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Posts posted by submaniac

  1. I don't see the foul here. You put up an ad, people responded to inquire about the financing. They wanted a little more info but didn't want to waste your time or theirs so they write a short one line inquiry. I think it's reasonable and within fair play. Now if they asked you to forward money because your great uncle that you didn't know you had had died and they were going to transfer a $100mil inheritance to you, that's a bit different.

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  2. I seen rats the size of small dogs in Bangkok. I was surprised how big those suckers can really get. They scurried into the sewer when I saw them....the idea of what is really hiding in the Bangkok sewer system is actually very frightening.

  3. My additional thoughts are: while riding gear such as leather or mesh jacket, gloves, boots, and the such will protect you from road rash should you take your bike or scooter down, my main concern are blunt object obstacles like a post, a pole, and those high curbs they have in Thailand. A good jacket won't protect you from blunt force trauma if you hit a pole, and even the best possible helmet will only protect you slightly. Like if you get thrown and end up going head first into a pole at 80 km/h that Shoei/Arai/AGV/Etc. helmet isn't going to miraculously save you.

  4. The old CBR250RR is a much different (and frankly better) bike than the CBR250. The old RR was a 4cylinder model (not the 1 cylinder model) that used the same tech and high revving engine of the bigger cc bikes. Japan has/had restricted licensing for motorcycles and that was why it was made. It was a very high tech model that cost as much as a bigger cc bike. There is the naked version called the hornet. I have seen a few CBR250's and hornets for sale, so they do pop up. However, very rare. I personally never got on the CBR250 bandwagon. I can't get excited over a 1 cylinder, 4 stroke, 250cc. Honestly I would take one of the older 2 stroke 150cc's (Honda NSR, YAMAHA TZR/TZM, Kawasaki KRR) over those any day.

  5. The name "Death Valley" is clearly confusing or at least not strong enough to get to the point.. Name should be changed to "Death Valley: THIS MEANS YOU" (in boldcase, for emphasis)

    Anyways, sorry to hear this. I liked the actor (and because there have been no apparent Child abuse allegations made), rest in peace. Thank you for entertaining me through all those planeflights on Thaiairways where they were always playing Harry Potter movies.

  6. Yes, should be enough. I have a US license in addition to Thai (so I know nothing about the European license), and US does not distinguish between cc's, with the exception of cc's below 100 which are classified as mopeds which is a separate license (though a full motorcycle license covers that too). If trying to obtain a Thai license just bring international license showing motorcycle endorsement to Land Transport office, and they will exempt you from riding test. As I recall still had to do a color test, and something else--so I don't think it exempts you completely.

  7. If anyone knows or could keep an eye out for a cheap cruiser style bike, I would appreciate it. Am looking for something with a green book. Other than that I don't care. Wrecked, damaged, screwed up engine, I am still down interested.

    The plan? Ship harley engine and tranny to Thailand, legally, pay invoice tax, and have engine with serial number changed and recorded in greenbook of a Honda Phantom. Was going to ship portions of harley frame to weld onto cruiser bike, so that it can that it can fit the engine (yes I know you can't just swap a v-twin to the cruiser in LOS).

    Thank you.

  8. Hey Draftvader, yeah hiding...taking care of a few things so off of TV for a bit. Hope you and the missus and the little one are doing good.

    But seriously, how bad is it that you can't get 5k baht for it on TV? They're a bunch of people who go on the classifieds just to buy temporary transport while visiting. 5k you shouldn't have problems. What kind of bike is it? Pics? Now you've got me curious.

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