also know is Russian cuz I hung out with him in BKK (unfortunately he hasn't been posting much lately :( , come back dude I miss you!)

    (4) There is nothing anti-Russian in this post. What part of "I have known Russians and they seem cool and they have Thai girlfriends..." is derrogatory?

    • Like 1
  7. Thais don't like to buy used condos. Doesn't mean that they do not do it. It's like buying a second hand car. Why would you buy a model that's a few years old if you can afford to get the latest and greatest model? And people in Thailand are selling used condos for about the same price as a new condo. Secondly the dislike of used condos does not necessarily apply to the sale of land or houses. Thais aren't limited to condos. If you want a house most likely you will have to go used if you want to be in the more central locations. Because the land has already been used up in central locations. And my place in thonburi---4 floor shophouse--was less than what people are paying for condos.

  8. I know there are a few Russian people on this forum, and I was just curious what Russians thought of Thailand and the Thai people. Like I have known Russians, and they seem cool...and they have Thai girlfriends. But I also hear about how in Russia there are alot of racial tensions between asians and Russians, and alot of attacks on Asians in Russia. I don't know what to think, but I thought that some of our Russian members could shed some light.

  9. Nullum crimen sine lege=Latin for "there is no crime without a law prohibiting the conduct".

    There are a lot of armchair lawyers. The problem is a lot of people post disinformation by talking about things they do not really know about and are unable to cite references in support of their claims. I have looked into this extensively and I have found no law which prohibits dual nationality. Unless there is a law against it, it's legal.

    • Like 2
  10. Hi,

    A question. When I first signed up in 2007, a member could put up pictures on their profile page, (user photo gallery). I haven't checked in a while but I just went on to see if the photos were up. But there's nothing on my profile to show "submaniac's photos".

    Are they still there, are am I not seeing how to see the uploaded photos in "submaniac's gallery", or...are they gone?!?!?! Please advise.

  11. Well, I was told by the immigration officer at the time it wasn't necessary to leave and re-enter on my Thai passport because technically I can't over stay my tourist Visa if I'm already a Thai national. I even called and asked 'Siam-Legal' to confirm if this claim is true, and they did in fact clarify and confirm it was correct. So I just took their word for it.

    That was my experience as well. Like I said, I significantly overstayed on the US passport. Like 2 months beyond the visa on arrival. I showed them the Thai passport, and they did not charge me an overstay. You asked an immigration officer and they said that you can't overstay if you're a Thai national. You asked Siam Legal, they said the same thing. If you ask me, I can say that I went through the exact scenario and they did not charge me for an overstay once I showed them my Thai passport.

    I actually never left and re-entered on my Thai passport. And my tourist Visa is long expired. I hope I don't get trouble. What will happen if I cross and re-enter on my Thai pp this late in time? Will I get in trouble? Will I have to pay a hefty fine? I'm very worried now. ahhhhh!

    See above. I would not worry. It happened to me. No overstay charge.

    I have not been able to use my Thai passport. It was an embassy issued passport (in USA)

    This makes no sense. MY daughter holds us/thai passports. her last thai passport ( new one not extended) was issued out of the Thai embassy in dc. When she came back to Thailand she showed her thai passport a they let er in, no problems

    When they asked u did u tell them/show them ur us passport??

    Well, I showed to the lady that sat at the counter. She said I could not enter on Thai passport. She then called someone else over (might have been a supervisor) who said that Thailand has a law that you have to choose nationality at age 20, and I could not have both passports and had to choose. It was a long flight from the U.S., and I was extremely tired so I just came in on my US passport to avoid dealing with them.

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  12. I have dual passports and citizenship also. Immigration requires that if you enter on another country's passport that you leave on that passport so they can clear their system that you left.

    I was in Thailand and had exceeded the time period for tourist entry on arrival. I entered on a us passport. When I left at swampy airport I tried using my Thai passport. My Thai passport had no stamps in it at all. When I tried to exit I tried to use the Thai passport to exit (to avoid paying overstay fine by using the us passport). They asked if I came in on another pp and I admitted I had. Then they told me I had to leave on the us passport and could not exit on the Thai.

    They stamped the us passport and was allowed to leave. Now I had significantly overstayed on the us passport. They never asked me to pay the overstay fine.

    I have not been able to use my Thai passport. It was an embassy issued passport (in USA). Every time I tried to enter, immigration would not stamp cuz they said I need to have an exit stamp first. But when I tried to leave so I had an exit stamp they made me use my us passport. So without an exit stamp from Thailand I cannot enter on a Thai pp, and I was not allowed to exit on a Thai passport because I entered on a us passport. It's a catch 22. So long as they don't fine me on a us passport overstay I'm cool with it.

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  13. Ok, then, without seeming like I'm attacking you or anything...you're dog got out of its caged/fenced area and ran out and attacked their chicken. Do not do escalation, because really the problem started with you...no offense. But if someone's dog gets out and destroys livestock, it is on the dog owner for letting the dog out.

  14. Not to be an attack on you or anything, but...uh...are you letting your dog run around the neighborhood? Like not tied up to anything or in a fence? It's one thing if the chicken ventured onto your land...it's another if you're one of those people that lets their dog run around freely in the neighborhood attacking people's livestock. And I love dogs and hate the idea of someone shooting a dog for attacking a chicken.

    And retribution out in the country may lead to problems...just be careful. Talk to the landowner (the father) first about what happened. My rule is do your best to get along with your neighbors cuz you don't want to come home to a war and there's no where else to go.

  15. No. It technically is not. I've researched this heavily so this is a "for sure" statement. Anything that uses gunpowder as a propellent (and even some airguns under Thai law) needs to be registered and you need permission for.

    Not to say that just because the law says you are not supposed to do it does not mean people won't do it anyways. This is Thailand, after all. You might be able to get away with it if its a single shot and you're out in the country (like don't try it in Bangkok), kind of like owning a big bike without a greenbook. I would definately NOT even try if it was a gun capable of firing more than one shot without reloading--like don't even try with a semi-automatic handgun or a revolver. Rifles capable of firing semi-automatically are definately a no no. Technically you can own if you have permission, but they pretty much never give permission for. (Unless you have a really really good reason, I know of someone in Thailand who has one but it is a really good reason.) But the answer to your question is it is not legal to own any firearm capable of firing a bullet using gunpowder without getting permission and registering it.

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