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Posts posted by submaniac

  1. Also interesting is the report that they were not following their usual flight path, and instead were rerouted over the restricted air-space. So one question is why were they rerouted? (or is the report true?).

    Diverted 300 miles to avoid flying into a thunderstorm.



  2. I dont blame the SAM guys, its clearly on the Flight Planning in KUL, and the Captain for agreeing with such a stupid route.

    I've read some dumb shit on TV, but that's pushing for a gold medal.

    Yes it's up to the "SAM guys" to determine what the target actually is before shooting it. And no, the plane was not in a no fly zone. The plane deviated course about 200 miles from its planned flight path due to weather, but it was still within an area authorized for civilian flight.

    • Like 1
  3. I'm curious how did you get out of this? Did you loose your Thai passport?

    They actually wanted me to surrender it at the airport. I said no. They weren't willing to forcibly take it from my hand but told me I should surrender it and not use it anymore, which I thoroughly ignored.

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  4. Don't you mean Blaise Pascal and 'Pascal's Wager' rather than Descartes ?

    No, I mean Renae Descartes theorem proving the existence of God.


    If I sent my child to a university that allowed the teaching about an afterlife or reincarnation or the Easter bunny as real, I would change schools.

    Then you would find your child excluded from every college and university in the Western world. Every school requires study of philosophy to one extent or another. Plato's Republic (allegory of the cave) is pretty much required reading everywhere.

    Science has the capability to determine the existence of an afterlife and/or reincarnation.

    No it doesn't. Science cannot explain why the universe is still expanding (hence dark matter, which apparently there must be alot of in the universe to account for expansion, and yet no one has been able to actually find).

    And science does not have a rationale explanation for the phenomenon of how the behavior of sub atomic particles change dependent on whether they are being observed by human beings. Look up the "double slit experiment". It's rather freaky.

    Look up "string theory: and see how the scientific consensus is that there are actually 11 dimensions to our universe.

    So why does the universe expand when our mathematics show that the mass in the universe should be contracting? So why do sub atomic particles behave differently depending on whether they are being observed? And why is that the the mathematical equations on string theory work when the equations take into account 11 different dimensions that we cannot perceive? Simple answer: God. Why? Because science does not have a better explanation either.

  5. This is not an either or situation. You don't have to be educated and intelligent OR have religious beliefs. Your own article shows that for the most educated profession in the United States and the world, the majority have religious beliefs. In my previous post on this subject I wrote about Renae Descartes theorem proof for the existence of God. And I would not consider Descartes a fool. What religion is right, how exactly the universe works, I don't know. I am a shackled prisoner looking at shadows on a cave wall. (Plato.) "Stanford and/or UCLA would have you enough critical thinking skills"...Response: took alot of philosophy and have been getting into Buddhist thought as of late. That's where my perspective comes from.

  6. The fearmongering in this thread is becoming worrisome.

    May I share my experience with Thai immigration? So I try to enter the Kingdom on my THAI passport. The immigration officer at swampy asks if I also have a U.S. passport, which I also have. The immigration officer says that a person cannot have dual citizenship and if you are a citizen of another country you must renounce Thai citizenship. I (while still trying to remain polite, cuz this is Thailand) respectfully tell her that she is incorrect and there is no law which prohibits dual citizenship. She gets supervisor. Supervisor says no dual citizenship, must relinquish Thai passport. So I say that this is not the law. Response from supervisor is that they just changed the law recently. I ask if the supervisor can cite to the Thai law. Response is no they cannot. It's just the law.

    Now there has been enough posting on Thaivisa, and I have conducted enough research on this point...What I am trying to get to, and what has not really been addressed in this thread is this MAYBE THAI IMMIGRATION ARE JUST WRONG AND THE PARTICULAR OFFICIALS ARE BEING A PAIN BECAUSE THEY ARE ON A POWER TRIP.

    What we have is this: one experience from one poster with one set of immigration officials. We have a poster that just joined TV within the past 24 hours. There has been no official news release by Thai immigration on anything. We do know that Thai government officials seem to have ego and power "issues".

    So maybe Thai immigration is making changes...or maybe it's just one official who didn't like the OP..maybe it happened...maybe it didn't. I don't know. But before people start trying to sell their cars, and their condos, or make plans to riot...let's just take a moment to relax and breathe and see what happens.

    All I know is that if immigration starts enforcing rules not previously enforced, the way they work is usually to issue a little press release or something about it. Why? because the people they are trying to please are not the foreigners, but the Thais and they would love nothing more than to put out a story to the the press and the Thai populace that Thai immigration is taking a stand against these evil nasty foreigners trying to invade the country. If i don't see that I don't think anything has really changed.

    • Like 1
  7. For Daoyai:

    Well what I am trying to say is that there are people who are logical, educated, intelligent, with no reason to lie. If you say "there's no evidence", that really is not correct. This IS evidence, but may not be evidence to support the degree of proof that some people require. If it were a criminal trial and you and you had an educated, not insane, intelligent person testify in court "Yes, this is the man who robbed the bank. I witnessed it. I experienced the robbery." Would this not be 'evidence'. So the same evidence that is credible enough to sentence someone to prison is not credible enough for someone to believe to support the existence of God?

    And yet things less credible in the scientific realm are not accepted as true. For example, dark matter. It is generally accepted to exist to explain the expansion of the universe, but yet no one has yet discovered proof of its existence. For decades people have been the existence of the Higgs-Bosom "God particle" but credible proof of its existence only has come up in 2012.

    For Thailiketoo:

    I was referring to the "What that means is you are not educated either formally or informally." part.

  8. . What that means is you are not educated either formally or informally.

    Well my bachelors degree was from Stanford (which is where I went to school with my friend who is an ER doctor) with a professional degree from UCLA. And you?

    And a quote from your article (which I am trying to keep within fair use copyrights by quoting only two sentences)::"Fifty-five percent of physicians say their religious beliefs influence their practice of medicine. Compared with the general population, physicians are more likely to be affiliated with religions that are underrepresented in the United States, less likely to say they try to carry their religious beliefs over into all other dealings in life (58% vs 73%), twice as likely to consider themselves spiritual but not religious (20% vs 9%), and twice as likely to cope with major problems in life without relying on God (61% vs 29%)

    In the U.S. to be a physician requires a 4 years bachelor's degree, 3 years of medical school, plus at least 3 years residency. The undergraduate prerequisite stresses hard core science. And yet for the most educated and most scientifically oriented people in the country, the majority are religious believers. Funny how that works.

    And funny how you resort to personal insults when you disagree with someone.

  9. a google search of the terms "ethanol safe for 2 stroke" pulls up a bunch of different discussions on the subject such as




    These are the first three that popped up. The main complaints are not that it doesn't mix with 2t oil, but is that it eats plastic and rubber (that is not designed to run ethanol). If you aren't going to keep the bike that long before getting the newer bike, it really doesn't make a difference for you.

    I have a 2 stroke (TZM) I have run ethanol. It does mix with the oil. What I hate is that it robs the engine of power because ethanol has less power per liquid volume than benzine. I personally just avoid it if I can, but it's because I can feel a lag in power that I do not notice with benzine. If you have a bucket of ethanol and pour some 2T oil in it you can see for yourself it mixes just fine.

  10. "But there's no proof of an afterlife or reincarnation!" Yes there is, but nonbelievers choose to ignore it. There's a whole lot of people who have claimed to have experienced an afterlife or reincarnation. "But that's not proof." Well there's a whole lot of people who are swearing it happened that are neither mental cases, on drugs, or have any reason to lie about it. Here's a story from a E.R. doctor who died and tells his story: http://www.nbcchicago.com/on-air/as-seen-on/A-Doctor--186331791.html Ths guy has no reason to lie.

    I know one of my best friends who graduated from Stanford University (B.S.) and Yale (M.D.) and is an emergency room physician who is a "believer". I actually know alot of people in the medical profession, either personally or they are blood family members. I cannot think of one doctor or nurse I have ever met who is an atheist. Those that are in a filed of medicine where they are around death alot seem to be the strongest believers.

    And despite the fact that the biggest argument against an afterlife are based on claims of "science", the fact is science really has no idea how the universe actually works. Here's an interesting article for you: http://www.netplaces.com/evidence-of-the-afterlife/can-quantum-physics-offer-proof-of-the-afterlife/

  11. Rereading the thread it would probably be useful to make expectations a bit more realistic. There's an old saying: fast, cheap, reliable. choose two of the three.

    A good old classic, but runs on gasohol. A bit of a contradiction as an old bike was not designed to run on gasohol.

    This one is somewhat doable. The old bikes will take gasohol though you may potentially need to change out some hosing. The problem is not 2t oil mixing with gasohol--it will. The problem is that the older fuel hoses were not designed for gasohol and the gasohol may eat through hosing. It is correctable by replacing the hosing. However if you were talking about a vintage/classic bike, gasohol wasn't in the scheme of things when they were built. Bikes being rated by the manufacturer to run on gasohol is a relatively recent development.

    Reliable and cheap, but you don't want to see another one like yours the same week. If it's reliable and it's cheap, other people will probably have bought one. If you don't want to see another person on your bike, then it's going to be a rare bike, and it won't be cheap. Either to purchase or repair.

    GTO, or RX-Z mostly fit the bill. But if you're wanting cheap and reliable...the bikes in the price range will probably be in rough shape and it may just be less headache to buy already in good shape than fix. Actually that's a bit of a fallacy...most of the ones ava9pable are beaten to hell. It is very rare that a Thai has recognized the future collectibility of the bike to have done great maintenance on it during ownership. When these bikes were new they were purchased as work horses, not to be pampered.

    The other alternative just buy a honda wave or whatever and just suck it up for a year until you've saved up for a real bike.

    I'm just having a hard time picturing what other bike arecheap and reliable yet still "cool".

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  12. This is my TZM 150 in Thailand. I had new paind and new body work added so it looks like new. Unfortunately the bike has been sitting (on the first floor of a house so it's at least enclosed) for a while so needs a mechanic to go through it to make sure the seals are still good, and whatnot has been done. I am selling it, if anyone is interested, and the price reflects that additional work probably needs to be done. But, as I said, the cosmetics, fairings, body and everything else are already restored and look like new.


  13. I agree that I haven't tried to scam me out of any money yet, but that was probably because my answer was not suitable for their intentions.

    Well yes, that's the point. If they did not do anything further because your response was unsuitable for them, that indicates it's not a scam.

    You asked the question about whether I would inquire about the finances of a house that I have not seen yet, yes I would. There are more people in India these days with disposable income and go to Thailand for holiday. The Russians have tried to buy up property, and it doesn't sound out of line that an Indian would too. And yes, I have inquired about finances of a house or car or other property I haven't seen. If something is interesting on Thaivisa classifieds I don't find it poor form to send a message to inquire about further information. In the U.S. if I spot a house that looks interesting, same thing, inquire about more information. If it is not suitable just pass it up. When I list stuff up for sale, I expect that I will have to answer questions from people.

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